Episode 7.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

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Episode 7.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Here is the information you learn from Miette's Journal ....

Miette’s Journal (translated from Elven)

There are many entries alluding to Miette’s life as a a rogue but they all seem to be dated several decades ago. About ten years ago, though, she apparently settled down in this grove with her sister, Onarra, a powerful druid. For a few years, the entries are fairly mundane. Miette notes when Onarra was off with her adventuring companions, and there are several entries detailing how happy Miette is about having left that life behind.

There are occasional, minor mentions of most of you by name, but with small details that don’t make sense. For example, in one entry Miette alludes to Mordai and Brigga as being powerful healers, and in another she notes that Balisar’s technical lockpicking skills have greatly improved, especially when using the mage hand spell. Miette also mentions her distaste for Bannock because he is from the savage tribes of humans to the north, noting that he shared more in common with a pack of wolves than with men. That same animalistic nature is why Onarra trusted him so deeply, though, and Miette trusted her sister’s judgement.

There are a few entries that stand out even among those discrepancies, though. For several months, Miette makes frequent mention of your companion Naziah. Apparently Miette was harboring a secret crush on him, though her descriptions of Naziah are quite unlike the man you know. Miette describes Naziah as an accomplished bard with a generous and open nature, quick to smile even in the face of danger, and a loyal and steadfast companion. As you read these entries you can clearly see Naziah’s face in your memories, with a smile of pure mirth. Somehow you feel, in your very soul, that you trusted him with your life and he never let you down. That thought makes you feel inexplicably guilty, though...

Miette also notes though that Naziah seemed to have an unrequited crush on another of your companions, Gwendolyn. And it seems as though maybe Erk was jealous? Miette couldn’t be sure because she didn’t see Erk much, noting that he was often away working on tasks for his mysterious patron. Miette also notes that Onarra was concerned about Erk. As his arcane power grew, he was growing more distant and often seemed to be cloaked in darkness. Miette didn’t seem to be exactly sure if Onarra was speaking literally or figuratively.

In another section, Miette talks about Quarion and Jareth, and their martial skill being a credit to the ancient elven traditions. Miette clearly states that Jareth is an elf, and he and Quarion are brothers! Apparently Quarion had sworn a great oath of vengeance after their father was slain by a necromancer. And Jareth apparently wielded one of the legendary elven Moonblades, which had been a symbol of their elven family for almost a thousand years! Miette speaks of her great respect for the brothers, a feeling echoed by Onarra.

About four years ago, you find more passages of immediate relevance.

Onarra and Brigga came to the grove today and started planning an addition to the cottage. When I asked what it was for, Onarra looked at me strangely and replied, ‘storage’. Brigga looked amused but said it was Onarra’s secret to tell. For all of their differences, these new dwarves from the far western lands can be just as stubborn as those here in the Central Flaness.

I’ve enjoyed Onarra and Brigga’s company these past few weeks. I enjoy my life here in this ancient forest, but occasionally it’s nice to be reminded of civilization. Maybe I’ll take a journey soon. I wonder what Rookroost is like these days?

But the addition is completed. Thanks to Brigga’s craftsmanship I can’t even tell that the addition wasn’t constructed with the rest of the cottage. Apparently the only furnishing is to be a plain stone table. I’ve no idea why, but they both insisted. I don’t understand but they’re both acting like they’re sharing a joke that they don’t want to tell me just yet.

Sehanine above! I’ve finally met the mysterious Quirin! He showed up late last night with Erk. I’m sure they teleported here. Quirin seems a fairly serious type. There was a quiet dignity about him, though. Maybe it was the silver hair. He seemed old, even beyond the hair, but I always have trouble judging age in humans. Erk was unusually somber, too, but I don’t wonder why after seeing their purpose!

All four of them were holed up in the addition for hours, talking, then chanting. Some kind of powerful magic was being crafted and when they were done, they all looked exhausted, but proud of themselves.

There was a large wooden box on the table. It took me a moment to realize that it was a coffin! Onarra reassured me that everything was alright and led me over to the top of the coffin. There was a glass pane in the lid and when I looked inside my heart almost failed me! There’s a body in the coffin, but not just any body, it’s Onarra! Which of course, means that I was also looking at myself in a coffin.

Everyone had a good chuckle at my reaction, but they all assured me that everything was ok, that this was just a copy of Onarra’s physical form, in case she were to be slain somewhere. I don’t care what they call it, it’s damn creepy!!
Over the next few years it appears that Miette got more comfortable with the clone lying inert in the next room, often talking to it as if Onarra was really there, just sleeping. Miette notes that Onarra’s visits home are getting more infrequent and that she seems much more interested in the savage power of nature rather than the power of life and growth, as she used to. The final entry again jump out at all of you.

I can scarcely believe the events of the last two days! I was awoken at night by a loud crash from Onarra’s bedroom. I rushed to the room only to find Onarra’s bed lying cracked and broken on the floor, obviously fallen off of the stone table. And Onarra was awake, but dazed, supporting herself on the table. I rushed to her side but she looked at me wild eyed, with no recognition at all! I tried to grab her, to explain where she was but she pushed me aside and ran out of the cottage, into the night. I would have followed immediately but I cracked my head against the stone table when I fell and I must have passed out.

When I awoke, I dressed and grabbed some of my old gear but she was gone. I searched for hours in the night, calling for her, to no avail.

I have only returned home for a brief rest and then I will set out to find Onarra’s adventuring companions. I fear something terrible has happened if Onarra’s clone was activated. I’m going to try Lucky Break first, since it’s the closest of Onarra’s companions. If I don’t find anyone there I’m going to try and find Erk’s tower. He or his apprentice, Ulheln, have to know something!
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Everyone should level up to 8th. And be on the lookout for pm's here on the Crier. :)
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

You all look at each other, stunned by the revelations in Miette's Journal. Your memories of a similar stone table, your missing time, the speed at which you learned your adventuring skills even though you have apparently all chosen different paths than you did originally, and the way you recognized each other at first sight. Pieces to an unknown puzzle have started to fall into place. You are glad for the knowledge, but the revelations are unsettling, to say the least.

And obviously questions remain. What happened to your originals? How and where did you die? Why don't you remember most of your former lives? How is Jareth human now when clearly he was elven for most of his life? And just who is the man with the silver hair? Mordai described someone like that in his vision of Lucky Break and so did Brigga when she found her former home. Perhaps if you could find the silver haired man, or your missing companion Gwendolyn, you could get more answers ....
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Not to mention, how and why are these portals being opened? And who is The Master? And where the heck is that missing girl from Farweald?
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by erilar »

Hmm, could all (or some) of us have somehow awoken in the wrong clone bodies, after our original selves' demise? Does that math work out correctly, taking into account the number of original genders and races?
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

After hearing Onarra read from Miette's Journal, Mordai pulls out the Journal that he had recovered several weeks ago from Lucky Break, his former home.

"I, uh, read this before but it didn't seem relevant, really, until now. Dunno. What do you guys think?"
Mordai, of K’Sograh

Moonday 17th, Planting, CY 640
If I can catch a break with the weather today (heh), construction will begin on my new home, Lucky Break! Rudd be praised!

Freeday 27th, Planting, CY 640
Maybe today, Rudd? It’s not like I’m trying to build it in a swamp, you know ….

Godsday 18th, Flocktime, CY 640
Finally, everything seems to be proceeding! Brigga and her dwarven friends have dug and built the foundations! Uh, praise be to Moradin? I guess?? That’s what she says anyway. Although that’s usually after she hits something in the face with that loud hammer of hers ….

Freeday 14th, Wealsun, CY 640
Erk might be a little spooky (STILL don’t know who his pact is with!! It’s literally been YEARS now!! Cagey basterd! I like that in a guy, but maybe it’s time to ask Grandmother?), but his summoned Earth Elementals and Dao can accomplish an amazing amount of work in a short time!! Praise Rudd, Lucky Break is almost done!! Brigga thinks that we should be done in time for Richfest!!

Starday 1st, Reaping, CY 640
Rudd save me from ever trying to win drinking games with dwarves again! I don’t know why I thought this year would be different. Every festival week with Brigga requires two more weeks of recovery! And that’s with all of the Cure Disease and Lesser Restorations I can cast!! I think I had to use Find the Path to make it back to my room last night …..

Godsday, 11th, Reaping, CY 640
Today is the day everyone else is coming to see Lucky Break! Quirin should be transporting them sometime around lunch. Hmm, I wonder if he’s going to fly them in or ‘port them in? Well, I’ll put out the big banner on the roof, just in case.

A big chunk of pages are torn/burned out of the rest of the journal.

Fireseek, CY 646
Haven’t heard from Erk sinc (burned portion)
Going to meet everyo (burned portion)
From there we’ll proc (burned portion)
Rudd, If you’ve ever favored m (burned portion)

Reaping, CY 646
Dammed fools! (literally!) I don’t see why we have to leave that stupid little nothing of a town alone!! I could claim all of their souls in a damned afternoon all by myself!! He better watch his damn back ….

Final Entry
Harvester, CY 646
HA!! I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE IT!!!! That stupid magical trap turned him HUMAN FOR HELL’S SAKE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
Erk and Amadi laughed as hard as I did! There’s no way they’re turning him back. Serves him right, pompus jerk!!
Oh hells, I have to remember to ask if either of them can turn him into anything else fun!!!
Whelp, off to hunt that damnable Quirinseyru!! I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees us again! Maybe I’ll keep a souvenir ….
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Since we're not playing this weekend, we'll say that Onarra is able to successfully disable the poison cloud trap that protected the treasure chest and is also able to pick the lock. Inside you find:

1,500 sp of various mintage
750 gp of primarily Nyrondese mintage
A set of simple but beautifully made bronze bracers. They are mostly unadorned but each bracer has a large, sparkling diamond in the middle of the forearm. When you pick them up, you find that they are vibrating slightly, and you feel a slight breeze where there wasn’t one before.

A necklace of sturdy looking, polished steel links securing a silver amulet in the shape of a roaring wyvern’s head. Looking closely you see that the amulet’s eyes are lustrous black gems. As you hold the amulet, you suddenly experience a strong shiver of fear and you feel compelled to scan the skies.
A large pearl, softly shining with a warm, reddish light. The pearl is pleasantly warm to the touch and seems to roll lopsidedly in your hand even though it appears perfectly round. The warmth quickly builds as you hold the pearl and after a moment there is a quick flash of reddish light and a soft but audible fwoosh sound. You feel … powerful, in a way that’s difficult to describe.
A medium sized lamp in the Baklunish style (think middle eastern). The lamp is dark when you first look at it but as you pick it up, a speck of golden light inside begins to grow until it is the size of your fist, providing bright and inviting illumination. As the light grows, you also see that the glass panes of the lamp are made of multi-faceted crystal which refracts the light into pleasing geometric patterns all around you.
The gleaming steel of this longsword has a golden tint to it and the grip looks like dark red, worked scales of some sort. The hilt looks like burnished bronze, but seems much harder than bronze. The pommel is a large translucent orange stone with smaller matching stones on either quillon. The overall effect is quite striking. You could certainly see this weapon in the hands of a fine nobleman. Some kind of writing is engraved into the base of the blade on one side, and the other side has a strange symbol.
You see a wickedly curved steel dagger with a blood grove running just behind the blade. The hilt is wrapped in dirty, stained brown leather and the pommel is set with a sparkling black stone. When you pick the weapon up, you feel a shiver of dread and the world around you seems to darken slightly….
A beautiful, heavy silver ring with a square amethyst stone. There are small whorls worked into the silver band that suggest winds or waves. The ring is cold to the touch and there is a strong but fleeting feeling of dread when you touch the ring.
Edited to add the longsword, dagger and that strange ring on the elven woman's corpse.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Fri Jun 24, 2016 2:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Here's the lamp, actually. :)


And uhhh, nothing should be inferred from the fact that the lamp has it's own special picture ....... :roll: :wink:
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by Fen's Ego »

Onarra would like someone to "look at this confounded dagger, while they are identifying the contents of the chest. I feel clumsy or...out of control when I hold it." But she is speaking from far away, straddling the line between practiced self-control and shock, kneeling in vigil beside her sister's body.

"Thank you for sharing Mordai. I think it's time we put some more pieces together. I don't like being tugged from tragedy to tragedy."
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Oh yeah, you also have a dagger which you know is at least a dagger of venom, and a longsword which appears to be at least a flametongue...
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote: kneeling in vigil beside her sister's body.
Just to clarify, the body is not Miette. Miette's incorporeal form dissapited when she was killed. The other banshee is the one who became corporeal again and is now covered with Corellon's Shroud.
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by Fen's Ego »

EvilGenius wrote:
Fen's Ego wrote: kneeling in vigil beside her sister's body.
Just to clarify, the body is not Miette. Miette's incorporeal form dissapited when she was killed. The other banshee is the one who became corporeal again and is now covered with Corellon's Shroud.
Well, that's a bummer. :shock:
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

Ok, since I'm not available to play again for a while, lets do some online stuff in the meantime. :)

The party is currently in the dead remains of a druid's grove, now called the Weeping Boughs. This used to be Onarra's home. You have just destroyed the undead monsters that were here and closed a portal to the Shadowfell.

Because there were some characters not present, I think it makes sense for you to all head back to Farweald to recuperate. Because you specifically looked for magic, you have determined that the chest that all of the treasure was in was also magical. You have brought all of it along with you, back to Farweald.

Farweald is about 4 days travel back through the woods, so you have time to rest and heal and identify your new magical items. You also have some time to discuss the new revelations about your nature (you're clones), and any history that you feel might be relevant. Also, look to your PMs for any private information I may send you. :)

For reference, here is your treasure:

Ufar’s Bracelets (Djinni Bracers of Defense) (Rare, Requires Attunement)
You see a set of simple but beautifully made bronze bracers. They are mostly unadorned but each bracer has a large, sparkling diamond in the middle of the forearm. When you pick them up, you find that they are vibrating slightly, and you feel a slight breeze where there wasn’t one before.
While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield.

Once per round, the wearer can use a bonus action to invoke the Gust cantrip (from EE Supplement).
In addition, the Bracers have 3 charges. The wearer can use an action to expend a charge to cast one of the following spells: Levitate: 2 charges, Create Food & Water: 1 charge (the water can also be wine, at the wearer’s choice). The Braces regain 1d3 charges each dawn.

Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You seize the air and compel it to create one of the following effects at a point you can see within range:
• One Medium or smaller creature that you choose must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away from you.
• You create a small blast of air capable of moving one object that is neither held nor carried and that weighs no more than 5 pounds. The object is pushed up to 10 feet away from you. It isn’t pushed with enough force to cause damage.
• You create a harmless sensory affect using air, such as causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters shut, or your clothing to ripple in a breeze.

The Wyvern’s Talisman
Amulet of Health and Poison Resistance (Rare, Requires Attunement, Sentinel: Wyvrens)
You see a necklace of sturdy looking silver links securing a silver amulet in the shape of a roaring wyvern’s head. Looking closely you see that the amulet’s eyes are lustrous black gems. As you hold the amulet, you suddenly experience a strong shiver of fear and you feel compelled to scan the skies.
Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this amulet. It has no effect on you if your Constitution is already 19 or higher.
You also have Resistance to Poison while wearing the amulet.
Sentinel: Wyvrens – The user experiences a harmless but unmistakable shiver of fear when within 120’ of a wyvern.

Pearl of Power (Uncommon, Requires Attunement by spellcaster)
You see a large pearl, softly shining with a warm, reddish light. The pearl is pleasantly warm to the touch and seems to roll lopsidedly in your hand even though it appears perfectly round. The warmth quickly builds as you hold the pearl and after a moment there is a quick flash of reddish light and a soft but audible fwoosh sound. You feel … powerful, in a way that’s difficult to determine.
You can use an action to speak this pearl's command word and regain one expended spell slot of up to 3rd level. Once you have used the pearl, it can't be used again until the next dawn. If the spell slot expended is higher than 3rd level, the slot regained is still only 3rd level.

Shesad’s Lamp (Driftglobe, Uncommon, requires attunement, Baklunish make, Intelligent)
You see a medium sized lamp in the Baklunish style (think middle-eastern). The lamp is dark when you first look at it but as you pick it up, a speck of golden light inside begins to grow until it is the size of your fist, providing bright and inviting illumination. As the light grows, you also see that the lamp panes are made of multi-faceted crystal which refracts the light into pleasing geometric patterns all around you.
This lamp weighs 2 pounds. If you are within 60 feet of it, you can speak its command word and cause it to emanate the light or daylight spell. Once used, the daylight effect can't be used again until the next dawn.
You can speak another command word as an action to make the illuminated globe rise into the air and float no more than 5 feet off the ground. The globe hovers in this way until you or another creature grasps it. If you move more than 60 feet from the hovering globe, it follows you until it is within 60 feet of you. It takes the shortest route to do so. If prevented from moving, the globe sinks gently to the ground and becomes inactive, and its light winks out.

The Lamp is home to a very minor, imprisoned djinni named Shesad. Shesad is very concerned with social status and wealth, and frequently asks the Lamp’s owner about his status, how many slaves he owns, how large a palace, etc.

Flametongue (Rare, Requires Attunement. Human make, House Cranden of the Great Kingdom, Symbol of Power, Confident)
The gleaming steel of this longsword has a golden tint to it and the grip looks like dark red, worked scales of some sort. The hilt looks like burnished bronze, but seems much harder than bronze. The pommel is a large translucent orange stone with smaller matching stones on either quillon. The overall effect is quite striking. You could certainly see this weapon in the hands of a fine nobleman. The word Scorch, in Old Oeridian, is engraved into the base of the blade on one side, and the other side has a strange symbol. You feel eminently powerful and assured with this sword in your hand. (Symbol is of House Cranden, Scales are from a Salamander)
You can use a bonus action to speak this magic sword command word, causing flames to erupt from the blade. These flames shed bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet. While the sword is ablaze, it deals an extra 2d6 fire damage to any target it hits. The flames last until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop or sheathe the sword.

Dagger of Venom (Rare)
You see a wickedly curved steel dagger with a blood grove running just behind the blade. The hilt is wrapped in dirty, stained brown leather and the pommel is set with a sparkling black stone. When you pick the weapon up, you feel a shiver of dread and the world around you seems to darken slightly….
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
You can use an action to cause thick, black poison to coat the blade. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. The dagger can't be used this way again until the next dawn.

Mysterious Chest??
You have found several chests on your adventures that all look the same as this chest. It is a largish chest, made out of lustrous harwood with a reddish finish. The chest is bound with brass studs and there is a brass sunburst symbol just below the keyplate.
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by EvilGenius »

In case it's difficult to understand me through the apparatus, this is the part where you guys talk. ;)
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Re: Episode VII.5 Echoes of Loss - Aftermath and Treasure

Post by Lars Porsenna »

Mordai says: "Hey guys, what's going on?"

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