Arkham Horror: 2nd Printing & Observations

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Arkham Horror: 2nd Printing & Observations

Post by NukeHavoc »

Arkham Horror went well. Bob, Dave and I went up against Shub-Niggurath, and although things got dicey near the middle (as we all had a run of absolutely terrible dice rolling) we ultimately won with a score of 17 after we closed six gates.

Some observations on my version of the game vs. Lance's:

* I think the background on my map is lighter, or the colors of the different districts are a little truer (or both), because we didn't have any confusion over which cards were which Friday night (even with a new player joining us).

* The errata has been included in my printed rule book, which is very helpful. Even better, the book now has an index. It's amazing how much time this saved.

* The game really benefits from the expansions. It might have been the luck of the draw, but we saw a few of the same location cards popping up repeatedly. While I don't think it was a huge deal, it was noticeable. Now we didn't really run into that problem when we first started playing Lance's game, so it may have been a quirky shuffling thing, but I think the game benefits from having an expansion like The King in Yellow shuffled in.

* Continuing in that vein, I think what the expansions do a great job of is provide a back story to your investigation. The core game changes based on what big bad you choose, but those are mostly environmental effects; the game's cards stay the same. Shuffling in an expansion gives the game more of a flavor, and makes it feel more like a story, and less like a board game.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'll try and be a tad more quiet as I desperately struggle to break free -- and save all creation!" -- Doctor Strange
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