New OB Guild Proposal: Final Rest

The current Blackrazor campaign.
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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

I'm up for helping on this one. Wasnt very comfortable making a mage for the Broken staff because of my lack of high level mage knowledge and just what you guys exactly had in mind for that group. This one is more my style.

Could I suggest however: If postfest is going to be a monthly topic (I really like the idea!), perhaps we should start its own forum category? That we know exactly where they will be located. For easier reference later.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Hardcorhobbs wrote:Could I suggest however: If postfest is going to be a monthly topic (I really like the idea!), perhaps we should start its own forum category? That we know exactly where they will be located. For easier reference later.
Sounds like plan to me. I could remove the "Pholtus' Corner" forum we don't use and replace it with a "Postfest" forum. I think it should be a public forum, since this is the sort of brianstorming that I think other people would be interested in (and I'd occasionally like to reference from my blog/nuketown).


Post by EvilGenius »

Hmm. I've been thinking about this a little more and I'd like to ask everyone's opinion.

On the one hand, it certainly is easier to rule this new Order is fait accompli, having happened in the immediate past, and my character is on the first mission.

On the other hand, I don't want to assume everyone thinks it's completely okay for me to just create this new guild with me as it's leader without doing any 'in campaign' development. I'm not sure how much time this group of characters will have in OB proper, given the nature of the sub campaign, but if the group thinks that it's fairer, then I can leave the creation of the official Order as an aspiration of my character and play out the actual creation when we're in OB.

What do you guys think?
EvilGenius wrote:I'm figuring that would have been done in the immediate past, right before this founding character came on the maure castle adventure.

setanta14 wrote:Another question... are you planning on this being a yet-undiscovered-by-our-PC's, but existing guild, or will it be forming in the present/near future?

The Persuaders came into existance last Dark City session at the DaggerDown in game... would Final Rest be formed by perhaps inviting those thought to be interested among the city's inhabitants to a private meeting by your PC to hear his proposal and to discuss its formation, charter, etc.? Or would this be considered to have been done in the recent past, and the organization already up and running?
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Post by setanta14 »

I don't have a problem either way... I just thought it would be cooler if you (we, if other pc's join) played it out, which would give the organization some real in-game history like the Blackrazor Guild does (our pc's becoming the second founders, and reorganizing everything, swindling the old guildmaster out of his shares, dealing with his heir, etc.).

For example, I found it very fulfilling from the role-playing standpoint to play out Salsar forming the Persuaders Guild by doing the background research, going to MEI for the paperwork, attempting to recruit members, and challenging an old aquaintance from the Sellswords for leadership. It made the whole thing more memorable.

EvilGenius wrote:Hmm. I've been thinking about this a little more and I'd like to ask everyone's opinion.

On the one hand, it certainly is easier to rule this new Order is fait accompli, having happened in the immediate past, and my character is on the first mission.

On the other hand, I don't want to assume everyone thinks it's completely okay for me to just create this new guild with me as it's leader without doing any 'in campaign' development. I'm not sure how much time this group of characters will have in OB proper, given the nature of the sub campaign, but if the group thinks that it's fairer, then I can leave the creation of the official Order as an aspiration of my character and play out the actual creation when we're in OB.

What do you guys think?
EvilGenius wrote:I'm figuring that would have been done in the immediate past, right before this founding character came on the maure castle adventure.

setanta14 wrote:Another question... are you planning on this being a yet-undiscovered-by-our-PC's, but existing guild, or will it be forming in the present/near future?

The Persuaders came into existance last Dark City session at the DaggerDown in game... would Final Rest be formed by perhaps inviting those thought to be interested among the city's inhabitants to a private meeting by your PC to hear his proposal and to discuss its formation, charter, etc.? Or would this be considered to have been done in the recent past, and the organization already up and running?
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Post by Lars Porsenna »

Completely agree with Nate. I think it would be MUCH cooler to RP the guild founding. In fact, this is something I was considering with Corash: the founding of a new guild of some sort, perhaps based on slaying Outsiders (I'm thinking of a Guild opposed to the Far Realm, or such).


Post by EvilGenius »

Well, I'm certainly not opposed to starting the Order in game, but it does mean that we're going to have to take some downtime in OB. :)
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Post by Jonkga »

setanta14 wrote:Well, Final Rest is the term for the condition that the guild imposes on undead... so something along that vein...

[insert one of the following where desired: Order of the ___, Company of the ___, or ___ Society]
I really like Final Rest, but I like "The Order of the Final Rest" even better. I'd say stick with that.

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Post by NukeHavoc »

Here's my thinking on this ... why not do both?

Right now the Dark City and Maure Castle campaigns are out of step, time-wise. Dark City is about a month and a half behind Maure Castle. (on a related note, in a bid to make the GriffCrier calendar useful again, I've added some text at the top of it that states exactly what the current date in the Dark City and Maure Castle campaigns are). Check it out.

Anyway, the Dark City crew could certainly hear about the formation of the Order in the next few day/weeks, and if Kerth was interested, he'd have a chance to talk with its founder, get more info, and Bob could role-play that.

Meanwhile, flash forward a few weeks and in the Maure Castle campaign, Bob's new character has left the city (presumably leaving the Order in the hands of a capable lieutenant) and joined the Blackrazor expedition to the ruins.

With a lieutenant back in OB (and presumably with occasional trips back by the founder) we could easily flesh out this guild in one timeline, while its leader hacks'n'slashes his way through the other.

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Post by NukeHavoc »

I did want to offer a few comments on the forming of new guilds. This isn't something we've done a lot of in the campaign, as most characters have joined existing organizations.

However, we did recently create the Persuaders as an "association" (basically a smaller, more informal group than a guild), and I think this provides us with a good system for handling groups such as the Final Rest.

So the "Final Rest" or Corash's Far Realm-fighting group could both start off as associations (which is certainly what the Broken Staff would be if they were that organized), with the possibility of evolving into a guild as their membership rises. What I like about this is that it gives people a chance to for smaller groups to have an "official" organization with some standing in the city without having to slap the name "guild" on everything.

And, IMHO, I agree with Jon -- what Bob's describing sounds more like an "Order" than a guild ... a coalition of the willing waging a war against the undead.

But I'm not opposed to it being a guild either.
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Post by setanta14 »

FYI Ken:

The "Current Dark City Date" seems to be a recurring event instead of a stand-alone place holder (it shows in Harvester 592, 593, etc.)

Example: ... r&year=593
NukeHavoc wrote:(on a related note, in a bid to make the GriffCrier calendar useful again, I've added some text at the top of it that states exactly what the current date in the Dark City and Maure Castle campaigns are). Check it out.

Post by EvilGenius »

Yep. I like Order of the Final Rest. I also like Ken's suggestion of smaller associations that aren't "guilds". I certainly think it fits what I have in mind for Final Rest. :)
Jonkga wrote:
setanta14 wrote:Well, Final Rest is the term for the condition that the guild imposes on undead... so something along that vein...

[insert one of the following where desired: Order of the ___, Company of the ___, or ___ Society]
I really like Final Rest, but I like "The Order of the Final Rest" even better. I'd say stick with that.


Post by EvilGenius »

So I worked up a prestige class for Final Rest that focuses on fighting the Undead. I was talking to Nate and Lance about it at Ken's party, and we had discussed creating a base class, but the abilities I wanted to assign work better as a prestige class, I think.

However, I can't decide between a 5 level and 10 level class, so I'm going to post both and get feedback from you guys. :) Ken, I'll post the file on the yahoo group.

Post by EvilGenius »

Ken, I couldn't post a file to Yahoo, it said the file size was too large. I think we've run out of storage. :)

So I sent you the file to knewquist@nuketown addy.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

EvilGenius wrote:So I sent you the file to knewquist@nuketown addy.
Sorry -- I didn't get the attachment.


Post by EvilGenius »

Ok. Let's see, I won't have net access tonight or tomorrow, so I'll resend it to you on Thursday.
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