Maure Castle Source Document

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Maure Castle Source Document

Post by setanta14 »

Info on Urnst Area:

Gazetteer Info:
- Duchy of Urnst, a realm east of Greyhawk, of Suel nobility, Flan commoners, and a sizable halfling population (9%) and once part of the Great Kingdom.
- Ruled by Duke Karll Lorinar, a ranger
- Main religions are Lydia, St. Cuthbert, Pelor, the halfling pantheon
- Seltaren, the old capitol city of 9800 people, is a somewhat debauched place where the noble and merchant families of the Duchy reside.
- Leukish, the new capitol of 22,300 people, is to the north(east), and is a port city on the shores of the Nyr Dyv (Lake of Unknown Depths)

NPC's in Urnst:
- Jarrean, a Diviner, is a member of the Wizardholme, the wizards guild of Seltaren and Leukish in the Duchy of Urnst. Counts Warnes Starcoat, a powerful archmage and also a member of the Circle of Eight among their members. Jarrean provided much of the information about the Maure, and the cults, and is interested in further artifacts that the party uncovers.
- Tomas Dellin, a gentleman mercenary who is a member of the Silvercloaks
- Lord Bransteen, an ex-patriot Tenha noble of questionable wealth who is trying to equip an army to fight in Tenh (now mostly occupied by Iuz, The Theocracy of Pale, and Stonehold forces)

Locations in Seltaren:
- The Brewing Bench Inn, where the party has secured a suite of rooms, is a meeting place of the cities brewmasters to discuss their craft. Instead of barmaids, the drinks are served by knowledgable apprentice brewers.
- The Imperium, a very high end dining hall with a haughty and condescending matre'd.
- Wizardholme Guildhall?

Maure Castle Dungeon Info:

Unopenable Doors:
- accessed by long tunnel north of the ruins of the actual Maure Castle
- Two large hills surrounding area, one with cave in hillside, the other with an old bandit camp.
- Blood Amniots in area, undead blood clouds.
- Eli Tomarast and a female gnoll cleric of Yeenoghu known to be somewhere below
- A flying, fire-breather Iron Golem with a crystal sword and a whip of cockatrice feathers sits upon a throne in a section of the 1st level.
- There is a fountain filled with fiery fish, and a multi-colored chalice.
- Another room contains holes, and persons entering are compelled to throw their most valuable possessions down them to be destroyed.

Cults/Info found:

Cult of the Purple Stone:
- Pool of water on second level near stairsheld visions of purple stone for some pc's.
- Tapestry found on first level depicting purple robed man carrying large purple stone over a mountain pass, looking to the sky of the Rain of Colorless Fire(~1100 years ago)?
- Found room with purple cloaks (where spectre was)

Cult of Silver Dreams: NE corner?
- Tapestry found depicts alabaster woman's face with knotwork over the eyelids to imitate the subconscious movement of the eyes while dreaming.
- Found meditation chambers with pillows and silver paint there.
- Warned by member of the Wizardholme that sleeping in this area would be dangerous, as the sleeper would be projected to the Astral Plane.

Cult of Malcanthet, Queen of Succubi:
- Found Tapestry of nude, horned, bat-winged woman
- Found previously boarded up room with DANGER sign with pink marble statue of succubus with several dead bodies around it. Causes those in the room to attack each other in blind jealousy, then statue sucks life out when touched.

Cult of the Long Shadow:
- Tapestry found cloaked in shadows, but when viewed in darkened area, depicts the somatic components of 4 shadow spells: Shadow Conjuration(4th), Project Image (7th), Shadow Walk (6th), and Shadow Evocation (5th).
- Supposedly these spells act as a key to a place called the Shadow Vault, where the cult's treasure is kept.
- Obtained scroll of the above 4 spells from Jarrean for 5755gp (942 each).
- Found smokey room inhabited by slow shadows.

Cult of Death Undying(Nerull):
- Thought to be interested in Maure Castle due to its portals to other realms, such as the Fading Land of Necros, perhaps linked to the Cult of the Long Shadow?

NPC's of Maure Castle:
Eli Tomarast:
- Wizard who opposed Circle (Citadel) of Eight [Mordenkainen, Bigby, Robilar, etc.] 25 years ago.
- Learned to be back in Maure Castle, journal refers to a "Rell", a one-eyed creature.

- a guardian demon, linked to a magical book called the Tome of the Blackheart, a Whip of Red Shadows, and a Sword of Ebon Flames.

- a female gnoll cleric of Yeenoghu, and leader of a band of powerful gnoll cultists called the Claws of Yeenoghu... their link to Maure Castle or Eli is yet unknown.

Info on Maure Family themselves:
-3 Suel families fleeing the great Suel/Bakluni Wars combined to form the House Maure, and the region to be known as Urnst.
- "The Uncle", known to be the patriarch of the family
- Afelbain, a potent necromancer
- Aeltoqq, a sorcerer
- Vexxus, the family librarian, kept an archive in the "Greater Halls"
- Also a place called the "Chamber of Antiquities" exists, said to hold great treasure
- Lowest level called the "Statuary"... an Army of Undead to guard against an unknown force is kept here

Misc. Info:
- Seekers: Guild from Yeomanry and Perrenland who sell information to adventurers. Kerfane, a leader of the Seekers, disappeared.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Thanks for posting that Nate -- I think it'll help keep everyone clear on what's what with the Maure Castle expedition.
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