November 19, 2010 Game - Evacuation of Zebulon Beta

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November 19, 2010 Game - Evacuation of Zebulon Beta

Post by Hardcorhobbs »

For those not around Friday, here is a quick rundown:

Quest Fios was called before the UFA council. He was JUST able to justify to the council his actions on Ord Brokell (with the assistance of his Padawan). However, the council leader was upset with the council's leanency and stepped down. Quest's former master was promoted as the new council leader. His first act is to promote the padawan to jedi knight.

Meanwhile, Zebulon Beta is prepping for evacuation. As BT makes preparation Whiskey shows up saying the the Bile Rippers (Rodain gang we beat in the nightside rally way back in episode 1) are shaking down all the starship owners telling them not to book any passengers. Highlife, pissed that someone's pulling this crap on his planet at a time of need, gathers up a BT security team (Baden plus a few nameless crew) and sets off to talk to Chido (Rodian Info broker, gave us the Starworm mission). Our new associate Lanigiro, who had been hanging around BT overseeing a new BlasTech shipment, decided to tag along.

As they are about to leave Zulen stops Highlife and informs him that work on installation of the new Hyperdrive is underway. Highlife, shocked, reminds Zulen that they are prepping for evacuation and that he shouldn't be working on a new hyperdrive he should be disassembling all the BT equipment and prepping it for transport. Zulen states there will be plenty of time for both... he thinks. Highlife tells him he doesn't have time for this, to get it done. With that the security team leaves for the Derosian Gremlin.

With the impending Mandalorian invasion Jolus is busier than ever. The security team, far to concerned with the mission at hand, doesn't notice it but there are a few oddities. There are several herds of Ithorians, and a Nemodian with a battle droid contingent. Lanigiro notices this and asks around. He finds out that the Nemodians are here offering offworld transport... but at a high cost. Seems people are trading them all their possessions for a seat... and in some cases even signing contracts for a 10 year work contract.

In another part of the city, Quest Fios is wandering the streets. He notices the herds of Ithorians and decides to question what they are doing here in Jolus. However, he can't find any that speak basic. He decides to start shopping for a translator... or maybe a protocol droid.

The security team arrives at the Derosian Gremlin and finds Chido. He tries to small talk with Highlife who brings up the Starworm incident and tells Chido they need to know what the Bile Rippers are up to now. Seems they recently beat the Scarbrothers and became the top gang in town. Since then they've been causing trouble and threating anyone offering offworld transport. Lanigiro puts the info together and figures out the Nemodians must be using the Bile Rippers to make themselves the only business in town. Chido then convinces Highlife to provide him passage offworld, and the security team makes their way out of the city looking for the Scarbrothers.

Back at the BT complex Zulen informs Highlife that the Hyperdrive is installed. It doesn't work yet... but it's in. He says he knows a few guys who could help, and that maybe they would work for a ride off-world. Highlife agrees, and tells Zulen to get it done.

The security team is joined by Quest Fios. He informs them that he was trying to talk with the Itorians with no luck. Highlife gives him a quizzical look and says not only does BT have a protocol droid, they have an Ithorian on staff. They could have helped. However at the moment they have to go find the scar brothers. After bringing Quest up to speed he joins the security team as they head out of the city looking for the Scarbrothers.

It doesn't take long to find the camp. There they find the bruised and battered Scarbrothers licking their wounds. They are stopped by a guard when first entering camp, but suspicion turns to cheers when Highlife reveals his identity. They are quickly taken to Boris Ledfoot, who is laid up with a broken leg. He and Highlife go back and forth for a bit, then Highlife asks Boris if he'd like a little revenge on the Bile Rippers? Boris agrees but informs them he's out-gunned. Lanigiro says he can even the odds (which he does by requisitioning some "sales samples" from BlasTech). The party then devises a plan of attack, using info Highlife recives from the Republic, on the warehouse the Bile Rippers are using as a base of operations. Highlife also has his Republic contact set up a meeting with the Nemodians simultaneous to the attack planned for the following day. They also stop by all their local business partners to gather support against the Nemoidians.

The next morning Highlife, Lanigiro, Baden, and Quest head out in their best clothing for the meeting with the Nemoidians. Before they can leave they are stopped at the gate by a flood of people. Seems Chido let word slip that BT is providing him transport. Highlife talks to Zulen about modifying one of the transports to include life support. Zulen is confident he can do it... if only for a one way trip. Highlife then approves the sale of tickets at the going rate (500 credits). The team then makes their way to the Nemoidian ship.

At the ship they are met by a few of their business partners. They then enter the ship, though not before hiding a few weapons amongst themselves. Meeting with the Nemoidian leader, they try to appeal to a greater sense of need. The Nemoidian doesn't seem to care, keeps talking about everything being legal, and how they will leave when they are done making money. The team then tries to threaten him, showing him the attack on the Bile Rippers. The nemoidian pretends to not care about the rodians, and laughs at the threats. Having enough, the team looks at each other, each obviously giving a "should we attack" look...

To Be Continued...
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Re: November 19, 2010 Game - Evacuation of Zebulon Beta

Post by NukeHavoc »

It would be helpful for me to have some idea of what you guys want to do next.

Based on your previous research, you know that Hath Gunray is part of a larger trade group known as "The Assembly", which is a confederation of opportunistic, profit-taking Neimoidians who travel from star system to star system looking to extract the maximum advantage from unfortunate circumstances.

You also know they have a large capital ship (think a slightly scaled down version of the Trade Federation battleships) in orbit, as well as several smaller shuttles and freighters that act as transports. The ship in orbit could probably take the Republic cruiser you came in on, though it likely doesn't have enough firepower to repel the entire Republic task force.
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Re: November 19, 2010 Game - Evacuation of Zebulon Beta

Post by setanta14 »

We should use our contacts in the Republic Navy to convince them to declare "martial law" for this system/sector, and sequester all ships currently in-system to provide transport under whatever terms the Republic sees fit.

This will end price-gouging, ensure that the highest number of evacuees are taken out, and while it may lead to zero profit for Binary Transports, at least the Neimoidians won't be getting rich either.
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Re: November 19, 2010 Game - Evacuation of Zebulon Beta

Post by Hardcorhobbs »

Cross posted from weekly thread:

As for my idea against the Nemoidians: these guys are hiding behind legalities. If we attack them we're sure to get legally slapped (plus I don't want to tangle with their orbiting capital ship). Instead I'm thinking we hit them where it hurts; lets reduce the profits as much as possible. First we get everyone in line to leave because there's no reason to pay the high prices anymore. All the local business can take on passengers with the bile rippers shutdown. Maybe we can find out who's resupplying the ship and get prices to increase. Perhaps even an "accident" will happen to their ship causing them to hire on some over priced techs. My hope is if we do it this way, we can persuade them from trying the same thing on some other world.

I'm also good with Nate's plan. BT isn't really in this for the money, they want to help out however they can. And what about the ithorians? Can we confirm they are on the way? If they aren't can we convince them to come for sure?
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