Interlude 15: Info on the Drow/Darklands

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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by NukeHavoc »

Jonkga wrote:So, just to clarify: we are, at the behest of the elven nation, using magic to transform into drow, then going through a gate to the drow city far below the ground. Our mission is simply to gather info and learn about the drow, correct?
In part, but the the true objective is to prevent the drow from causing a second Starfall.
Do we have any other goals/objectives?
Based on the notes you read through, it seems like the drow in the Armageddon Echo served a noble woman named Allevrah Azrinae. If she was their patron, then she is your best lead for preventing a Second Darkness.
What are the plans for getting back from the drow city?

See below.
And, is this metamorphosis permanent? If not, is there a time limit? Will we need to do anything to maintain our magically disguises? Will the drow be able to counter this, do the elves think, or not?
The metamorphosis is not permanent. Its effects should last several weeks; enough time for you to complete your mission in the drow vault city of Zirnakaynin. I'll post more about the disguise and its magical effects after this response.
I'm just asking because with all the preparations going on for the mission, and our lack of any information at all about the place we will be going and the drow there, I just want to be sure we are as prepared as possible.
Preparation. Knowledge. An adventurer craves not these things... :)
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by NukeHavoc »

Regarding the disguises, Eviana explains:

We’re not drow, how can we disguise ourselves?

“Magically. We have no estimate of how long your efforts beyond the gate might take, and the drow themselves are no strangers to deceptions. Mere illusions or simple transmutations won’t stand up to scrutiny, so our plans call for something with greater longevity and subtlety than most magics. Something more unorthodox. We’ve called in an expert to handle this.”

What about our gear? What about animal companions?

“Most of your equipment should be okay; as drow, you’ve been stationed here on the surface for a while, so it’s not unusual that you might have looted some of your victims up here. You might want to think about cashing in coins for gems, since gems don’t have minter’s marks on them. And if you’ve got anything that’s obviously sacred or holy, you should keep it hidden. At the very least, be ready with a story about it being a trophy or something. As for animal companions… again, you’ve been stationed here for some time. If you don’t want to leave your animals here, or don’t want to secure a more regional Darklands minion, I suggest you prepare a story about how you find the exotic creature amusing or something like that.”

Who’s this expert?

“A Mordant Spire wizard of some repute, and unfortunately, some infamy. A necromancer named Giseil Voslil. He is a friend of the Shin’Rakorath and has proved most useful in the past.”

How can we get back through once the gate closes?
“Another concern. Certainly, the portal won’t be functional for quite some time after you use it, and we hope to remove the link to Zirnakaynin before then, in any event. I shall see to it that an elven priest contacts one of you via sending for regular updates—if you have similar capabilities, you can use them to keep either of us apprised of your needs. But make no mistake — you may need to improvise a method to escape should things turn sour.”
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by NukeHavoc »

Giseil Voslil, a gray elf of considerable age and power, is a decent soul but has a bad attitude, especially when it comes to nonelves. Something of a pariah among his people, the elven necromancer has served as an emissary between Crying Leaf and the mysterious Mordant Spire for centuries. Eviana introduces you to Giseil as a friend of the Shin’Rakorath and the most skilled necromancer in the Mierani Forest.

The wizard manages to nod in acknowledgment, but soon after departs without explanation, going to his tent. Eviana sighs, her patience clearly strained, then tells the PCs that one of Giseil’s areas of mastery concerns the “recycling” of spent flesh, of finding new ways to utilize the bodies of the dead in methods not involving undeath. One such experimental spell Giseil developed is recorporeal incarnation, a spell that disguises living creatures with the flesh of the recently dead. Eviana doesn’t know much more about the spell, indicating that the PCs should speak to Giseil if they have further questions.

When Jheru follows Giseil into his tent to ask his questions, he finds numerous drow corpses laid out on the floor. The gray elf is examining the bodies, and he doesn't bother to look up, answering questions with in a distant, understated voice.

What does your recorporeal incarnation spell do?

"Imbricates mortal physicality with a cadaveric corporeity."

What does that mean?

"The spell disguises your mortal form, overlaying it with that of a corpse. Do pay attention."

What happens to my body?

"Nothing permanent. Your flesh and features are overborne by those of a cadaver. You are still you, but rather than animating your flesh, your bones, muscles, tissues, and mind now support a different, though recently deceased, form."

How long does it last?

"The magic possesses limited permanency. It’s tied to a focus item that, if compromised, releases the binding incantations, dispelling the effect. Should the focus persevere, it retains the spell’s power for approximately thirteen weeks."

Can the drow detect the spell?

"Of course. But not by traditional methods. The spell’s effects on a subject are momentary and the magic swiftly fades. Instead, the ongoing incarnations linger in the focus item. While these necromantic effects might be detected by any novice, Eviana informs me that the trinkets she’s providing focus items hold their own magic, which the drow will most likely overlook."

Most likely overlook?

"Squeamish already? Had Eviana none better suited to this task?"

What methods can detect it?

"Although nourished and motivated by your body, your flesh is technically a corpse. Spells distinguishing the walking dead will detect you, though all physical examinations will reveal your mortality. It’s a flaw of the arcana that I’m still perfecting."

What happens when the spell ends?

"The spell ends. The corpse flesh loses pliancy and ages rapidly, shedding from your frame as your natural form resolidifies. It’s a quick and painless transition, though somewhat messy. You’ll probably need to bathe once it’s done."
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by EvilGenius »

NukeHavoc wrote:What does that mean?

"The spell disguises your mortal form, overlaying it with that of a corpse. Do pay attention."

What happens to my body?

"Nothing permanent. Your flesh and features are overborne by those of a cadaver. You are still you, but rather than animating your flesh, your bones, muscles, tissues, and mind now support a different, though recently deceased, form."

"Although nourished and motivated by your body, your flesh is technically a corpse. Spells distinguishing the walking dead will detect you, though all physical examinations will reveal your mortality. It’s a flaw of the arcana that I’m still perfecting."
Ummmmm ........ gross
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by Jonkga »

As a follow up, perhaps we should review the info we recovered earlier in the adventure relating to how the drow brought the meteor down onto the island, in hopes that will help us l know what to look for in the drow city to help identify/stop their preparations for another starfall.
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by Jonkga »

Jheru will engage the elves (Eviana, the leaders of the military, their mages, clerics, advisors, the necromancer) when he is able to during preparations. He will also talk to the members of the party during this time.

His goal is to keep communication and goodwill open and flowing. This task is dangerous in many ways, and keeping the whole team together and united feels vital.

Jheru will say:
So, our mission is to infiltrate, gather info (as much as possible), learn about their plans foe triggering a star fall, and prevent that at all costs. We have a unique way to get in, to say the least. We will look the part, but we must all play the part. This will require forgetting ourselves to a certain extent, and learning and mimicking a great deal on the fly, as I believe the expression goes.

Can the elves share with us any knowledge of surface elvendom that may assist us? If, pardon the affront, the cave elves are closest to elves, we are obviously not elves. Perhaps learning more about elven ways will help us blend below?

Does anyone have knowledge of the Darklands betwixt here and our destination that may aid us below the surface?

Also, any help to planning our cover story is welcome. In addition to their flesh, should we take drow gear? Or would that identify us too much as those we are obviously not? And, with their flesh, will we look like generic drow, or specific ones?

All are welcome to share their ideas to aid the cause in its planning for a successful outcome.
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by erilar »

NukeHavoc wrote:What happens to my body?

"Nothing permanent. Your flesh and features are overborne by those of a cadaver. You are still you, but rather than animating your flesh, your bones, muscles, tissues, and mind now support a different, though recently deceased, form."
Phil says:

"Uh. You want us to wear a dead cave elf suit?!?! Are you kidding me??? Oh, wait. Waaaait - oh, I get it. You wacky elves - always joking and frolicking and stuff. So, the makeup artists are waiting outside the tent, yeah? Send 'em in."
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by NukeHavoc »

Jonkga wrote:As a follow up, perhaps we should review the info we recovered earlier in the adventure relating to how the drow brought the meteor down onto the island, in hopes that will help us l know what to look for in the drow city to help identify/stop their preparations for another starfall.
You know that the drow used ancient runes of aboleth origin in the magic circle used to bring down the skymetal at Devil's Elbow. Whether the drow discovered the aboleth runes and put them to good use, where given them by the aboleths, or are simply minions of the creatures, is not clear.

That said, the evidence of extensive drow research into the subject -- namely using a piece of the Cyphergate to create the Armageddon Echo -- lends most credence to scenario #1.
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by EvilGenius »

Aboleths. This just keeps getting better and better. :( :evil:
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by Fen's Ego »

Gavin's been toasting anyone who will make eye contact with him thus drawing attention to the now infamous mug, which is either in his grip, at his lips or on his hip in a specially designed sheath bearing the 'holy' symbol of his new patron god, Caiden Caylean. Should any elf maiden ask to see the dubiously venerated weapon, he adopts a rakish pose, arches an eyebrow and says, "You can find what you seek in my grip, on my lips, or on my hips." :wink: wink, 8) flourish, :twisted: smolder.

He is just finishing up the latest rendition of how Jheru coldcocked a green dragon with his lucky tankard while Gavin distracted the beast:
"...and with a resounding CRACK! the mighty wyrm's fangs quivered, then tumbled out of its maw like gleaming stalactites. But the tyrant lay dead ere they ever hit the ground."

Gavin saunters over, "Did someone say 'dead cave elf suits'?" and tips his cup toward Jheru and Phil. "This story gets better every time I tell it, my friends. I'll make legends out of you yet." He gives his mug an appraising look and adds fondly, "I named it the Dragon Flagon".

And, with their flesh, will we look like generic drow, or specific ones?
I know a thing or two about disguises, and Jheru brings up an excellent point here. What are the odds of being recognized for the drow we're...uh, wearing? I don't think it will go over well if someone kicks up a fuss because his newly dead cousin Braxblathian or whomever just walked in the door like nothing ever happened. Of course, if i'm impersonating a drow who left behind a beautiful widow...i'm sure I could think of some way to...salvage such a scenario.
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by Jonkga »

"Dragon Flagon" Heh. Awesome. :)
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by EvilGenius »

Soooo, if we're going to be wearing elf skin suits, is that going to affect our racial abilities? Like dwarves defensive training vs giants? Or dwarves base move speed?

And what weapons have we seen the drow wielding? Scimitars? Short swords, long swords, daggers? What about armor? Chain? Any of them wearing Plate?
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by NukeHavoc »

"You are just wearing a skin. Who you are remains the same, unless you choose to lose yourself in another. Your treasured skills, your innate abilities, your hidden biases against necro-magical innovation will remain," says the gray elf necromancer.

Eviana says: "As for the drow, they tend toward light armor and light weapons, but there are always exceptions. If you are prepared to explain them, you should be fine."

Someone asked about people identifying the drow skins you are wearing. Eviana admits this is a possibility. "We have taken the corpses from the foot soldiers; if you keep your heads down, you should be able to evade such questions about your identity. To be sure this will require cunning and guile. You will be in a nest of vipers, and you will need to improvise. There is no magic we can give you that will make you absolutely safe. Indeed, given the dark elves' ambitions it seems no place is safe."

When asked about parallels between elf and "cave elf" culture, Eviana can only shake her head. "They seem motivated by hatred of the surface world, and my people in particular. It seems they blame us for leaving the planet when it needed us most. I do not know that they are wrong ... but their hatred has twisted them. What we have seen of their tactics over the long years says they are wicked, deceitful, and vicious. Surprise. Ruthlessness. Self-righteous. Cruel. All these words and more describe our fallen cousins. Whatever they began as, I can not help but feel they are as far from the core of elven morality as a being could be. I know this does not help you, I know you are desperate for insights, but you face a foe that has hidden in shadows for centuries, no millennia. So little is known about our foes ... it is as sad as it is terrible to think of these fallen cousins."
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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by Lars Porsenna »

So we'll be wearing dead drow elf skinsuits. I should've stuck with Korlandril...this is right up his alley... :)

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Re: Info on the Drow/Darklands

Post by Jonkga »

Well, even disguised, I'm thinking that with our lack of info, our goal should be to interact as little as possible with the drow. Infiltrate, sneak around, try to find what we need to secretly, and then make our way out. I'm pretty sure we're not going to be able to withstand too much scrutiny once forced to talk to the drow.
I mean, sure, this necromancer can make us look like returning drow soldiers, but we haven't the faintest idea how to behave like drow.
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