Looking Forward

The Obsidian Bay campaign.
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Looking Forward

Post by NukeHavoc »

Now that the characters are hitting middling levels, I thought it would be a good time to talk about what happens next and the campaign's eventual end.

Right now I've still got a bunch of stuff in mind, and I think that between what I've got planned, and what Nate may also run, we've got enough to take us to about 12th level.

It works out well, because 12th level is about where I'd like the campaign to culminate -- it allows the PCs to have amassed a fair amount of power and reputation, but keeps us from getting bogged down in high level play.

With the campaign switching to once-a-month Saturday sessions, and with Baby Nuke 2.0 coming in June, I expect that the next six level will take us about a year to accomplish, placing us into spring 2007, maybe a little earlier or later depending on how things go.

My question for you all is ... what do you think of that? Do you see us playing these characters beyond 12th level (on a regular basis?).

What would you like to accomplish with your characters between now and then (and feel free to email or private message me those details if you like)?
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Post by setanta14 »

12th sounds good to me... and while I could see myself playing my Dark City characters beyond that, it wouldn't be that imperative.

Vargas wishes to become a full member of the Guild of Wizardry (maybe even the Obsidian Tower) with apprentices of his own.

Sir Fawkes... not sure exactly, he hasn't even set foot in OB yet, but obviously it would involve his faith in some way.
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Lars Porsenna
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Post by Lars Porsenna »

Good question. Who knows? Corash would probably be interested in continuing to investigate the Far Realm, and seek ways to permanently bar its entry. At a minimum, he would be interested in foiling the machinations of Abberrations in general (Mind Flayers, etc). To this end, he will want to continue to amass power and evidence of the Far Realm, continue to research spells and/or special magic items, and the like.

With this in mind, I can DEFINITELY see him advancing beyond 12th.

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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

I've been thinking about this with Kerth. He's a fantastic healer, but very fragile. He's gone on adventures before, but never to save an entire city district. Because of this, he's really started to find a home here. He's begining to think about quitting his wandering and starting to settle down. He'll be looking to start saving up to purchase himself a residence. I'm also thinking of opening a sort of hospital or clinic. By 12th level Kerth should be ready to settle down. For the most part :wink:

Post by EvilGenius »

I see Prug staying in the Mudsitters District, maybe expanding his works to the Warf district. But he will continue on the same path. Standing up for the powerless, providing aid and healing to whomever needs it.

He'll continue to develop his criminal outreach program, too. ;)
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