Patchwall 7, 591: Expedition's End

The Obsidian Bay campaign.
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Patchwall 7, 591: Expedition's End

Post by NukeHavoc »

On Patchwall 7 the Naga Expedition returns to Obsidian Bay. The clouds that have been threatening rain for days finally give way to a cold drizzle that soaks through your clothes by the time you finally reach the walls of the great city.

Refugees are gathered around the city's March and Krovis Gates; you're all too glad to avoid them and return through the Expedition Gate. There you are checked in by surly, distracted guards who spend half their time arguing about "taking the war to the damn orcs and burning every last one of their villages to the ground, salting the earth and mounting every last one of their skulls on a pike". The debate doesn't seem to be about whether this is a good idea, but rather, what order these things should be done in. In the hour that it takes you to be admitted, you're able to piece together that Blackrock Village -- a mere day and a half ride form the city -- was hit by orcs and every one of its inhabitants slaughtered.

Most of you are admitted, but Calarandil Tilmarion and Sir Korvacar Fawkes are detained for questioning since neither are citizens of the city. They are finally processed and ordered to check in the date every day by sundown.

The air in the city seems strange as you work your way along Expedition Street; a lingering haze seems to hang over the Mudsitters District, you can see most people bypassing the Poorman's Gate to ride through the Adventurers Quarter instead, making your way as quickly as possible to the Temple of Pelor.

On your way there you are stunned by the awe inspiring sight of two griffons erupting through the cloudy gloom, screaming triumphantly as they soar down toward the High Quarter. Following them, bellowing in frustration, with what appears to be a red-shirted rider hanging by reins from under its neck, is a half-grown wyvren.

As you watch, a leather-clad figure pulls the rider back to safety, depositing behind him on the saddle. He reins the wyvren sharply, checking its anger and redoubling its speed. It's not enough though -- a giant eagle suddenly plummets through the cloud cover, cutting off the winged reptile and screaming its own cry as it tears off in pursuit of the griffins.

You continue your trek to the Temple, where you turn over the naga tongue to the temple's healers, and are paid your 100 gold griffins for your part in the expedition.

What do you do next?
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Post by setanta14 »

Sir Fawkes would have the following goals/take the following actions:

Ask the priests he just met at the Temple of Pelor if there are any shrines to his patron Goddess, Wee Jas, in the city.

Assuming they (or someone in the party who makes a successful Knowledge Local check) know and tell him that there is a shrine on the estate of Lady Zinora in the High Quarter, he would make a Diplomacy and Knowledge Religion check (+9 and +8 respectively) to aid with the following:

Plan on drafting a letter of introduction to Lady Zinora, accompanied with an appropriate gift of some kind (dark red flowers, a piece of jewelry set with red stones, a bottle of wine wrapped in red and black cloth etc.) requesting permission to worship at the shrine on her estate.

Ask about suitable lodging, either in the High Quarter, or more likely the Shield District. Nothing fancy, just adequate.

Next, he would ask if there are any knightly orders or organizations devoted to fighting undead that he can or should register with (going for the Final Rest or Knight of the Sword angle). Depending on what he learns and what is available, he would request permission to drill with whatever sort of lawful martial organization would allow him, such as the City Guard, the Militia, one of the Knighthood’s men-at-arms units, a militant church, etc.

He would enquire about possible ways to pay a citizenship fee or seek a citizen sponsor so he wouldn't need to check into the Expedition Gate every day.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

From a meta gaming standpoint, I'd also like to know how much downtime folks would like in the city before things heat up again.
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Calarandil Tilmarion

Post by EvilGenius »

Calarandil will get some info from the other party members on where he can reach them in the future, then he sets off to the high quarter.

Calarandil is going to look for the most impressive buildings in OB, and spend some time exploring the city. He will pursue the following (I'll get skill check modifiers later tonight):

1) lodging - Calarandil is looking for a nice inn or boarding house. Preferably one that's interesting architechturally or one that has an interesting story behind it. I'll be using Gather Info for this.

2) Looking for any gathering of elves in OB. Just to check in with his people. I'll ask Corash about that and since Corash won't know, I'll be Gathering Info. :)

3) Calarandil will spend some time exploring OB's High Quarter, Strange Quarter, Shield District and Adventurers District. Specifically, he's looking for local history, interesting buildings, people of note and general feel for the influential sector of society (what they think, what they do for fun).

4) Calarandil will check in with his brief adventuring companions and let them know where he's secured lodging.
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Post by Lars Porsenna »

IIRC Corash checked on that when he first entered the city; IIRC there are few elves in the city as it is, given their unpopularity...

Corash will ask around for the identity of the Griffin and its rider (meta: I assume this is the Griffin's Guild?) but more importantly, on the identity of the giant eagle (which elves are known to use from allies and battle-companions).

He will report in to Maugniir with regards to the Naga, writing a detailed report. One copy he presents to his benefactor, the other he keeps in his notebook (destined to be a treatise on aberrations of the Flanaess). Lastly, he will invesitage any reports of stange happenings (magical conduits, mysterious gateways, strange or bizarre creatures lurking in alleys or sewers...factoring out either Prug or FOTHMA followers...)

Depending on how much downtime there really is, he'll continue to learn spells, perhaps whip out a few potions, and maybe invest in some alchemical equipment.

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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

Kerth will give a full report to Sir Peldonius. He will be sure to stress how helpful their newfound companions Calarandil and Sir Fawkes were in capturing the naga tongue. He will inform Sir Peldonius of their need for a sponsor for their stay in the city. “Though neither follow the light of the Sun Father, both are good men.” Kerth will then inquire to getting his new armor and weapon blessed by the church. He will then inform Sir Peldonius of his intentions to stay in the city on a permanent basis, and what suggestions he could give me.
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Post by Jonkga »

OK, here's what Gruffudd does/will be doing/is concerned about:

We discussed that he had been staying in Darson's Culvert to help heal folks and rebuild after the party efeated the chimera. He rejoined the party on their return trip to OB.

So, first, a bit of accounting is in order:
we had magic chainmail and psionic boots and a staff that we were going to try to sell. I believe that a buyer was found prior to our journey to hunt the naga, but i have no notes of it. If all was sold, we need to know for how much, and divvy up that loot (if already done, i need to know how much we got each).
Then, we found the chimera's hoard, which was 8503 gp, a potion of barkskin, a scroll with tenser's disk and comp lang, and a wand. I believe we gave the magic stuff to Corash, but I'm not sure. Also, how many were we to divide up that gold.
And, was there loot from the naga adventures, and has that been divided up amongst the party that was there?

Gruffudd will inquire about the naga hunt, and ask if in addition to the naga tongue, was the goldseekers party and the gems they had lost found and successfully recovered? He will ask if the party also plans on making sure all is settled with the goldseekers.

Gruffudd will accompany the party to the Temple of Pelor. He will return his portion of the 100 gp they gave him, and decline his part of the 100 gp now, as he did not go on the naga hunt. He will inform the Temple of Pelor about how Darson's Culvert had been ravaged by the chimera, and ask that his reward monies be used instead to send aid to the town.

terested in improving his gear, so depending upon the results of divvying up loot, he may have enough to investigate enchanting his armor or his sword. He would seek out Zweihander, who made both, and see if he had in his employ or could reccommend a good enchanter.

He will return to the Fireeaters, to be sure to renew his standing room rental, and he will return to the Golden Sword Academy, for both sparring and his training duties. He will be sure to check in on Drake Hawkmaus, and try to counsel him again towards patience and restraint, and away from the heady temptation of dueling.

He will also visit the Library, as that is where he does his reflection and meditation to renew his strength of faith.

Other than that, he will cathc up with his companions, old and new, and see what their pressing concerns are. If he can be of service to them, he will gladly pitch in.
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Post by Jonkga »

As for more metagaming:

Gruffudd doesnt need any real downtime (save what might be required for weapon making/enchanting for him, but that could be commissioned and picked up later, etc.). So, the needs of others will really determine downtime.

I leveled him up to 5th so he fits with the group better - pally 3 / fighter 2.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Jonkga wrote:we had magic chainmail and psionic boots and a staff that we were going to try to sell. I believe that a buyer was found prior to our journey to hunt the naga, but i have no notes of it. If all was sold, we need to know for how much, and divvy up that loot (if already done, i need to know how much we got each).
I believe we left it at Gruffud had a lead on a mage interested in psionics, but the party left before the items could be sold. I'll have that wizard ready for tomorrow.
Jonkga wrote:Then, we found the chimera's hoard, which was 8503 gp, a potion of barkskin, a scroll with tenser's disk and comp lang, and a wand. I believe we gave the magic stuff to Corash, but I'm not sure. Also, how many were we to divide up that gold.
This I'm not sure on.
Jonkga wrote:And, was there loot from the naga adventures, and has that been divided up amongst the party that was there?
I believe the loot from the naga's lair has been divided up amongst those in the party.
Jonkga wrote:Gruffudd will inquire about the naga hunt, and ask if in addition to the naga tongue, was the goldseekers party and the gems they had lost found and successfully recovered? He will ask if the party also plans on making sure all is settled with the goldseekers.
The party did find the gems, and someone will need to bring them to the Goldseekers ... and explain how their man on the mission died.
Jonkga wrote:Gruffudd will accompany the party to the Temple of Pelor. He will return his portion of the 100 gp they gave him, and decline his part of the 100 gp now, as he did not go on the naga hunt. He will inform the Temple of Pelor about how Darson's Culvert had been ravaged by the chimera, and ask that his reward monies be used instead to send aid to the town.

Iterested in improving his gear, so depending upon the results of divvying up loot, he may have enough to investigate enchanting his armor or his sword. He would seek out Zweihander, who made both, and see if he had in his employ or could reccommend a good enchanter.

He will return to the Fireeaters, to be sure to renew his standing room rental, and he will return to the Golden Sword Academy, for both sparring and his training duties. He will be sure to check in on Drake Hawkmaus, and try to counsel him again towards patience and restraint, and away from the heady temptation of dueling.

He will also visit the Library, as that is where he does his reflection and meditation to renew his strength of faith.

Other than that, he will cacth up with his companions, old and new, and see what their pressing concerns are. If he can be of service to them, he will gladly pitch in.
Excellent. I think I've answered all of the immediately pressing questions; we'll deal with the rest tomorrow.
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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

The party did find the gems, and someone will need to bring them to the Goldseekers ... and explain how their man on the mission died.
While normally I'd just volunteer corash to do this... Kerth will take the body, all the dwarf's gear, and the guild's gems back to the goldseekers.
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Post by Jonkga »

Very fun session last night! Thanks, Ken, and thanks eveyone else, too.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Saga write-up for this adventure is posted here. It's very barebones; I didn't have very good notes, so if you have anything to add, please login and add it. ... orm_Rising
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'll try and be a tad more quiet as I desperately struggle to break free -- and save all creation!" -- Doctor Strange
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