Episode 15.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

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Episode 15.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

Here is a list of treasure accumulated over the last few adventures:

From Quirinseyru

9 blue tourmalines worth 100 gp each
An ancient pewter tankard, inlaid with copper (50gp)
An old limestone bowl, inlaid with oak wood (40gp)
An ornate alabaster bowl, inlaid with mahogany wood (225gp)
A strange crystal jewelry box, inlaid with mythril (600gp)
An ugly pewter ring, set with a chrysophase (125gp)
A rough fur cape with alabaster clasps (65gp)

From Giants

From Brigga's home
Gold crafting bars
Silver crafting bars
Mirthril crafting bars
Assorted valuable gemstones (does anyone have a list of this? If not, I can re-generate)

Unclaimed Magical Treasure:
Aerdrie’s Kiss
Hand Crossbow (Unique/Rare, Religious: Aerdrie Faenya, requires attunement)
This is a hand crossbow, elven make. The bow is made of ash, and the metalwork of the winch and bows is deceivingly delicate, as you notice the metal is actually mithril, and therefore quite strong. The bow is decorated beautifully, with small silver whorls evoking the feeling of a strong wind.
This weapon is considered magical for purposes of overcoming damage resistances or immunities.
In addition, Aerdrie’s Kiss has 3 charges. As an action, the user can spend charges to cast the following spells from the bow:
Shocking Grasp, as per PHB except with a range of 30’, 2 charges
Color Spray, 1 charge
The hand crossbow regains 1d2 charges every day at noon, or all charges immediately if outside during a lightning storm.

Boccob’s Index
(Very Rare, requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This is a slim spell book. It has a deep purple colored cover with a thick black binding on the spine, and golden corner guards. In the middle of the front cover is a glowing gold rune that mysteriously changes shape while you watch it.
When you open the book you discover it has only two pages, both are moderately thick vellum and both are empty. However, as everyone examines it, Brigga and Jareth both feel a sharp pain in their minds and a strange draining sensation. You look on in amazement as the vellum pages begin to fill with faintly glowing writing. Your spell casters look closer and the pages have been filled as though they were spell scrolls! One page is the wizard spell, False Life, the other page is a druid spell, Entangle. Looking at the front cover again reveals that the changing rune has now become the symbol of Boccob. After a moment of observation, it does not appear that the rune is changing now.

Both Brigga and Jareth know that they have expended a first level spell slot, as though they had cast a first level spell. Brigga, you realize with a start that you don't know the False Life spell ....
This spell book creates spell scrolls on its two interior pages. In order to create the spell scroll, you expend a spell slot of the appropriate level for that spell. You can expend a spell slot to create a spell that you know, even if it is not prepared. Expended spell slots can be recovered normally without affecting the spell scrolls in Boccob’s Index.

Once a spell has been cast from the Index, the relevant page clears and can be used again.

Secret: You can also expend spell slots to fill the Index with spells that you do not know. The DM will tell you what spell fills the book in this case.

Spellbook that Brigga recovered from the stranded adventurers is entitled Walk Abouts and it contains the following spells:

5th - Contact Other Plane, Control Winds
6th - Move Earth, Contingency
7th - Plane Shift, Reverse Gravity

From Previous Adventures:
You also have a magical chest, which apparently you get to cast arcane lock on itself, and which apparently can move treasure from one place to another, probably as tribute to the Master (recovered from Weeping Boughs)

You have a second magical chest which looks identical to the first except it's bonded to broken-up stone flagstone (recovered from giant's ruined tower)

You have also recovered Jareth's former family hierloom weapon, Aegenthal, a moonblade. This is an intelligent weapon who is currently refusing to bond with anyone or reveal any of it's secrets or abilities.

There has been talk of trying to destroy the following:
Balrakas's bone-bladed greatsword of unknown properties
The cursed Dagger of Venom, which you found out is called the Touch of Incabulous. It's bearer has disadvantage on poison saves and has a vulnerability to necrotic damage.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs hurried away from dinner to gather their adventuring gear. As they were arming themselves, Alizar motioned to Jareth urgently. Jareth looked at Alizar for a moment, waiting for the shapechanged djinn to walk over to him but Alizar stayed put, swaying ever so slightly and urgently waved Jareth over to him. With a sigh, Jareth joined the djinn, realizing that Alizar still hadn't gotten the hang of walking yet.

"Master, I was stowing all of your gear in our rooms so that I may better guard them and I noticed something." Alizar cautiously looked around to make sure no one was listening too closely. "The bone greatsword that you recovered from Balrakas is missing, master! The last time that I can remember seeing it was on the journey from your former mentor's stronghold to the giant's tower. I hadn't thought about it since, I'm sorry to say. I'm not sure when it went missing."

Jareth pondered for a moment. "Was there anything else missing?"

Alizar puffed up his chest, "no Master. I have double checked every other copper piece. NOT that YOU would ever carry such a cheap currency, Master. I understand they are STRICTLY for your other, lesser servants."

"Okay, Alizar. Thank you for telling me. Keep an eye on everything here, ok? We've got some things to do in town."

Soon enough, the PCs gathered in the Grandwood's side yard. Night had recently fallen, and several tiefling servants stood around Councilman Haupt with bright torches as he chatted with the PCs. When everyone was together, the Councilman cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Honored guests, it WARMS my heart to see such daring, such NOBLE spirits! Take this letter to the Constable so that he knows you are working for me directly in this matter. I look FORward to the tale of your exploits!"
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs got directions to a spot nearby in town and set off, following Bannock who was holding a bright torch. There were only a few people in the street, all of whom saw the heavily armed adventuring party striding down the street and wisely decided to immediately vacate the area. The PCs turned onto the street close to the crime scene and encountered a guardsman they didn't know. The guardsman was holding a large shield and a sharp spear and called out for the PCs to turn around and go back home, on the Constable's orders.

Bannock strode right up to the guardsman and pulled out Councilman Haupt's writ. "We are acting on behalf of Councilman Haupt and have been instructed to help with the investigation and report back to him." The guardsman barely looked at the piece of parchment before spitting on the ground. "I don't read and I don't care who you say you report to. Constable Tierney said this area's closed. Now git!"

Bannock tossed his torch down on the dirt road and immediately drew his sword, mentally commanding it to burst into flame, then pointing it toward the startled guardsman. "We are going to the crime scene to talk to the Constable. YOU are going to get out of our way." The guardsman stammered something unintelligible as Bannock and the rest of the PCs strode past him. Quarion shrugged in apology to the guard as he scooped up Bannocks discarded torch, and hurried after his companions.
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs rounded the corner of a house to find several more guards standing in a perimeter around Constable Tierney and Deputy Hania, crouched over something lying on the ground. From their vantage point the PCs saw a tangle of bloody clothes and limbs. Constable Tierney looked up at the PCs and frowned, then he sighed and came over to them. "I did leave orders that this area was restricted. I trust you didn't kill anyone to get here?"

Bannock ignored the barb and produced Councilman Haupt's personal writ. The constable read it without expression in the torchlight and handed it back to Bannock. "Well, we're just about done here anyway. Take a look if you want."

The PCs approached the dead body and were shocked to see that it was the bard, Frahuel, from Shining Justice! The bard had apparently been killed by many deep claw wounds, though Quarion noticed that the claw wounds seemed to be upside-down, somehow. Quarion concluded that either the attacker or the victim had been inverted when the wounds were inflicted.

Meanwhile, Bannock examined the perimeter for tracks and found some blood splashes leading away from the scene. Bannock called his companions and alerted them to the trail. Constable Tierney called out "hey, if you're following a lead on this crime, Deputy Hania is going to accompany you. Hania, keep them out of trouble if you can."
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

Bannock led the PCs a short way east, toward the central market, and stopped at a old tree behind a large residential building. Bannock and Quarion examined the tree and found a few chunks of bloody flesh on the trunk, so Quarion climbed the tree to see what else he could find. It wasn't difficult for Quarion to find Frahuel's wadded up, blood soaked cloak about 10 feet high, and looking at the branches around the cloak, Quarion noticed several deep claw marks on the underside of branches.

Quarion brought the bloody cloak down for the party to see. Bannock checked around the tree but didn't find any other tracks leading away from it, so the PCs decided to see if anyone in the house had seen or heard anything. Deputy Hania led the PCs around the house to the front door and proceeded to knock and call out, but no one answered. The PCs briefly debated their next course of action but Deputy Hania suggested that they break the door down, and since the PCs were acting on behalf of Councilman Haupt, the owner of the building could bill Haupt for any damages (instead of the Constable's office). The PCs appreciated the practical suggestion, and Brigga stepped up to politely knock on the door, dwarven style.

The PCs stepped through the doorway, over the shattered door and saw a large common dining room with several tables and a decent sized fireplace along the back wall. A second floor balcony ran around the edges of the room with stairs up to the second floor off to the right of the front door. Deputy Hania explained that this was a cross between a boarding house and apartment house. There are several private quarters that share this larger common space.

Despite the fact that several people lived in this building, no one appeared to be home right now. The PCs took a moment to examine the downstairs but both Quarion and Jareth noticed that there was one door on the second floor that was open slightly, and both caught the scents of blood and perfume. Jareth loudly proclaimed that the PCs should search the first floor for any clues, while silently pointing out the open door on the second floor and gesturing to the PCs to quietly follow him up the stairs. The PCs saw what Jareth was getting at and prepared to follow him up the stairs, while Deputy Hania started moving around on the first floor, making noise and opening and closing doors.

Jareth concentrated for a moment and shifted into a large wolf, then silently padded up the stairs, followed by Quarion and Bannock (Brigga motioned that she wasn't too quiet so she was staying put at the bottom of the stairs). At the top of the stairs, Jareth burst through the door and tackled the humanoid form in front of him. Bannock and Quarion quickly followed the huge wolf into the room only to see Jareth jumping back from the still form of the dead woman he had just tackled. Seeing no immediate threat, the PCs and Deputy Hania examined the room in more detail.

It was a largish private bedroom/sitting room, well appointed, but spattered with blood. There were also spilled perfume bottles and a few spilled bottles of wine. Deputy Hania identified the dead woman as Marguerite, a somewhat older single woman who frequently enjoyed the company of younger men in town. Quarion looked puzzled for a moment, then declared that the amount of blood in the room had to have come from two people. Bannock noted that the single window in the room, which looked out onto the tree in which they had found the bloody cloak, had a broken shutter indicating that something had forced its way in from outside, and then bloodstains that appears to indicate that something bloody had been taken back out through that window.

Putting the pieces together, the PCs and Deputy Hania surmised that Frahuel had been here for a romantic evening with Marguerite, when something burst through the window, killed the lovers, then took Frahuel's body back outside before dumping it where Constable Tierny was examining it earlier. The PCs pondered what type of beast or monster could have broken into the second floor latched window and seemed to make upside down claw marks. The PCs discussed perhaps some flying or incorporeal monster when Brigga remembered the creature that had attacked her and Naziah previously in town, a creature that seemed to wear their own faces and disappeared into mist. Piecing together some other bits of information gleaned from the dragonborn's journals, the PCs remembered the name of Hravja, and also recalled that other sources had described Hravja as some sort of tiger-man, though none of the PCs could fathom just what such a creature could be.

The PCs were certain that they were on to something, though, even if several important puzzle pieces remained obscured. With nothing more to be learned at the scene of the murders, Deputy Hania suggested that maybe the PCs should break the news to Frahuel's friends in Shining Justice. The PCs looked back and forth among themselves, dreading having to tell the cheerful little Dapple that his friend and mentor was gone, but they agreed with Deputy Hania that such news should come from friends.

The PCs set off to find Dapple while Hania went to find Constable Tierney. The PCs quickly checked Tinker's Rest but despite a fairly packed tavern room, the young halfling was not there. Next, the PCs crossed town to check and see if Dapple was playing at Pef's, but as they approached, instead of music, the PCs heard the sounds of combat!
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs quickly ran into the building to see another member of Shining Justice, Owan, Last of the Elkheart, standing belligerently in his customary spot near the fireplace, axe and shield at the ready. Confronting him were three unknown guardsmen being led by Dunaric Hammerheart. Seeing all that they needed to see, Brigga immediately paralyzed 2 of the 3 guards while Bannock, sword drawn and alight, moved up to Dunaric and demanded that everyone stand down and explain what was going on.

Dunaric, who did not know that the PCs represented Councilman Haupt, shouted for the PCs to get out, this was Constabulary business, then the doughty deputy darted up close to Owan. Frustrated and not entirely sure why a second member of Shining Justice was coming under attack so shorty after the discovery of Frahuel's murder, Bannock reacted instinctively and sliced a deep gash in Dunaric's side as the dwarf moved away from him.

Owan seemed not to notice or care that more people had joined the fray. With madness and bloodlust shining in his eyes, Owan charged one of the held guardsmen and with a mighty blow, cleaved the paralyzed fellow in two!

A general melee' broke out at that point, with the PCs attacking both the remaining guards and Owan, sometimes striking to subdue, sometimes to kill. In one round, Bannock held out a potion of healing for the gravely wounded Dunaric, while Brigga simultaneously smote him with her fell hammer. Eventually, though, Owan was subdued when his rage wore off and the PCs had managed to not kill anymore of the guardsmen. The PCs also discovered during the fight that the guard had been summoned because Owan had killed another patron in a brawl and then had resisted arrest (that, of course, did not stop the PCs from continuing to attack the guard).

When the melee was over and Dunaric clapped irons around the unconscious barbarian then demanded that the PCs surrender to the Constable immediately for unlawfully attacking guardsmen and interfering with the guardsmen's lawful duties. With a hard stare, Bannock rebuked Dunaric's suggestion, telling the deputy instead that Farweald now belonged to him and he would root out the evil that was infesting the place.

Dunaric shook his head as he hefted the unconscious barbarian. "The worst evil that I see in town is you lot, always sticking your nose in and throwing your might around. Expect to be hearing from Constable Tierney on this matter. And maybe more besides."

With that, Dunaric carried Owan out of Pef's toward the nearby town jail.

The PCs looked around the scene of the melee and wondered what to do next.
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

This is where we will pick up with some online play. :D
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by Jonkga »

Without a word, Bannock draws his blade and ignites it again, stalking out of Pef's into the night, Cur at his heels. He marches back to the Grandwood by the most direct route, scowling and seething along the way.
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

Jonkga wrote:Without a word, Bannock draws his blade and ignites it again, stalking out of Pef's into the night, Cur at his heels. He marches back to the Grandwood by the most direct route, scowling and seething along the way.
Lol! Mmkay.

Bannock stalks out into the night, what about the rest of you?
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

So instead of wide open, let's discuss options.

1) The PCs seem to have gotten in trouble with the law again:
....a) You could go to the Constable and try and smooth it over
....b) You could go back to Councilman Haupt and see if he'll provide political cover for you

2) A member of Shining Justice was murdered, perhaps by the monster Hravja (who has been identified as some sort of 'tigerman'?):
....a) You can still try and find other members of Shining Justice (Dapple, for instance)
....b) Are they in danger? Might they know more about why Frahuel was killed?
....c) Try and find out more about Hravja? Maybe there are more clues in the old journals you had recovered?

3) You could always say, 'fuck this town' and let them sort out their own stuff:
....a) You could maybe find more info on the abandoned elven villiage somewhere out in the Fellreev
....b) You could try and find the Singing Pools
....c) You could go investigate that ruined fortress out by the location of Jareth's former tower
....d) You could go and investigate the stable, open gate at the location of Jareth's former tower

4) You could follow Bannock's lead and become the new Angry Naughty Gods of Farweald and attempt to rule them with an iron fist. Ostensibly to root out evil and stuff. :)
....a) Who would be your trusted minions?
....b) Where would you make your awesome homebase?
....c) What kind of tribute are we talking? A percentage or a flat fee? :)
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue May 29, 2018 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by Jonkga »

I'd like others to chime in before I do. I want to avoid Bannock's hot head from steering the group in a direction other players do not want to go.
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

Also, there are some other areas of investigation in Farweald that the PCs have never pursued, you could look into some of them, too, if you want.

1) There are a few things in town that you've heard about or run across but never delved into:
....a) An overgrown statue of Gadhelyn sits near the northern gate. It seems very old but it can't have been in Farweald all of that time because 70 years ago the town was sympathetic to Iuz. Where did it come from? Why is it here now? Farweald is pretty hostile to gods and magic, so who put it there and why is it still there? Are there secret worshippers/supplicants in town?

....b) There is also a statue of Telchur on the hill above the Invisibles, pointing down in eternal judgement against the tieflings in town. This statue is maybe more understandable since the Oeridian nature gods are well known in the Northern Realms, and a god of winter keeping an eye on the fiendish tieflings is thematically appropriate. But still, Telchur is an actual god, and Farweald doesn't like priests/clerics/magic. Where did it come from? Who put the statue there? Are there still worshippers/supplicants to Telchur in town? Did the townspeople really just put it there because the guy is sternly pointing?

....c) Burt, of Burt's Mundanities. What's up with that guy? How can he run a 'store' and not understand the concept of money?

....d) There's a guy who makes unbreakable pottery in town. He says it's not magical, it's alchemical. What's up with that? Brigga's Beaker of Plentiful Potions is made out of this 'unbreakable' pottery, AND it holds a minor trapped genie in it. What's up with THAT?

....e) The former herbalists in town, Hilma and her husband Martin, were killed in a fire shortly before you left Farweald the last time. You did find some evidence that Martin may have met some violence before the fire, though (his left arm severed cleanly). What ever happened with that?
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by EvilGenius »

Jonkga wrote:Without a word, Bannock draws his blade and ignites it again, stalking out of Pef's into the night, Cur at his heels. He marches back to the Grandwood by the most direct route, scowling and seething along the way.
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Re: Episode XV.5: New Day, Same Problems, Part II

Post by NukeHavoc »

This town is a terrible place, and little here looks to bring us closer to solving the remaining mysteries of our former selves and the master. If there's anything here worth investigating, it's the weird feline humanoid -- that thing might be connected to our former lives and the master. We should as the Councilman to provide political cover for us after the altercation; confronting the guards can only end in their death.

I, for one, am willing to spend some time digging through the old journals seeing if there's a connection, but if we can't find one, staying in this town seems like a bad idea that gets worse with every breath we draw.

Plus, the stench of humans is overwhelming.

If we can't find a lead on the murderous bastard, then we should leave the stinking mud of this town behind us and seek out the things we know connect us to our past, namely:

....a) You could maybe find more info on the abandoned elven villiage somewhere out in the Fellreev
....b) You could try and find the Singing Pools
....c) You could go investigate that ruined fortress out by the location of Jareth's former tower
....d) You could go and investigate the stable, open gate at the location of Jareth's former tower
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