Episode 29: His Master's Voice

The 5th Editon playtest campaign.
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Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

Post by EvilGenius »

Jonkga wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:08 amBut, as is perhaps his dominant trait, he won't be happy about it.

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Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

Post by EvilGenius »

After some discussion, the PCs have arrived on at least an immediate plan. Take possession of the Book of Infinite Souls and leave the Donjon, with the Oracle as a full partner in their newly formed Fellowship of the Book.

In addition to the Book of Infinite Souls, you find the following magical items on Balrakas and Khrytos:
The Corrupting Servitor
Sword of Draconic Sorcery
The Oracle examines the weapons, eagerly, and explains all of their properties.

Sword of Draconic Sorcery
+1 Greatsword (Legendary, Covetous, Requires Attunement by a Sorcerer)


This greatsword is made out of a greenish, semi-clear crystal, with an almost imperceptibly keen edge. There is a faint pulsing light deep within the blade, seemingly deeper than the actual width of the weapon.

The hilt looks like steel with a beautiful bronze finish. As you look at it you can see small different colored sparkles along the metal of the hilt and quillions. Apparently it was also coated with crushed gemstones. As you hold the weapon, you get a nearly overwhelming urge to add expensive ornamentation to the fine weapon.

This weapon was crafted to specifically protect and benefit sorcerers. An attuned wielder gains a +1 to attacks, damage, AC, and saves.

The wielder can use his/her reaction to absorb a spell of 4th level or lower that is targeting the wielder and is not an area of effect. The absorbed spell's effect is canceled, and the spell's energy- not the spell itself- is stored in the sword. The energy has the same level as the spell when it was cast (ie, a magic missile cast at 4th level is absorbed as a 4th level spell).

Absorbed spell energy is converted directly into sorcery points, which the wielder can use to power different effects. Cantrips provide 1 sorcery point, 1st level spells provide 2 sorcery points, 2nd level spells provide 3 sorcery points, 3rd level spells provide 5 sorcery points and 4th level spells provide 6 sorcery points.

The Sword can hold a total of 6 sorcery points. If an absorbed spell would provide more sorcery points than the Sword can contain, then the spell is not absorbed.

The wielder can use the stored sorcery points just like they were his or her natural sorcery points to power known Metamagic abilities or to convert to spell slots. However, the sorcerer cannot convert his or her spell slots into sorcery points to refuel the Sword. The only way the Sword can gain sorcery points is to absorb spells. Further, these spells cannot be cast into the Sword by the attuned wielder.

When the Sword contains sorcery points, the wielder can use a bonus action to cause it to emit a mystical green glow which provides bright illumination in a 10’ radius and dim illumination for an additional 10’ radius. While this feature is activated, ephemeral wisps of green energy continually emanate from the Sword. The wielder can also extinguish this light with a bonus action.

The wielder can also use the stored sorcery points to power the following options:

Ensorcelled Strike – When you hit with a melee attack using the Sword, you can expend 2 sorcery points to cause an additional 1d6 slashing damage.

Twinned Strike – When you hit a target with a melee attack using the Sword, you can expend 2 sorcery points to cause the same type and amount of damage to a second target within reach of the weapon. If the original attack roll was high enough to hit the second target’s AC, the target takes damage as if it was successfully hit by the melee attack.

Empowered Strike – When you roll damage for the Sword, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum one). You must use the new rolls, even If they are lower than the original rolls. You can use this metamagic ability even if you have used one of the Sword’s other metamagic abilities on the attack.

Design Note: These are 3 metamagic abilities, translated to melee attacks.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Thu Oct 08, 2020 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

Post by EvilGenius »

The Corrupting Servitor
Vicious GreatSword (Very Rare, Wicked, Blissful, Dragonbone, requires attunement by a warlock)

The Master gave The Corrupting Servitor to Balrakas as a tool to further tie the Dragonborn to his will. The blade was fashioned out of a bone taken from a vanquished draconic opponent, Quirinseyru, and enchanted by the Master himself.

Whenever an attuned wielder is presented with a moral choice, The Corrupting Servitor urges him or her to choose selfishly, with no regard to other people’s suffering. If the wielder does as the sword urges, he or she is rewarded with a blissful, euphoric state which lasts until the end of a short or long rest.

The Corrupting Servitor provides the following benefits:
• While holding the Corrupting Servitor, the wielder gains a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of the wielder’s warlock spells.
• In addition, the wielder can regain one warlock spell slot as an action while holding the Corrupting Servitor. This ability cannot be used again until after the wielder finishes a long rest.
• The wielder also gains the benefit of the Thirsting Blade eldritch invocation. When the wielder takes the Attack action, he can make two attacks with the Corrupting Servitor.
* When you roll a natural 20 on your attack roll with this weapon, the target takes an extra 7 damage of the weapon's type.
    Last edited by EvilGenius on Fri Oct 09, 2020 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by EvilGenius »

    The Book of Infinite Souls
    (Unique/Artifact, requires attunement)


    The Book of Infinite Souls was created not long after the fall of the Suel Imperium by an ambitious mage who sought to a way to have a magical reservoir. The Book is very large, approximately 3’ high, 2 ‘ wide and almost 2’ thick. The cover is well cured leather over some sort of rigid plates, and is dyed a deep and vibrant purple that hasn’t faded in the millennium since it’s creation. There are golden runes and symbols on the cover of the book, which match the golden corner covers. When in use, the book will glow with a golden light.

    An attuned wielder gains a persistent minor ability from the list below. This ability can be changed after completing a long rest.
    1) Piercing Sight – You can see normally in darkness, both magical and non-magical, to a distance of 120’.
    2) Boccob’s Understanding – you can read all writing
    3) Divine Provenance – you are protected from some misfortunes by the gods themselves. When you finish a long rest, roll a d20 and record the number rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you. You must choose to do so before the roll.
    Divine Provenance can be used once and is regained after completing a long rest.

    (Design note: Devil's Sight Eldritch Invocation, Eyes of the Rune Keeper Eldritch Invocation, pared down version of the Portent ability of Divination Wizards)

    In addition to the minor ability, an attuned wielder gains the ability to cast powerful spells from the Book, as below.

    How the Book works:

    The primary benefit of the Book is that it gives an attuned wielder 5 spell slots to use. Once a spell slot is used, it cannot be used again until finishing a long rest.

    An attuned wielder can use an action to cast a spell from the Book, using one of the Book’s spell slots. Each spell slot has its own list of spells that can be cast only with that slot. Spells cast from the Book have a Spell Attack of +12 and DC20.

    Spells cast from the Book are cast at their lowest level by default but can be cast as a higher level spell IF there is a higher level spell discovered in that Slot’s spell path. For example, a 1st level spell in Spell Slot 1 could be cast as a 4th level spell IF Spell Slot 1 had a discovered 4th level spell.

    If the attuned wielder knows metamagic abilities, they can be applied to spells cast from the Book. Spells from the Book cannot be converted to spell points, nor can spell points be used to replenish spell slots in the Book.

    Once a spell is used, roll a d6. On a roll of a 1 or 2, that spell’s power source inside of the Book is consumed and that spell no longer appears as an available spell for that spell slot. Once a spell slot has been used to cast a spell from the Book, that spell slot is unavailable until the following dawn.

    Open spell slots can be filled by Feeding the Book, as described below.

    Spells in Book Now

    Level..........Spell Slot 1..........Spell Slot 2..........Spell Slot 3..........Spell Slot 4..........Spell Slot 5

    Cantrip.......Thorn Whip..........Spare the Dying.....Mage Hand..........Guidance.............Message

    1st............Cure Wounds.........Zephyr Strike........Hail of Thorns......Searing Smite........Burning Hands

    2nd...........Mirror Image..........Blank...............Aid..................Lesser Restoration....Barkskin

    3rd...........Blank...................Lightning Bolt.......Sending.............Prot fr Energy.........Blank

    4th...........Divination.............Blank.................Blank................Blank...................Death Ward

    5th...........Blank...................Blank..................Blank...............Legend Lore..........Blank

    6th....Globe of Invulnerability.... Blank.................Wall of Thorns....Blank...................Blank

    7th...........Blank...................Divine Word.........Blank................Teleport...............Blank


    Last edited by EvilGenius on Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by EvilGenius »

    Gathering your treasures (The Book of Infinite Souls, the Sword of Draconic Sorcery, The Corrupting Servitor, and the Prison of Zagig with the dragon Valos trapped inside), you all gather to concentrate on forming a portal out of the Donjon. After a few minutes of trying, you are able to use your connection to the Well of the Worlds inside of the Book to form a portal leading back to the Warlock's Tower, though iridescent bands of color continually criss-cross the portal.

    The Oracle smiles a crooked, toothy smile at you and says, "heh. As proof of my good intentions, heh! Partners!! HaHAHAHA!!! Heh. Here, I will feed the Book to allow us to escape the Donjon unharmed. Heh!! Bad partnership if we all die as soon as forming it, heh? HaHA!!"

    With that, the Oracle unties the ungainly sack at his belt and pulls out several items that are too large to actually fit in the bag. You recognize two of the Master's Chests, plus a suit of exquisite chain mail, and a magical staff that looks like a golden sunbeam. The Oracle puts the items into a small heap and then touches them with one of the several amulets he wears. The amulet flashes with a grey/green light and the items quickly fade from view and the multicolor bands of energy disappear from the Portal, affording you a clear view of the top of the Warlock's Tower.

    "Heh! Quickly, quickly, through the Portal and our escape is complete!"

    All of you quickly jump through the open portal, unsure of how long the Book stays satiated. With the now-familiar gut wrenching feel of being pulled like taffy, you stumble out of the portal back onto the empty top of the Warlock's Tower. You see the fallen bodies of your enemies, Khrytos and Balrakas, though your own bodies are no longer there (after being brought back to life by Quirinseyru's Wishes).

    You take a moment to assess your surroundings, the weird lights still float in the sky overhead and down the sides of the Tower, when all of you have the terrifying sense that you are no longer alone. As one, your gazes are all wrenched to a certain spot of darkness at the edge of the Tower.

    (more soon)
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by EvilGenius »

    The darkness at the edge of the Tower parts like a curtain, revealing a statuesque woman of exquisite beauty. She has long, wavy dark red hair and pale skin, with sharp features that give you the impression that she is perpetually judging you. She is wearing a regal black gown with a high neck and cut out shoulders, against which sparkles a platinum necklace adorned with huge rubies and a supporting an amulet displaying a fist sized ruby worked in the shape of a skull. Though you don't see anything, a sense of Power radiates from her. Power, and Anger. With all that you've been through up on your adventures in two lifetimes, NOW you understand the meaning of fear.

    Her gaze pierces your very soul and you have the terrifying feeling that all of her Power and Awareness and Displeasure is focused on you and you alone in the whole world. You feel as though you are less than nothing in her gaze, even as a thrum of Power ripples through all of you and you understand in the depths of your souls that you stand before a Goddess. And she is furious with you.

    The Goddess opens her mouth to speak but you don't hear words, you don't even hear words in your head like when the Oracle speaks to you telepathically. You simply understand what Wee Jas wants you to know, without the rudimentary and imperfect translation of mortal language.

    You have all understand that you have offended Wee Jas tremendously by bringing the Terrible Book out of its Celestial Prison, and she is not about to let it go free to plunder souls and magic across the Flanaess again. Unnecessarily, she raises her hand toward you, and again you simply understand without language that though your time is done, she will see your souls sheparded to their correct destinations in the afterlife. It offers some small comfort in the face of annihilation.

    Then a jovial voice unexpectedly breaks the mood. "Oh, lay off the dramatics, Weej. And, for the Gods' sake, stop SoulSpeaking and just use your words, like a normal pissed off deity." You all look in astonishment at that short round man pushing through you to stand between you and Wee Jas. The man has wispy hair pointing in several directions, and though it certainly isn't tidy, you cannot rightfully call it disheveled either. It is, you realize, simply Chaotic.

    The man looks back at you and you see his clothing is similarly Chaotic, but the effect is still impressive, perhaps even Glorious. There is a rune embroidered in the strange fellows clothes, though it appears in different places when you try to study it too closely. You are sure that the symbol is two parallel zig zag shapes, though. "Wow, you guys and girls, and, uhh, eye thing, there, really brought the Book out to play, huh? So whatcha' going to do with it, hmm? Conquer huuuge tracts of land? Huh? Start an Empire or something?

    A loud voice rings out with the fury of an uncontrolled inferno, undercut with the chill of the grave, "they will do NO such thing, Zagig!! The Book cannot be left in mortal hands! It will be destroyed this time, for good!!"

    Zagig turned to look at WeeJas as she spoke, then half turned and spoke out of the side of his mouth toward you while still keeping an eye on the Goddess of Death and Magic. "Oooo, she's doing the spooky voice now. I've got to be honest, that one gives me the shivers a bit. In a good way, if you know what I mean." Then he winks at you.

    "You misfit of a wizard, you impertinent imp! Stand aside or ..."

    "Or nothing, WeeJas. We will settle this peacefully, as we did before." Another man is suddenly just there, at another edge of the Tower. He is tall and thin with white hair, neatly pulled back away from his face. He is wearing deep purple robes with golden runes that seem to shift and gently flare with light, and he leans slightly on a tall staff, topped with a symbol that you have seen before, a golden pentagram with an open eye in the middle.

    Zagig offers a courtly bow in the man's direction. "My Lord Boccob". Boccob nods to Zagig and walks over to all of you and takes the Book out of your hands, all without actually seeming to notice any of you at all. Boccob hums to himself absentmindedly as he turns the Book over in his hands, then flips through the pages absently.

    "Lord Boccob, the agreement was that the Book was to be sealed away in the Celestial Prison. Now that it has been removed, we must come to a new accord", WeeJas stated in a matter of fact tone that would brook no contrary opinions. At least from mortals.

    Boccob turned to look at the Goddess, unperturbed, as he slipped the Book back into your hands. "Yes, WeeJas, it is time for a new agreement. As before, I will not countenance your destruction of a powerful magical item dedicated to me as an offering, no matter how upset you are that Kossoth turned away from you and instead took up my service."

    Your attention was again drawn to another point around the edge of the Tower as the night sky itself seemed to coalesce into the form of a middle aged man whose skin was a perfect jet black, wearing jet black robes filled with stars that you aren't sure ISN'T actually a piece of the night sky. And although everything about the man and his robes are jet black, your eyes have no trouble at all seeing every detail of his face and adornment clearly and sharply. You have no trouble hearing the man's soft, whispery voice as he comments, "Speaking of Arrangements, you are violating a far more important deal right now WeeJas. Best we end this quickly and retire from Oerth." The man looks at all of you, "So you entered and then were able to leave my prison plane, hmm?" You feel more than see a twinkle in his eye (or was that mearley a star in the night sky?) and a slight grin tug at the corner of his mouth. "Well, I suppose that was all according to the agreement, as well, WeeJas. There had to be a chance to get it out, remember?"

    "I remember, Lord Celestian, but I thought your work to be more secure that it obviously was."

    "That's not strictly fair, Mistress", chimed in Zagig. "I mean, look at what had to happen in order to get to this point. Pretty unlikely, wouldn't you say?" Zagig nodded amiably to Celestian. "Good to see you, my Lord." Celestian smiled and nodded at Zagig and Boccob, whose attention was still on WeeJas.

    Zagig continued to no one in particular, "still though, the question remains, what to do with it now that it's out, hmm?" Suddenly Zagig whips around to face all of you and in his gaze you see stern clarity, like the calm eye in a hurricane of madness. "Well, what about it? What exactly is it that YOU intend to do with the Book?"

    For a moment, none of you can muster the courage to speak, especially when Lord Boccob slowly turns his head and seems to actually perceive your existence for the first time. After a moment, WeeJas utters and exasperated sigh. "I'll just read their intentions in their souls and ..."

    "Noooot too fassssst, with that, my dear. Some secrets here are not yooooours to know." A raspy voice shivered your souls, like a cold wind over dry leaves. Against your better judgement, you turned to your left and saw a gaunt, dead figure, missing an Eye and his left Hand. The other Gods all shuddered in revulsion and annoyance at the new arrival. Boccob spoke first, seemingly the least perturbed by the grotesque form. "Vecna. Then this creature is yours?" Boccob waved vaguely in the direction of the Oracle.

    "Yeeessss. Little Chebka here has been made a full partner with a claim on your wondroussssss Book, "Lord" Boccob. The dwarven mage gave her worrrrrrdddd. And, of course, ssssneaky Chebka here", the raspy voice somehow managed to fill the word 'sneaky' with approval, "still has the wrym in Zagig's pretty little cage".

    The Mad Mage fixed the Oracle with a wry smile. "Ahh, well done, lad, well done! Ha!"

    A brilliant golden light illuminated the top of the Tower for a second as a brown skinned man with golden hair and a pure, radiant white robe stepped into the circle of deities, and simultaneously, a small leaf seemed to grow, bloom into a slender oak, out of which a slim, green elven form emerged. Pelor spoke first, in a firm and kind voice. "And this one, Bannock, is one of my flock. No offense, but he is not subject to your judgement, WeeJas". Celestian looked at Bannock with a slightly puzzled expression, and you notice that Pelor's warm radiance has not illuminated the black figure in the least. "He seems a bit ... angry, for one of yours, Pelor".

    The Sun God threw his head back to let out a hearty and kind guffaw. "HA! The Sun's light can Burn just as easily as Illuminate, Celestian. He is mine, and I am proud of his work."

    The green skinned elf next to Pelor nodded to Quarion. "This one's roots reach deep and mingle with mine in Arvandor. I see you, Quarion, and name you OakenHeart."

    Boccob looked at all of his fellow deities, even Vecna, then back to WeeJas. "My Lady, we all appear to have a stake in this matter. I am sure that we can come to a mutually satisfactory arrangement. I am inclined to see the Book freed of its Prison after these millenia."

    WeeJas looks at all of you again and asks, "well, mortals, tell us of your plans for such a powerful, and terrible, artifact."

    The party may respond now.
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by Jonkga »

    Bannock will immediately sheathe his sword and drop to a knee, eyes downcast and deferential, stammering a response, clearly in awe of those assembled. He begins to speak falteringly, and does not look about to his audience or his companions until he finishes.

    "Sun Father, gathered host, I, er, I mean, we, well, we haven't had the time to, how would you say, finalize a plan. Not exactly.

    With the greatest of respect for, well, umm, all of you (most?) gathered here, I know we may not be worthy of your continued, err, regular notice, especially, well, maybe those of you who aren't, umm, actively revered among our party.

    We set out selfishly to find out what became of our original bodies, not remembering how we came to these clone forms. As we learned more about what had befallen, umm, what we had done, previously, in and around this town of Fareweald, our one constant goal has been the removal of the evil that has its grip on this area and the people within. Even, ahh, when maybe they weren't sure they needed, or indeed wanted, such assistance.

    We uncovered much evil, but also some very good souls. I, for one, and my companions as well, err, mostly, only sought to rectify our past mistakes, and to vanquish the evil if we could.

    We learned of this, ahh, dragon, and set our sights on defeating it. Our only real thoughts on this book and, err, the place it was kept, was simply as things to be overcome in defeating this foe, and things that, as we learned more, should be destroyed. We meant no disrespect, and certainly weren't trying to overturn your work or your judgement, umm, certainly not as an affront to any (most?) of you.

    Certainly my wish for so evil a tome would be its destruction, preferably burning it in Holy Sunfire. The protection of those of this plane drives my desire, and I have seen this book largely result in great evil inflicted on the mortals of this place. I admit, my companions might not all be so quick to destroy it.

    At the very least we had discussed becoming the book's, well, protectors, as it were. To ensure that no one could use the book. Especially not for evil or nefarious purposes."

    At this point Bannock's speech trails off, and he sighs, as if resigned to whatever fate the Gods decree.
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by EvilGenius »

    There is silence for a moment atop the Tower. Then WeeJas tilts her head back slightly to stare imperiously at Boccob. "The mortals' first instinct was also the destruction of this Book. I continue to assert that Kossoth's Abomination should be destroyed, lest it overwhelm the fragile balance of Oerth."

    Pelor nods along with WeeJas as she speaks. "I agree with WeeJas that this Book would be a scourge upon Oerth were it to be released, free to consume as many souls as it encounters." Pelor's calm voice soothes all of your souls like a perfectly warmed hot bath soothing sore muscles. "However, Mistress, I remind you that we are all bound by a much greater pact, and may not directly act on this plane, say, by directly killing mortals with whom we disagree, or destroying items holy to other Powers."

    WeeJas shoots a haughty look back at Pelor. "Do you trust your human to defend and protect the Book, then? Against all who may come and try to claim it? Even his own companions?"

    Pelor smiles broadly at this. "I do, Mistress. Bannock has the Fire in him."

    Boccob speaks up at this. "Whether we have faith in THEM is irrelevant, in any case. We are forbidden from taking direct action. These mortals possess my Book, freely. Their actions, and the attendant consequences, are theirs now."

    Boccob turns to regard the PCs again, renewing the desire to squirm under his gaze as a worm would under a magnifying glass. "Besides, with the addition of Vecna's creature, it seems to me that the mortals are at least somewhat balanced among themselves. A dwarf, elves, a human, and the nothic. Those who revere the gods and those who do not. Those that plumb the arcane, those that perfect the martial, those that revere the Natural Order. Law, Chaos, and Neutrality. Selfishness and selflessness. Good and Evil." Boccob turns away from you and shrugs. "We could do worse, in choosing Guardians. It is certainly better than leaving it in the clutches of that Fae Wrym."

    Rillifane speaks up, his voice surprisingly deep and rich. "Your words are wise, Lord Boccob, though I note that the magical might afforded by the Book is considerable, and as we have seen before, easily tempts mortals to ever greater feeding to maintain and increase the Books magical might. Is there a way to perhaps temper the power of the Book, thus reducing the temptation to feed it so often?"

    The terrifying whisper again escapes from the shadowy lich standing apart from the other deities. "Yesssss, 'Lord' Boccob. Tell usssss. Is it posssible to adjust this wonderful creation? What effect would that have on the Books interaction with your Realm, I wonnderrrr?"

    Boccob's form betrays no emotion though you all feel his exasperation and displeasure at Vecna's question. "Adjustments are ... possible, I suppose. However, it cannot be done with a creature already attuned to it. The Fae Wyrm will have to be dealt with first."

    The collected host of deities all turn their gazes back upon the PCs, expectantly. Zagig leans toward you and mutters conspiratorially, "wow, no pressure, right" and shoots you an amused wink.
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by NukeHavoc »

    Brigga looks around the room, shaking her head and muttering to herself. Human gods. Typical. Moradin grant me strength...

    "Aye, ye could destroy it, and it would remove a great deal of mischief from this reality. But I gave my word to -- Chebka was it? -- that we would share in the tome if he aided us in besting the dragon. A dwarf does not go back on her word, though given the Oracle's patron, I'm sorely tempted."

    "Truth be told, when we discussed what to do with the book, destroying it always seemed a poor choice to me simply because the destruction of an artifact such as this seems fraught with peril, if not doom. The magics bound up in it are incomprehensible to mortals such as we. To think anyone less than Moradin himself could unmake such a thing safely is hubris of the highest order."

    "Of course, that was before the best and brightest of human divinity arrived to debate the things fate. If you could unmake it, or tell us a surefire way to do so, then that appeals to me. Such arcane power will always be a threat to the multiverse, no matter who's ego it bolsters."

    "But if it can not be unmade, then it had best be protected. You built an elaborate prison for the book, but it was undone by creatures less divine than yourself. At the end, cleverness wasn't enough; the book needed to be defended from mortals *by* mortals."

    "Thus our proposal that we forge a new fellowship to protect the book from forces such as the Master who seek to use its power to terrible ends. "As the human god of books observes, a diverse fellowship of mortals may succeed where the clockwork schemes of gods failed."
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by Fen's Ego »

    Onarra stands off to one side with her arms crossed tightly about her chest, fingers biting into her skin. She looks like she's either holding herself together or holding herself back. Her eyes, however, could burn holes in the sun as they regard the assembled deities. When the eruption comes, it's laughter sculpted from rage.

    "I heard a story once. There was a small village, deep in the woods, cut off from their neighbors by great leagues. They took care of themselves and needed no one. At the center was a cage, and in the cage was a hungry tiger. Over the years, the villagers moved on to other places. No one said it was because of the tiger. Finally, only one family remained, and a hungry tiger in a cage. They took care of themselves and needed no one."

    "Eventually, the mother and father left the brother and sister alone with the tiger in his cage. They took care of themselves and needed no one. When the day came that they found the cage open, the brother and sister slew the hungry tiger, lest it slay them. The next day, their family returned followed by the rest of the village. 'What have you done?' they shouted. 'You must be punished,' they judged." Onarra's posture softens as she trails off.

    "I've heard two endings to this story. Both are awful."

    When she looks at the gods again, she is centered. Calm. "You are the most beautiful and terrible creatures I've ever beheld. And yet...." She looks like she would say more, but she just shakes her head and walks away.
    Last edited by Fen's Ego on Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by Upweekis »

    Quarion reverently bows towards Rillifane. Averting his eyes, he says, “Leaflord, you honor me. It is true what they have said. We could not leave the book in the don jon because if we were able to access it, so could others with bad intent. We intended to remove and protect the book ourselves so that it could not be used for evil again. We swore oaths and formed a fellowship to do this and I feel I must keep this oath, even though my real desire is to return to the deep forest. Might I ask if it is possible that the book’s magic be attuned to the entire fellowship so that it would take the free will of all members of the fellowship to use the book?”
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by NukeHavoc »

    Upweekis wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:56 pm Quarion reverently bows towards Rillifane. Averting his eyes, he says, “Leaflord, you honor me. It is true what they have said. We could not leave the book in the don jon because if we were able to access it, so could others with bad intent. We intended to remove and protect the book ourselves so that it could not be used for evil again. We swore oaths and formed a fellowship to do this and I feel I must keep this oath, even though my real desire is to return to the deep forest. Might I ask if it is possible that the book’s magic be attuned to the entire fellowship so that it would take the free will of all members of the fellowship to use the book?”
    Good question!
    "Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'll try and be a tad more quiet as I desperately struggle to break free -- and save all creation!" -- Doctor Strange
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    Re: Episode 29: His Master's Voice

    Post by EvilGenius »

    Rillifane looks inquisitively toward Boccob. When he speaks, his voice calls to mind a babbling brooke. "Lord Boccob, what say you? Releasing your Book onto an unsuspecting Oerth clearly is drawing some opposition from those gathered here and, we can presume, among those not gathered here. If you would consent to an adjustment, perhaps the matter could be settled amicably?"

    Boccob stares back at Rillifane for a moment, the replies calmly. "I will not condone changes which make the Book completely unusable or useless. I had already conceded previously to taking it out of the world altogether, and only then if a chance remained for enterprising mortals to recover it. It was agreed upon that the chance should exist. Now that that someone has succeeded, I see no reason to again compromise my position."

    Pelor nods to WeeJas, who shifts her piercing gaze back to Boccob. "Lord Boccob, Pelor and I have a proposal which may be more to your liking. Our objection to the Book is not based on the magic that it brings into the world, but rather the souls that it consumes, preventing them from reaching their normal judgement. These mortals possess items which, when combined with other magical items previously drained into your Book, would prevent the destruction of souls within the Book, but allow the Book to continue to be powered by drained magical items." WeeJas is silent for a moment, though you vaguely sense some communication between the two gods.

    Boccob looks thoughtful, then turns to look at the PCs again. "I would agree to such a plan, and, in response to Lord Rillifane, I believe that we could also adjust some parameters of the Book to allow for a dilution of its potency, though it would not be a fundamental change." Boccob looks at all of the other deities gathered and nods. "It is agreed. When the wrym is dealt with, these mortals can enact your plan to safeguard the Heart. Then I will adjust the attunement. And now, I believe we have tarried here long enough. We have already drawn great attention, it is time to depart."

    The others all nod their agreement. WeeJas turns and steps off the Tower, the night sky parting and closing behind her like an elegant curtain. The stars in Celestians raiment shine brightly then shoot back into the night sky to resume their accustomed places in the firmament. Boccob motions to Zagig to accompany him and the two are simply no longer there. Rillifane raises a hand in farewell and steps back into the slender oak that grew on the tower top when he arrived, and the slender tree shrinks back down into a single leaf, then out of sight completely.

    Pelor remains for a moment longer, staring unperturbed at Vecna. "After you, lich lord. And mind, I will be vigilant for any trickery on your part."

    Vecna stares pure hatred at Pelor, then haughtily turns away and bursts into a thousand buzzing, flying beetles which quickly disperse into the night.

    Pelor turns to Bannock, "please tell your companions the plan, Bannock. And good luck, my son. Keep a stout heart and spread the light." With that, there is a small flash of light and warmth, then Pelor, too, is gone from the Tower.

    You mortals feel at once relieved and bereft of their presence.
    Another daring escape for the intrepid Spaceman Spiff!
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