Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

The 5th Editon playtest campaign.
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Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Just to clear up some logistics before Sunday's adventure, I'm going to summarize here.

The Gods have tasked you with defeating the dragon in order to fully claim the Boccob's Book of Infinite Souls, so that your newly formed Fellowship may begin to safeguard the Book from nefarious use.

Your intention is to feed the dragon into the Book, then to physically travel to the dimension inside of the Book, fight the dragon and ensure that the dragon's soul is consumed by the Book's Heart of Darkness (the Sphere of Annihilation). Beyond that, Bannock will explain the scheme that Pelor and WeeJas communicated to him, which you heard Boccob agree to.

You are currently on top of the Warlock's Tower, with the strange glowing bands of energy still above you and around the Tower. You can take this time to rest and prepare back to full health, all abilities will be at full capacity, you can choose your complete spell compliment and attune to whichever magical items you would like to use. The level directly below you in the Tower is the large alchemy lab, if you would prefer to do all of that indoors.

Those of you who were in the Book before had recovered some magical items, in addition to the your magical items which were drained into the book with you. Due to the properties in the Book (the magical items being reduced to pure magical energy which then mingled with your disembodied souls), one of those items, of your choice, will no longer require attunement, and cannot be used by anyone else (the item will cease to function for anyone but you).

Please review your magical items, decide which item no longer requires attunement, and make sure you know what resources you have.
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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs rested and prepared, then went to the top of the Warlock's Tower and used their Portal ability to open a portal into the interior of the Book of Infinite Souls.

Once there, Bannock informed everyone that for 'reasons', he wanted to find a powerful magical item that was consumed by the Book long ago; The Branch of Life, supposedly cut from Yggdrasil itself. Brigga was able to use Legend Lore to learn more about the Branch of Life (a Rod of Resurrection) and then use Locate Object to direct everyone toward it.

As the PCs made their way through the library, some things happened that hadn't happened before. In one room that the PCs moved through, one of the spell books came to life and cast Evard's Black Tentacles on the PCs. The slimy, rubbery tentacles battered the party a bit before Onarra dispelled the effect.

In another location, when jumping the gap between rooms, harpies flew up from the darkness below and attacked the PCs. Bannock was unaffected but Onarra, wildshaped into a small bird, was snatched by a harpy, who did enough damage to the bird form to force Onarra back into elven form. Surprised, the harpy dropped Onarra, who quickly fell out of sight into the darkness below.

When he realized what happened, Quarion leapt into the darkness after Onarra, using his Wings of Flying to chase after the falling elf, while Brigga used her Hammer to slay the harpies, whose forms lost integrity, elongated, and shot off toward the Heart of Darkness (sphere of annihilation). Quarion quickly flew into a magical darkness and silence, which lasted for about 30', then he flew out and saw a cavern floor with huge tunnels around the perimeter. Onarra was crouched in the center of the cavern listening for something. Quarion noted that a sound like rock scraping against rock came from one of the tunnels, then a faint orange glow began to grow in the same tunnel. Onarra quickly hid in the mouth of another tunnel as a gigantic, putrid worm shot out of the tunnel, extending upwards to crunch it's massive jaws down onto the still flying Quarion. Disgusting flagellum ringing the worm's maw flailed at Quarion, secreting a burning acid wherever they touched. Onarra lept from hiding and stabbed the worm while Quarion cast Sanctuary on himself in order to make the worm lose track of him.

Up top, the Oracle went to the edge and looked down thoughtfully. "Heh hrrrrmm. HaHaaa!! Hellworms down there. Very dangerous. Native to Cania, Mephistopheles realm. Eat magic, eh? Heh! Help prevent magical catastrophes from going unchecked. Think that down there could actually be part of Cania. This up here though, definitely part of Boccob's realm. Very strange to have them smooshed together like this. HEH! No wonder Boccob doesn't want the Book to be destroyed!! Very unusual, this is!"

The Oracle pauses, then scratches the brow above his sole, huge eye. "If the elves aren't back soon, go on we should. No point in staying if they aren't coming back ...."

Just then, Quarion shot out of the darkness below, carrying Onarra. The elves flew overhead and landed in the middle of the room. Onarra was the first to speak, her revulsion clear. "We do NOT want to go down there again!!"

The PCs agreed and continued on their way to find the Branch of Life.
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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs continued to follow Brigga's locating spell through the Library until they found a room unlike any of the others. There was a small tower, 40' high, with only one obvious entrance. The PCs went in and explored the room, finding the familiar bookshelves lining the walls and a large solid rock pool containing molten lava in the center of the tower.

After investigation, the PCs determined that the spells in the tower were all related to healing and imprisonment. Consulting the location spell, Brigga was able to determine that the Branch of Life was somehow inside of the lava. After investigation, Brigga was able to use her Bigby's Hand spell to fish around in the lava and retrieve the Branch of Life just as the lava dissolved the Hand.

With their recovered treasure, the PCs made their way back toward the Well of the Worlds.
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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

As you neared the location of the Well of the Worlds, you see a small crowd gathered around it. Approaching cautiously, ready for more combat with The Master's servants, you are startled, then relieved when you hear familiar voices call out to you, "Hey, what are you doing back here in the Book?"

You approach closer to see the souls of your former companions, Jareth (in his original, elven flavor), Naziah (the original bardic version), Balisar (the original rogue version), and Gwendolyn Haupt, joined by Leigha (the missing girl from Farweald, 1/2 sister to Gwendolyn, Akriah, & Beltaine), and Awen (the imprisoned mage from Quarion's Ring of Air Elemental Command). There is also another man who you don't recognize, off to the side a bit, looking through a bookshelf. He is obviously a pure blooded Suel, with sharp features and white blond hair. He is dressed in impressive black robes with purple highlights and carries an ornate staff. Your companions seem at ease around him, and speak freely in front of him.

(Just as a reminder, you last saw Gwendolyn Haupt and her sister Leigha when you were in the City of Brass and Shahzadeh Mamoun Yaser Aziz, aka, The Firelord to you mortals, killed Gwen and Leigha by feeding them to the Book of Infinite Souls.)

With relief, you greet your companions, who explain that they were trying to figure out how to use the Well of the Worlds to send their ghost forms out into the Donjon to help you against The Master, like Quirinseyru had done. At first, your companions seem worried to see you, thinking that you had fallen in battle to the dragon and were re-absorbed into the Book again. You explain that that is not the case.

After your reassurances, you ask about the stranger, off to the side. Gwendolyn shoots a glance at the man and tells you this is Thossos, creator of the Book of Infinite Spells, doomed to imprisonment inside of his greatest achievement for all eternity. He has been trying to help your companions figure out how to use the Well of the Worlds to project out of the Book, so far, to no avail.

With that revelation, Gwendolyn turns back to you and asks, "so, what ARE you doing back here, in the Book?"
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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by Jonkga »

Bannock will gather the party and their companions together to explain the mission.

"Here is why we have re-entered the Book. We aim to defeat the Dragon Valos once and for all, and see that his soul is is absorbed into the Sphere of Annihilaton (the Heart).

And, once that is done, our mission is to erect a defense that will alter the Book, ending the ability to feed it souls. To do so, there are three things required, and we are now in the presence of all three. We have Mayahiene's Shelter, a unique Cube of Force. We will activate and position this around the Heart. But, before we do that, we will magically merge the Shelter with both the Branch of Life and the Well of the Worlds. Doing this will allow the joined item to power itself from the magical fabric of the multiverse, so it won't need recharging. And, in acting as a barrier to the Heart, souls drained will be resurrected back out into the multiverse instead of being trapped here.

This will remove this evil Dragon as a threat and allow the Book to still function but remove its soul-destroying aspect.

Once it is in place, this solution will be self sustaining. All that will be needed will be a few guardians to remain in the Book to watch over it. We all know there are still some dangers within.

This plan was presented to me by the Gods we met.

What say you all?"
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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs briefly discussed their plan amongst themselves and discovered the following information from Thossos. The Heart (sphere of annihilation) and everything drained into the Book is slightly out of phase with the physical reality of the place. What that means in practice is that you could not simply throw Zagig's Prison directly into the Heart with the dragon still inside.

So the Oracle used his Amulet to drain the dragon's soul out of Zagig's Prison. It took several attempts, as the dragon was able to resist several times (legendary resistance). The strain of trying to affect an artifact destroyed the Oracle's Amulet and also seemed to make Zagig's Prison disappear.

There was a sizable earthquake and a peal of thunder as a large bolt of lightning crashed down nearby. The thunder was still ringing in your ears when a ferocious dragon roar momentarily turned your blood cold. Your eyes snapped to the location of the thunderbolt as Valos sprang into the air, beating his wings angrily. The dragon slowly surveyed his surroundings then dove straight at the PCs gathered around the Heart!
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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs quickly prepared for battle as Valos roared toward them, treating them to a fly-by cone of lightning attack. Brigga used Misty Step to teleport above the flying dragon and smash him with her Hammer, then disappear again. The Oracle proved his worth to the PCs has he pulled a long lance from his strange, extraplanar belt pouch, which he stabbed deep into the Dragon as he flew past. The Oracle's lance dissolved into black ribbons of energy which wrapped themselves around the dragons wings, crashing Valos to the ground.

The PCs rushed toward the dragon, only to be buffeted with fierce wing attacks, knocking the heroes back while the dragon hopped to a location nearby. Gwendolyn Haupt and her sister Leigha both revealed their half efreeti nature; their red-blond hair transforming into living fire as they rose majestically on cyclones of burning embers, unleashing punishing bolts of fire which slammed into Valos, spreading out into spots of living flame dancing on his hardened green/bronze scales.

Bannock and Onarra rushed back toward the dragon to engage in melee while Quarion sought to blind his foe and Brigga unleashed a barrage of thrown Hammer strikes against the wyrm. Balisar's spirit form joined Bannock and Onarra in engaging the dragon and landed a wicked slash against Valos' neck. Bannock and Onarra both slashed and stabbed at the dragon, landing impressive blows, but Valos ignored them temporarily to focus on Balisar's spiritual form. After a quick series of claw attacks and tail strikes, Valos' mighty jaws slammed shut on Balisar, then tossed him into the air and swallowed him whole(ish).

Valos' spiritual form glowed for a moment as he absorbed both Balisar's life force AND the mystical spell that the dragonborn's life force was attuned to within the Book: Magic Missile. As Valos' wounds healed a bit from absorbing Balisar, the dragon cackled evilly, reared his head back and unleashed a terrible barrage of Magic Missiles from his maw. The onslaught of breath weapon Magic Missiles slammed into everyone opposing Valos, fiercely battering the PCs.

Quarion unleashed Guiding Bolts at the dragon, only to see them bounce off of Valos' mystic Shield, while Bannock, Onarra, and Brigga continued to slash, stab, and hammer the wrym. Valos met the assault with fierce attacks of his own, both magical and physical. First, Valos magically heated Quarion's armor, trying to literally cook the elf, but Onarra was able to Dispel the effect. Then, Valos used his sorcerous abilities to erect Twinned Walls of Fire around both Quarion and Brigga, encasing them punishing flames. Gwendolyn and Leigha rushed to the PCs and began siphoning away the dragon's fire, absorbing it harmlessly into their elemental forms and allowing the PCs to stumble out of the eldritch infernos.

After slashing and battering Bannock and Onarra some more, Valos cackled evilly and unleased a power charm against Onarra. For a moment it seemed as though Onarra would resist the dragons eldritch assault but then the dragon focused all of his terrible will on the elf, and she succumbed. A jagged crown of iron appeared on the elven maiden's brow and her eyes glowed with crackling black energy. Bannock took advantage of the momentary opening to land several powerful blows against Valos, stabbing his sword Answerer deep into the dragon's side. As the dragon reared back in agony, Onarra, overcome with madness, turned on Bannock, attempting to strike the ranger while his attention was focused on Valos. However, Bannock's intelligent weapon, Answerer, ever watchful for any betrayals by Bannock's companions, darted out of the dragons flesh and blocked Onarra's vicious attack.

As Valos crashed onto his back, a huge wave of lightning erupted from him, searing everything nearby, destroying the soul forms of Naziah and Jareth, and severely damaging everyone else. Quarion quickly unleashed a healing wave on people, restoring some life to their burnt forms. The dragon tried weakly to right himself but could not. Instead, the PCs could see that he was concentrating, trying to reach out to the Book for magical assistance.

Thossos shouted a warning to the PCs. "Hurry, he is nearly defeated, but while he remains attuned to the Book, he will not perish! We need to get him into the Heart (sphere of annihilation) to finish this!" The PCs looked at the weak, but still huge form of the dragon and wondered how they were going to accomplish such a task when Brigga's gruff voice rang out, "step aside, I've got this".

Tracing the arcane symbols in the air before her, Brigga once again summoned Bigby's Hand, positioning it behind the dragon and began pushing your once mighty foe toward the sphere of annihilation. Onarra quickly assumed the form of a fire elemental and helped push. Valos kept reaching out to the Book, desperately seeking something to save him. Seeing the dragon attempting to resist, Bannock continued to slash at the dragon's form, disrupting his concentration whenever he could. As the dragon neared the inky black sphere, though, through pure desperation he succeeded in erecting a wall of force between him and the sphere. The wyrm's reprieve was short lived however, as an ever more frustrated Bannock hacked at the dragon's spiritual form, eventually breaking his concentration and dissolving the magical barrier between the dragon and his doom.

With a final roar of defiance, the fey wrym, Aradace'Nurvalosuryte, Valos, The Master, was pushed into the Heart of Darkness, utterly devoured by the prize for which he had wrought so much destruction.
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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Valos, Revealed




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Re: Episode 30: Once More Into the Book ...

Post by EvilGenius »

With Valos defeated, Bannock quickly positioned the gestalt item, Mayaheine's Cosmic Reincarnation Cube, underneath the Sphere of Annihilation and activated the item's Reincarnation Barrier. A golden cube sprang to life completely enclosing the sphere of annihilation known as the Heart of Darkness.

Bannock turned to his companions, both living and dead, who helped achieve this epic victory. "Thank you for sticking with us until the end. I'm not much for big speeches, so I guess all that remains is for those of you who who have passed, to decide if you will accept the charge to guard the Cosmic Resurrection Cube here, inside the Book, or if you will enter the resurrection field."

Gwendolyn looks sheepishly at Awen and holds out her hand. Awen smiles and embraces Gwendolyn instead. Gwendolyn looks at all of you, "I feel somewhat responsible for unleashing all of this chaos. I helped my efreeti patron compile information on the Book, which then he bartered to the dragon. I will stay and become a Guardian, so that none may undo what we have done here."

Awen beams happily. "Honestly, this is a dream come true for me! An eternity in a corner of Boccob's Library of Lore, AND a unique planar overlap with Mephistopheles' secret magical experimentation plane of Cania? Surrounded by all of the magical lore of the multiverse? With a woman I adore, no less? Ha! Get out and let us get to it, already!"

Thossos turns to regard you. "I have been here for a looong time, always trying desperately to avoid being destroyed by the Heart. I could have probably been resurrected prior to this, but after achieving this I finally feel worthy of another chance. Thank you for fixing my original sin.

I will gladly enter the reincarnation field and hopefully, in my next life I will be wiser. More content." Thosos turns to Gwendolyn and Awen. "Before I go, though, I'll spend some time showing you the things I've learned about this place while I've been here. At the least, we can construct a more suitable place for you to live."

You turn to Leigha, who is looking at the ground despondently. She notices your attention and glances up at all of you. "I .... i don't know. I wanted a life of adventure when I left Farweald, and the City of Brass was certainly more than I ever dreamt of, but ...." Leigha looks around the blasted realm before you. "I've been here for a while now and I really just long for home, you know? Stupid, quiet little Farweald. And the big 'spooky' forest beyond. And snow! I wonder if I'll ever even be able to feel the cold again."

Leigha looks at the golden field surrounding the Heart. "But that doesn't seem like a great option either. Who knows what I'd become or where I'd be? I'm not ready to give up being 'me' yet, if that makes any sense."

Thossos regards the girl with sympathy. "There is another way, I think. If we temporarily use a different function of the Cube, we should be able to resurrect you, AS you, back onto Oerth. It will weaken the Cube temporarily, but I think there's no immediate danger to us or it. We can send you home, Leigha."

Overcome with tears of gratitude, Leigha was engulfed in a fierce hug from her sister. "You go home, Leigha. Redeem our family name. Just check in from time to time, okay?" The sisters step back from each other as the Cube floats gently to Thossos' hand. Thossos faces Leigha and presses one of the faces of the Cube. A golden light shoots out of the Cube and bathes Leigha in a warm glow. Smiling, her spirit fades from view.

Thossos releases the Cube and it floats back to its place below the Heart of Darkness, and the Golden Barrier springs back into existence, though weaker than before. Gwendolyn says, "Ok you bunch of mopes. Get out of here before I make you help me build a house!"

Taking your cue, you concentrate and open a portal back to the top of the Warlock's Tower and step through.
Another daring escape for the intrepid Spaceman Spiff!
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