What should I be?

The former Blackrazor addiction.
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What should I be?

Post by NukeHavoc »

I know, I know -- I don't even have the game yet, but I can't help but start speculating on what race and class I should be. Any suggestions on what's good, what's bad and what should be avoided at all costs?

Post by Guest »

I was thinking about this a bit too. The party that Jon and I started is me as Warrior and he as Priest. We're both Night Elves.

The classic WoW party is like a triangle. In one corner, there's the Tank, which is a damage-taking class. It's his job to take a serious pounding and taunt the monsters after anyone else in the party into attacking him again. It may be a bit confusing at first, but playing a warrior (in a party) is about *taking* damage first, and delivering damage is a secondary consideration. Other classes can tank to some extent (paladins, druids in bear form), but not anywhere near as well.

2nd corner is the healer. Priests and druids are the champs, but others can also play a minor role (paladins, shaman).

3rd corner is the damage dealers. Mages and rogues rule here, with hunters as an alternate choice.

The remaining classes sort of do all these things, but the three roles need to be thoroughly covered increasingly well as the game progresses.

So, Jon and I have a Warrior and Priest so far. Any class that does decent damage would be a good next choice. A mage or rogue would complete the classic triangle. That said, we're already level 13. If you would start very soon, we could:
1) potentially shelve those characters for a while so you can catch up
2) start a new party for when we can all three play.

Choice 2 might be best. That way, you can start right in with the benefit of experienced players to get you up to speed. You would start a solo char too, and as soloing players tend to level fairly quickly, you can catch him up to the warrior/priest.

More tonight.

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