
The Dwarven Imperative.
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Post by T1Mirage »

Ken -

The Complete Warrior has Rangers w/o spellcasting.

6th Level - Fast Movement (+10 feet)

11th Level - Nature's Blessing (+4 bonus to Con, Dex, or Wis) 1/day for 1 minute per class level.

13th Level - Healing Touch to allow neutralize poison or remove disease as a caster whose level is equal to one-half the ranger's class level.

16th Level - Freedom of Movement 1/day as a caster equal to one-half the ranger's class level.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

That's not bad. I could beat Cory's Knight into combat every time with a move of 50.

A dwarf with a move of 50? that's just crazy... but it kind of fits as I see this character as the sort of hurl-down-the-mountain kind of fighter, throwing himself into the midst of melee in a storm of axes, curses and spit.

What do you think Bob? If it's too undwarf-like, I think trading spellcasting for an animal companion at Druid -2 instead of Druid -4 would be appropriate. As a 6th level ranger, that would give me 4th level druid pick, which I would use to get a black bear. If we went for a straight-up druid-level-as-ranger level, I'd be able to bump his hit die up by 2 (which would probably be good for surviving the kind of combats we're going to be going into).
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Post by EvilGenius »

If you want a variant, I'd go with the Complete Warrior version. Although something to keep in mind is that the more ultra-chaotic and wild you are, the less well you'll fit in with not just the paladin of heironeous, but the Knight Commander of the Sword.
NukeHavoc wrote:That's not bad. I could beat Cory's Knight into combat every time with a move of 50.

A dwarf with a move of 50? that's just crazy... but it kind of fits as I see this character as the sort of hurl-down-the-mountain kind of fighter, throwing himself into the midst of melee in a storm of axes, curses and spit.

What do you think Bob? If it's too undwarf-like, I think trading spellcasting for an animal companion at Druid -2 instead of Druid -4 would be appropriate. As a 6th level ranger, that would give me 4th level druid pick, which I would use to get a black bear. If we went for a straight-up druid-level-as-ranger level, I'd be able to bump his hit die up by 2 (which would probably be good for surviving the kind of combats we're going to be going into).
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Post by NukeHavoc »

EvilGenius wrote:If you want a variant, I'd go with the Complete Warrior version. Although something to keep in mind is that the more ultra-chaotic and wild you are, the less well you'll fit in with not just the paladin of heironeous, but the Knight Commander of the Sword.
Don't worry. He's not insane. Just got his own opinions ... and the Code of the Mountain to live by. You being low-landers and all, you don't understand the Mountain ... but open your minds a little, and maybe you will.
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Post by setanta14 »

Queue the dwarven banjos...

The code of mountain

The code of the mountain, way down in the backwoods
The code of the mountain, the unwritten law
There Harry and Joe Brown, way down in the backwoods
There Harry and Joe Brown, shot Charlie Mcbraw

They caught him at daybreak, way down in the backwoods
They caught him at daybreak, sown on his knees
He pleaded for mercy, way down in the backwoods
He pleaded for mercy, heed to my pleas

Said Harry to Charlie, way down in the backwoods
Said Harry to Charlie, you thought you were sly
The code of the mountains, way down in the backwoods
The code of the mountains, says you must die

He loaded his rifle, way in the backwoods
He loaded his rifle, Joe loaded up too
One shot and another, wat down in the backwoods
The code of the mountains, is the only law there

They buried poor Charlie, way down in the backwoods
They buried poor Charlie, without any prayer
The code of the mountains, way down in the backwoods
The code of the mountains, is the only law there

Deep in the earth now, down in the backwoods
Deep in the earth now, lies Charlie Mcgraw
For the code of the mountains, way down in the backwoods
The code of the mountains is the unwritten law

NukeHavoc wrote:
EvilGenius wrote:If you want a variant, I'd go with the Complete Warrior version. Although something to keep in mind is that the more ultra-chaotic and wild you are, the less well you'll fit in with not just the paladin of heironeous, but the Knight Commander of the Sword.
Don't worry. He's not insane. Just got his own opinions ... and the Code of the Mountain to live by. You being low-landers and all, you don't understand the Mountain ... but open your minds a little, and maybe you will.
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Post by T1Mirage »


Is it okay to keep the same basic character and change from paladin to cleric or some variation of cleric?

The reason I am thinking this is - we will have a ton of melee combatents with little spell support. If I go cleric or even a cleric/paladin combination to Heironeous, I'll be able to lend more magic to the party and against foes as well. Certainly, I'll have enough skill to step into the fights when necessary. From a storyline perspective, it doesn't alter much aside from the Smite Evil and the paladin mount that I used.

(I'm thinking paladin/cleric - at this point).

Besides, any cleric of Heironeous worth their weight is truly a paladin at heart. :)
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Post by EvilGenius »

Yes, that's fine.

The paladin that I played in the Temple of Elemental Evil was a paladin/cleric of Hieroneous. It's a great combo. The first 4 levels were paladin, then however many of cleric. Very good combat skills. :)
T1Mirage wrote:Is it okay to keep the same basic character and change from paladin to cleric or some variation of cleric?
(I'm thinking paladin/cleric - at this point).
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Post by Jonkga »

Was that the same paladin who we traded with Stan! for that ring of shooting stars? ;)
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Post by EvilGenius »

Yes it was. :(

He was a great character, just not so good vs grapple.
Jonkga wrote:Was that the same paladin who we traded with Stan! for that ring of shooting stars? ;)
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Post by T1Mirage »

For a cleric / paladin, how about the following? ... igePaladin
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Post by EvilGenius »

Mmmmmm, I'm not really in favor of converting the Paladin to a prestige class.

If you want to rework him with some clerical levels (even mostly clerical levels), that's okay with me.

If you want to make more drastic changes, then you should probably bring in a new character and leave Rencor as an NPC.
T1Mirage wrote:For a cleric / paladin, how about the following? ... igePaladin
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Here's my character. Morndin's name is known to only a handful of close friends; most simply call him Kull, which is the name given to him by the orcs, and which loosely translates as "stone death". (yeah, I know the true origins of the name Kull, but it just got stuck in my head while creating this character, so I needed to figure out some story-way of using it). It's the name he introduces himself with, and what most in Khelez-Mar would know him as.

He's an enigmantic figure, a mountain man who's been waging a personal war against the orcs and other evils of the Pomarj for decades. He welcomed the liberation of Khelez-Mar and the return of true dwarves to the Pomarj (rather than those human-loving, city dwelling lowland dwarves of Obsidian Bay) but hasn't quite adjusted to having people to talk to just yet. I don't intend to play him as anti-social, just someone who'd grown used to spending most of his time talking to the mountain or his wolf.

In combat, he's a thunderstorm of axes, throwing himself into the middle of combat, cleaving through his enemy's armor, shattering their weapons and thrilling in battle.

He uses the variant, non-ranger spellcaster abilities we discussed earlier (thus his ungodly movement).

Morndin Mountaintamer (Kull)

Male Dwarf(Hill) Bbn6/Rgr6; CR 12; Medium Humanoid (Dwarf); HD 6d8+6d12+24; hp 99; Init +5; Spd 50 ft/x4; AC 22 (+6 armor, +4 dex, +2 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 22; Base Atk/Grapple +12/+17;
Full Atk +14/+9/+4 Two-Weapon (primary) (1d8+7;20/x3, +2 Battleaxe), +9 Two-Weapon (secondary) (1d8+3;20/x3, +1 Battleaxe); SA&SQ Fast Movement(Ex), Rage, Uncanny Dodge(Ex), Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), Animal Companion(Ex), Wild Empathy(Ex), Favored Enemy, Humanoid (orc) (+4 bonus), ¤ Giant (+2 bonus); AL CG; SV Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +4; Str 20(+5), Dex 20(+5), Con 15(+2), Int 10(+0), Wis 10(+0), Cha 12(+1); Skills: Climb +7, Handle Animal +8, Hide +8, Intimidate +6, Jump +21, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (nature) +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Search +5, Spot +7, Survival +12, Use Rope +8. Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Track, Weapon Focus
(Battleaxe), Destructive Rage.

Class Abilities
Fast Movement(Ex): +10 to speed when in medium armor or lighter and not carrying a heavy load.

Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter,
up to 2 times per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution,
+24 hit points, and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves, but gives a
-2 penalty to AC. Cannot use any skills that require patience or
concentration while enraged. Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds.
Uncanny Dodge(Ex): You retain you Dexterity bonus to AC even if
flatfooted or struck by an invisible attacker.
Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex): You can no longer be flanked,
except by a level 10 rogue.
Trap Sense(Ex): +2 to Reflex saves and AC against traps.
Animal Companion(Ex): You have selected a Wolf as your animal
Wild Empathy(Ex): You can make a check(1d20+9) to improve the
attitude of an animal. You must be within 30 feet of the animal, and it
generally takes one minute to perform the action.
Favored Enemy: You have certain types of enemies that you have
extensive knowledge about. Against these creatures, you gain the listed
bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks, as well
as weapon damage rolls.
¤ Humanoid (orc) (+4 bonus)
¤ Giant (+2 bonus)

Race Abilities
+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Base land speed of 20 feet.
Darkvision 60 feet.
+2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Stonecunning: +2 racial bonus on checks to notice unusual stonework.
Can find such by passing within 10 feet, and can find stonework traps as a
rogue can. Can intuit depth.
Weapon Familiarity: You treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes
as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
Stability: Dwarves are exceptionally stable on their feet. A dwarf gains a +4
bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when
standing on the ground.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus against giants
+2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks that deal with stone or
Favored Class: Fighter

Magic Items

Adamentine battleaxe +2 orcbane
battleaxe +1, keen
Boots of Striding and Springing
Hide Armor +3
Aumlet of Natural Armor +2
Belt of Giant Strength +4
Gloves of Dexterity +4
Bag of tricks, rust
Oil of Bless Weapon
Potion of Bear's Endurance
Potion of Magic Fang (x3)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Potion of Pass Without Trace
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Post by malphas »

NukeHavoc wrote:Improved Sunder
improved sunder just destroys treasure :(

replace with shock trooper
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Post by NukeHavoc »

malphas wrote:improved sunder just destroys treasure :(
replace with shock trooper
I have no idea what "shock trooper" does, but no self-respecting dwarf would ever don armor once warn by orcish scum. :twisted:
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Post by malphas »

NukeHavoc wrote:
malphas wrote:improved sunder just destroys treasure :(
replace with shock trooper
I have no idea what "shock trooper" does, but no self-respecting dwarf would ever don armor once warn by orcish scum. :twisted:
tactical feat from complete warrior, you might also like combat brute or leaping charge
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