
For discussion of the Expedition to Ravenloft
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Post by T1Mirage »

I was considering two types of wizards.

Option 1: The Good Wizard
The first was a wizard that may work in the name of a certain diety or order. I'm uncertain if that is similar to what is found in Greyhawk. The idea is to be the magic back-up behind a paladin or cleric. Spells may be more sonic/force caster with spells to be the helpful caster. I would not want to be the straight blaster type caster. Ideally, this would be the Buffy the Vampire version of perhaps Giles/Wesley character and may require [insert other character] for the idea to work. Most of the time, the character would be throwing holy water, thunderstones, etc. or shooting a crossbow.
1. Can this idea work in Greyhawk / probable?
2. Does it fit with the party?
3. What info exists for this character origin and then order, guild, or diety?

Option 2: Elven Wizard
The second was to go with an elven wizard. More of the spells would be enhance abilities to firing various arrows with some big bang spells. E.g., fireball and then pick off with the bow.
1. Can this idea work in Greyhawk / probable?
2. Does it fit with the party?
3. What info exists for this character origin and then order, guild, or diety?
4. Would an elf go into this area / any setting preferences being broke?
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Post by erilar »

I'm the least Greyhawk-knowledgeable person in the group, but I have no problem with either idea, and both should fit into the party well. I understand that you don't want to be the stereotypical evocation mage, but I'd still recommend that you don't focus solely on defensive magics - the party will still need firepower (but not necessarily in the specific form of fire). :)

I think the hook of being a member of an arcane arm of a church sounds very interesting. It should make the struggle against the eeevil undead threat even more interesting for you, roleplaying-wise. Not sure what gods to suggest, other than Wee Jas and Boccob - I'm sure those churches encourage arcane casters amongst their congregation. Is there a good-aligned, arcane-centric god, or at least one that would be very tolerant of arcane casters?

Maybe you could combine both your character concepts and make an elven wizard that worships Corellon Larethian? One of Corellon's foci is magic, specifically elven magic, and by chance he also reviles those that defile the dead, so he doubtless is a strong foe of the undead.

Don't see any reason why an elven mage wouldn't be perfectly acceptable in the setting either.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

I think either works. As Lance said, Boccob and Wee Jas are both clerics that focus on magic. With Wee Jas, you get death as well ... in particular making sure that the dead are respected, undead are never created unwillingly (e.g. temples of wee jas might be protected by undead who agreed to be created for that purpose, etc.).

Either would suit an arcane investigator like Giles, though I think Boccob would tend more towards the obscure, rare magical lore -- knowledge for the sake of knowledge -- where as Wee Jas would be more strident in attempting to slam shut the doors leading to undeath and upholding the natural magical laws of the universe.

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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

IMHO Boccob would be a better canidate for a Giles type character. It of course depends on how close you want to stick to his type. But due to the knowledge aspect he would be better than Wee Jas.

But hey, if your playing Giles, I'll play Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Rogue Deamon Hunter. OoOoOo or Xander! 6th level commoner woot! :P

(I am of course kidding about the latter, a Giles type mage would be awsome!)
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Post by malphas »

Corellon Larethian is a great choice for a elven wizard his portfolio is chaos, good, protection, magic, war and elven. one of his titles is"Protector and Preserver of All Life"

also if you want to make a wizard who is badass at killing undead be sure to take transdimensional spell meta-magic feat. it lets you strike incorperal creatures with your spell effects negating miss-chance

ordinarily only force effect spells (magic missel, mordenkainen's sword, ottilukes sphere wall of force, mage armor, etc effect incorperal creatures)

there is also a pretty bad-ass force-mage class in compelte arcane.
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Post by Jonkga »

Gotta say George, great ideas here. I like the first one, but as others have pointed out, you can certainly merge them. If you do, Corellon Larethian makes a great choice.

If you don't go elven, sure Boccob and Wee Jas are the obvious choices, but certainly not the only ones. In fact, Boccob always seemed too much the cloistered type of god, and not the one backing adventurers. And, Wee Jas, while hot, is all over our campaigns lately. Frankly, as you are not playing a cleric/pally necessarily, but a mage, a follower of any god would fit. He could be a mage who venerates any of the more militant or adventurer-ispiring gods, like Pholtus, Heironeous, Pelor, etc., and still fit very well with the concept as you envision it.

Just my first thoughts...
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