Barovia: Building up the Village

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Barovia: Building up the Village

Post by NukeHavoc »

Last night we were talking about Barovia, and how there really isn't much there for us to fall back on when we return to the town after getting our assess kicked in our latest undead encounter.

Contemplating the village this morning while writing my game day column, I got to thinking that it doesn't have to be that way. We've fight back the immediate undead threat, and while I don't expect that to allow it to become a major trade route, it could allow a handful of traders to come into town, not to mention a more significant contingent of Lightbringers.

It wouldn't take much -- perhaps a few Lightbringers capable of scribing scrolls or a traveling alchemist who arrives with spell components, spare parchment, inks, etc. -- basically just enough to create the sort of lower level magical resources that make things a bit easier for the adventurers (or give the party's wizards and clerics the resources they need to scribe scrolls and brew potions).

I know Lance is busy during the week, so perhaps we could make this a quick group project, with a few of us volunteering to stat out some new Lightbringer and merchant NPCs.

What do you think?
Last edited by NukeHavoc on Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jonkga »

I don't know about this. I thought the whole idea here was that Barovia was specifically the kind of place that was missing this stuff, on purpose. The fiend that is Strahd wouldn't have set up shop in a place his enemies could so easily find succor. And, on some level, we are on a timetable here. If we take the time it would require to build up the town, it would be giving Strahd that much more time to prepare for our destruction. I don't this we have the time to devote to this. We should focus on healing up and make what preparations we can, and continuing with our mission to rid this land of the evil that pervades it. Only then will the town and the lands around it develop into the type of place we could hope to find that which would nourish our lives and talents.
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Post by EvilGenius »

I kind of agree with Jon. I think that Barovia is supposed to be an out of the way place with few resources. If Lance's sourcebook says differently, then so be it, but we're by far the most competent folk around these lands.

I don't think it would be super out of the question for the Lightbringers to send a 3rd or 4th lvl guy (they've sent several already). And maybe instead of being a super adventurer guy, he's more of a resupply guy who keeps as low a profile as needed. Maybe he's even got a low level ranger with him to forage components and such from the surrounding forests.

That may give us some succor. Overall pretty low level stuff. It maintains Barovia's "out of the way" status but we're not slitting our own throats.
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Post by Jonkga »

Perhaps a bigger question is "how big a ruckus do we want to cause when we return from the swamp?" Sure, we head to the inn to eat and rest, and we get what supplies we can to heal up and restock our provisions (as meager as that restocking might be), but how much about what we are doing to we want to make public? Worgs, wolves, crows, bats, rats - sure, we can expect to be shadowed by these as we conitnue to explore the wilds around Barovia, but I'm sure there may be spies among the denizens of the town, as well. I think we should be mindful of that possibilitiy, and not flash the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind around like some sort of feast day prize. Sure, we'll inform our paladin friend of our success, and the burgomaster's daughter, and maybe the knight we rescued, but I'd keep it quite after that.

[Lance, of course I don't say we tell them now, or even rest and resupply now - we wil roleplay that all out, of course - I'm just suggesting what I think the group should do when it reconvenes.]
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Post by erilar »

Ken's idea is obviously very sound from a gameplay perspective.

The problem is that Barovia's just not supposed to be that way. It is *super* remote and secluded. Only "one way" into the area, and it's extreme remoteness and the low population of the mountain valley make it a poor prospect for any but the smallest trade companies (one or two man outfits, etc.).

Think the town where Rand and company grew up in the Wheel of Time books. Nobody goes there but the people who live there, and people from the neighboring villages view each other with suspicion. The dubious reputation of the valley only compounds the normal trepidation that outsiders would have of strange places.

Basically, the only people who do any travel in and out of Barovia are the Vistani, and they also carry out the majority of the trade in and out.

That said, now that the Lightbringers have learned of your mission (and witnessed some of your successes), I can definitely see then sending in some support personnel. Still, you will need to counsel them regarding how much support, and weighing that against the degree to which you might alert Strahd or other enemies.

Remember, a single visitor or peddler is practically a holiday for these folks.
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Post by EvilGenius »

Given normal circumstances, what kind of magical resources are there? Can we normally obtain 'common' spell components? what if we want to scribe a scroll or brew a potion? i assume we can get ink and parchment, what about basic alchemical supplies? Is it feasible for the party to take a few days and be able to replenish scrolls and potions? Or is that too advanced for Barovia?
erilar wrote:Ken's idea is obviously very sound from a gameplay perspective.

The problem is that Barovia's just not supposed to be that way. It is *super* remote and secluded. Only "one way" into the area, and it's extreme remoteness and the low population of the mountain valley make it a poor prospect for any but the smallest trade companies (one or two man outfits, etc.).
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Post by NukeHavoc »

EvilGenius wrote:Given normal circumstances, what kind of magical resources are there? Can we normally obtain 'common' spell components? what if we want to scribe a scroll or brew a potion? i assume we can get ink and parchment, what about basic alchemical supplies? Is it feasible for the party to take a few days and be able to replenish scrolls and potions? Or is that too advanced for Barovia?
IMHO, 3.5 does count on a certain amount of magical item creation (if nothing else, scrolls for wizards and clerics) to balance out the classes. While Pierce will never shake the foundations of reality with his arcane power, having a few scrolls scribed for future use would make him much more useful (and fits into my vision of his evolving character concept).

I realize the town is remote, and I'm didn't want to turn it into a city or anything like that, but a few more resources would be helpful, even if its that half-blind Lightbringer alchemist/wizard/expert and his paladin defender who arrive to setup provide advice, insight and twigs of belladona.
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Post by erilar »

This is purely from memory, but all the basic gear from the PHB is available from Bildrath's Mercantile, but at an inflated rate. Bildrath has extended a "special deal" just for you, the Saviors of Barovia, at 1.5x the price in the PHB.

The available goods will include alchemical supplies and spell components, but you'll need your own lab (or portable lab or whatever). Bildrath can get you in a lab or lab supplies, but that would take a few weeks.

As far as support from the Lightbringers, there has been a little Lightbringer traffic in and out of Barovia (Cory's ex-paladin for one). Ashlyn always asks what she can do to help when you get back into town, so the next time you're there, let her know that you might be looking for some more magical support.
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