editing, editing, editing!

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editing, editing, editing!

Post by EvilGenius »

So I was looking through the M&M errata and FAQ today in prep for tonights game.


There are tons of errors in the errata that are 'game rule' errors. While some errata were just the tense of verbs or word misspellings, the overwhelming majority were the wrong bonus, add this sentence to the power description, change the power cost of this power, type of errors.

Also, it seems the reason that none of us were able to use the templates to reverse engineer how they created a character is because almost all of them left things out (like feats) or just had the wrong numbers in them.

Overall, I've got to say that while I can handle the errata and FAQ (because it's still WAY less than Clix!), I am still pretty annoyed because we were already experiencing a high level of rules frustration. Imagine slogging through the 30+ hrs of character creation and THEN finding out that the point cost of an important power was changed in the errata! It's not so easy to adjust. That's the kind of thing that might make Lance and Jon stop playing altogether! (not a slam on you guys in ANY way).

(power recosting didn't appear to affect any power that we're using, as far as I know. For example, Plasma Control is listed as 2/rank in the power table but 4/rank in the power description. it's supposed to be 2/rank. )

So. nobody look at the errata and we'll play with the book as is. :)
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Re: editing, editing, editing!

Post by NukeHavoc »

EvilGenius wrote:So. nobody look at the errata and we'll play with the book as is. :)
Or we could take 15 minutes and convert the whole thing to Savage Worlds.

joking, joking. :twisted:

Unless something is glaringly wrong/bizarrely confusing when we're playing with the core 2nd edition rule book, I say we use that rather than errata. Anything we do use we can add to the blog (or to the GriffWiki in a Freedom City section).

The Mastermind's Manual does have the FAQ and Errata printed in it, so we have an easy to read version should look ups become necessary.

I would like to encourage everyone (myself included) to take a more laid back approach to the Mutants & Masterminds rules -- I'm less concerned about finding the right rule for every encounter, and more about making sure the encounters are fun.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Heh. And then I looked at the online errata, which is much larger than the Mastermind's Manual errata. :)

Sentiment holds though -- I think this should be more of a "guideline" that we refer to, more like the pirates code if you will. :)
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'll try and be a tad more quiet as I desperately struggle to break free -- and save all creation!" -- Doctor Strange
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