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The nightmare begins...

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:07 pm
by erilar
So, when do you guys want to start the Ravenloft campaign? From our discussions last week, it sounds like sooner rather than later? Are your characters complete?

I'm pretty much ready. I'll need to review a bit before starting, but that's easily accomplished during lunch at work before the Friday we play. (The adventure is pretty free-form, and as such is a little harder to absorb and prepare for than some.) I'm not done reading the entire campaign, but the remaining material is a long while off for our intrepid adventurers.

Considering that Jon can possibly play this week, and also probably next week, I thought that perhaps we might start next Fri (2/16)? That way, his character is in on the introductions and setup - the characters are supposed to be acquainted, after all.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:48 pm
by Lars Porsenna
That would be fine with me. I'll have to see about going to Dreamscape to pick up a suitable Bard figure (I've NEVER played a bard before!), or just throw one in on my next order...


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:21 pm
by Hardcorhobbs
I wouldnt go to dreamscape if you want a specific mini. They have some packs of D&D mini's but thats all.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:53 pm
by Lars Porsenna
Opps I meant The Encounter...


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:09 pm
by setanta14
I'm ready to rock for Ravenloft

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:32 am
by setanta14
Oh, and I ditched the Sorceress... looked like we needed another fighter-type, so I made an outdoorsy tracker, though heavily armed/armored

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:35 am
by NukeHavoc
This schedule works for me.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:57 pm
by EvilGenius
The 16th works for me.

But if Jess won't be there, I think I'll have to rework my cleric to be the turn&burn cleric instead of the protect&heal guy. We were thinking going in that we'd have two clerics. If we only have one, we better take the turn&burn.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:05 pm
by erilar
Protect and heal clerics can also turn undead. I don't see a problem.

Such a decision may be undue metagaming, as the party doesn't specifically know that they will be facing a horde of undead. (i.e. it would be cheezy if everyone just happened to be carrying Undead Bane weapons, etc.) Thoughts?

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:04 pm
by EvilGenius
Either build can do the other thing. It's a question of emphasis, which at this level is really the difference of which domains and 1-2 feats.

I don't think i'm going to be able to take an undead bane weap in either version, too expensive. :)

I've got both posted, I'm not sure which one I like better, so we'll see. The turn and burn guy isn't uber. IMO, he's focused a bit more on undead, but he's not exclusively focused on undead. As a cleric of Pholtus, he also hates the Darkness. :)
erilar wrote:Protect and heal clerics can also turn undead. I don't see a problem.

Such a decision may be undue metagaming, as the party doesn't specifically know that they will be facing a horde of undead. (i.e. it would be cheezy if everyone just happened to be carrying Undead Bane weapons, etc.) Thoughts?

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:43 am
by erilar
I understand that it's a question of emphasis. What I'm saying is that I'm not certain that making a metagame decision at this point to switch said emphasis is necessary/appropriate.

Your original character was cool, and IMO we don't *need* to munchkin in an undead-zapper cleric just because Jess's cleric might not be around a lot. My decision as DM, although I was formally requesting the opinions of the rest of the group about this topic to ensure that I wasn't being needlessly tyrannical. (Give a guy a badge...)

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:18 am
by EvilGenius
okay. Daern it is.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:41 pm
by NukeHavoc
erilar wrote:Your original character was cool, and IMO we don't *need* to munchkin in an undead-zapper cleric just because Jess's cleric might not be around a lot. My decision as DM, although I was formally requesting the opinions of the rest of the group about this topic to ensure that I wasn't being needlessly tyrannical. (Give a guy a badge...)
Although this is now resolved, I don't think you were being needlessly tyrannical. If the undead destroying character has a particular hook or history that the player and DM work out, then ok, but just having a character to fill a particular niche that none of the characters even know they need strikes me as being far too meta.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:27 pm
by EvilGenius
NukeHavoc wrote: but just having a character to fill a particular niche that none of the characters even know they need strikes me as being far too meta.

I'm playing along all nice-like, but I strongly disagree here (with the metagaming comments, not with lance being too tyranical. he's not). We in fact do bring in specific characters for specific niches in EVERY campaign we play. It's not alway from the beginning, I grant you, but it happens every time we loose a character, or bring in another character.

We don't usually just say, "we need a mage" or "we need a fighter". we say "we need a fighter who can overcome DR Cold Iron". Or "we need an undead focused cleric because we're going up against the cult of long shadows".

Lance told us at the beginning that our characters knew each other and adventured together previously, so that we could address issues of party balance.

when we discussed party balance, we suggested an undead focused cleric and a buff/protection cleric. then we got sidetracked into talking about bards. :) There was no complaint about metagaming then, or that taking an undead focused cleric was being munchkiny.

So I understand where lance is coming from, but would he have the same complaint if the undead focused cleric was the first one I had made? And if so, is your opinion different now than it was a few weeks ago when we were discussing party composition?

Now again, Lance has told me his decision as DM is that I play the first cleric, not the undead focused cleric, and I've agreed. This is just my opinion on the "metagaming" question.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:48 pm
by Lars Porsenna
Well, I don't think there was a complaint about meta'ing bards because I didn't. IIRC he has a weapon that is undead affecting, but most of his skills are ones that would be generally useful for bards and generic enough to have application over a wide range of encounters (FREX Extra Bardsong).
