Session 1 Wrap-Up

For discussion of the Expedition to Ravenloft
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Post by erilar »

Bump - keep the RP going if you have the time today, guys. Then we can jump right into the action tomorrow. :)
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Post by EvilGenius »

Well, talking up noblemen is Pierce's schtick, so I won't step on his toes. Doneghal will nod to his companions and return to the defenses. After he's satisfied, he'll station townsfolk at the fortifications and see if there's a second story perch from which I can see the terrain surrounding the barriers. I'll keep watch for a little while and then try to get some sleep so I can rememorize.
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Post by erilar »

Okay, done. The townsfolk are scared out of their wits, and you have a difficult time rounding up anyone willing to man a barrier with a torch and pitchfork. After some time, you and Ashlyn are able to calm them and explain that you're trying to end this crisis and need the temporary relief. A few scared survivors shuffle out to the barriers, improvised weapons in hand.

You manage to find a corner upstairs by a convenient window where you can spread your pallet. From your vantage point, you can see all three barriers, and the zombies shambling about beyond. They seem completely stymied by the stone-hardened improvements you've made however. Perhaps the night will pass without another breach. The room is smelly, crowded, and noisy, but you are also exhausted - you soon drop off into well-earned sleep.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

erilar wrote:"And I am Ismark the Lesser. My father is - was - Kolyan Indirovich, the burgomaster of Barovia. But the Burgomaster is dead. His body lies these ten days and more in the mansion. My sister remains with him, barricaded there against the zombies."
"Such terrible news. You have my condolences. It was your father who brought my companions and I to this town of yours, just in the nick of time it appears. He had requested that we help him in the matter of his love, a woman named Ireena Kolyana who he said had been cursed by witches and was wasting away to nothing.

Might these witches have some connection to the undead plague confronting us? And do you know anything of the horror that has befallen this poor woman?"
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Post by erilar »

All, save Doneghal:
Ismark chuckles, his mirth almost a disconcerting change from his normally morose demeanor. “No, Pierce – Ireena is my sister.”

His smile suddenly transforms into a puzzled frown. “This letter though – this isn’t my father’s handwriting. Where did you get this? What a curious thing – someone is leading you on. I know not of any curse, save these hell-blasted zombies of course, although our country is not without its share of trouble with witches.”

“Ireena is well enough, if in mourning. She’s standing vigil over my father’s body, barricaded in the family mansion just down the street to the south. She’s horrified that this zombie plague might – affect him.”

“Curse indeed – if there’s curse, it’s befallen our entire country. Werewolves attacking the village. The witches of Lysaga hill – up to who knows what vile ends. And now this zombie plague. I have surely inherited only doom.” He takes another large draught from his goblet.

“Still, all these fiends aside, the true villain in my mind is the master of the castle himself – that devil Strahd. He tried to pay us a visit a few weeks back – I know not why. My father bravely stood up to him, using the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. Then the attacks began.”

Ismark sees the question in your eyes regarding the holy symbol. “The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind is a powerful amulet that hurt Strahd. But one morning we woke to find our father dead from poison – surely at the hands of Strahd’s servents. After that, the amulet wouldn’t work for me or my sister, Ireena.”

“You want help? Go speak to the wisewoman Madam Eva – she’s west of town. Or talk to Ireena. Perhaps she’ll give you the amulet – much good it will do you. But she won’t leave the mansion. She’s sitting vigil over my father’s body to make certain he won’t become a zombie. Me? I’m going to sit here and drink.”
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Post by NukeHavoc »

"Ah, I apologize for my confusion. Indeed I think we will need to consult this woman you speak of. But this other ... this 'devil' named Strahd ... surely he is not a real fiend? Then again, seeing the horrors loose on the streets perhaps he is."

"What manner of man or monster is he? My friends and I have not heard of him."
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Post by erilar »

Ismark pales. "I must apologize. I have let my foolish temper fan my tongue into flights of fancy." He lowers his voice. "Count Strahd," he all but whispers the name, eyes flicking about the common room, "is the lord of Castle Ravenloft these long years. A descendant of the Von Zarovich line, and..." He swallows and closes his eyes with a shudder, "ruler of these our lands." Ismark will than say no more, retreating instead into the murky depths of his goblet.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

erilar wrote:Ismark pales. "I must apologize. I have let my foolish temper fan my tongue into flights of fancy." He lowers his voice. "Count Strahd," he all but whispers the name, eyes flicking about the common room, "is the lord of Castle Ravenloft these long years. A descendant of the Von Zarovich line, and..." He swallows and closes his eyes with a shudder, "ruler of these our lands." Ismark will than say no more, retreating instead into the murky depths of his goblet.
"Ah, I see. I see. Yes, sometimes it is best to watch one's tongue when speaking of our esteemed leaders and yet ... my friends and I, we must know all the challenges which we face in this land. We would hate to anger what I expect is a very powerful lord."

Speaking more quietly. "We are alone here my friend, and you can trust that your words will be held in the strictest confidence. Perhaps if we discussed it over another goblet of wine?"

OOC: Pierce makes a Diplomacy check and gets a 30 on his roll.
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Post by erilar »

Wow - guess that Jedi mind trick correspondence course payed off, Pierce!

Ismark begins to shake violently. He guzzles the remains of his goblet, and stands, grabbing Pierce by the arm and leading him further into the shadowed corner. He speaks, eyes wide, breath reeking of wine, and spittle flying from his lips as he hisses in your ear. "Aye, Strahd is a devil - if not in origin, than in reality. An undying fiend who slakes his unholy thirst on the blood of innocents. Older than memory and possessing horrific power. We exist only at his whim. Do not be a fool, Haligarth - flee this place. Leave us to our doom while you yet breathe!"

He shoves you away and lurches towards the stairs, pausing only to snatch a bottle from edge of the bar before disappearing up into the gloom of the second floor.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

erilar wrote:He shoves you away and lurches towards the stairs, pausing only to snatch a bottle from edge of the bar before disappearing up into the gloom of the second floor.
OOC: Awesome.

IC: Pierce pauses momentarily to regain his composure, then heads outside. He looks for Doneghal and Nellis, and discretely motions them to a quiet corner. Looking around to make sure they are alone and unwatched, he says "My friends ... a word?"
Last edited by NukeHavoc on Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by erilar »

OOC: He means Nellis.

I had to go check my init flash cards to figure out who the heck Fellis was. :D (I'm not making fun of Ken either, whether it was a typo or honest mistake. My brain was simply incapable of making that particular leap. hehe)
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Post by NukeHavoc »

erilar wrote:OOC: He means Nellis. I had to go check my init flash cards to figure out who the heck Fellis was. :D (I'm not making fun of Ken either, whether it was a typo or honest mistake. My brain was simply incapable of making that particular leap. hehe)
Fellis? [quick digital slight of hand] I didn't type Fellis. Nope, nothing but Nellis there...
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Post by EvilGenius »

Pierce, you don't find Doneghal outside anymore. Some say he's inside the inn, resting. You'll have to go upstairs to find him.
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Post by T1Mirage »

Sorry guys - crazy week at work. Just pulled a 15 hour day. I'll need a summary tomorrow.

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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

Naru will go talk to the bar tender while he gets himself something to drink. "Glad to see theres a good tavern open, even if it is under horrific circumstances. A good stiff drink always helps with morale. So, how did this whole event come to be? I hear it has something to do with the church. Anyone around here a survivor of the church? Anyone know the ins and outs of the church?"

ooc: Gotta ask a few because I'll be out of the office most the day. But basically Naru's looking for more info so we can better plan our assult on the church.
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