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For discussion of the Expedition to Ravenloft
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Post by NukeHavoc »

In a self-contained campaign like Ravenloft, where it's pretty much us against the world, I think the effects of the leadership feat will be more pronounced. As opposed to Dark City, for example, where I think the effects could still be significant, but probably have more of a role-playing flavor than a combat one.

When we return to Dark City, I'd love to see characters take this feat as a way of building their own power-base (I envision Act II of Dark City as starting to get into city politics while simultaneously dealing with the hidden horrors the characters have been battling all along.

In Ravenloft, well, I understand Lance's reservations, but we could use the help. :) (and yeah, I know he already said yes, but I wanted to get my two bits in)
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Post by EvilGenius »

erilar wrote:OK - valid points. Except - name any feat at 6th level that adds the versatility and power of an additional 4th level character under your command. That's the part I'm talking about. And the cohort doesn't even consume party XP.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. You're correct. No other feat gives you that versatility.

I think the concept is to put some rules on how hirelings and followers enter the game, unlike in previous editions. How well that concept works out, well, that's open for debate. I guess we'll find out! :)

I know in 3E, Kalib all of the sudden got like 100 npc followers and like 3 cohorts or something crazy. But that's really for staffing a stronghold, not going on adventures, and I think the DM is perfectly within his rights to enforce that. I think I only ever really brought a couple of the cohorts along with Kalib on adventures. The leveled ones did things on their own with other parties, but didn't go along with Kalib.
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