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More Mass Effect trailers

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:56 pm
by erilar
Like the subject says.

I'm really interested in this game. More so than any other of the absolutely great releases this holiday. I'm hankering for something a little slower-paced for those nights when I'm too tired for a twich-fest like Halo 3 or Bioshock. A big, crunchy RPG will fit the bill just perfectly.

BTW, in preparation I'm reading through Mass Effect: Revelation, which is a novel prequel to the game. It's written by the lead writer of the game, Drew Karpyshyn, who was also the lead writer for KotOR 1. He's also worked on Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights, and Baldur's Gate. He has also written a few other novels, including some Forgotten Realms and Star Wars genre fiction. So far, I'm enjoying the book quite a bit and tearing through it rather quickly (for me). If I finish by Friday, I'll pass it on to anyone else interested in Mass Effect.