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Let's find a tiefling!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:57 am
by moths
From what I recall, we're looking for a female tiefling with a battle ax and scale mail.

The first thing I thought of was the D&D miniature for the tiefling captain, from the Harbinger set. Somewhere in PA I own a ziplock bag with a half-dozen of the things.
She's female
Has an axe
Wearing (skimpy) armor which could pass for scale if you squint


I remembered that Privateer Press has an impressive line of Iron Kingoms models, including a range of satyxir (female satyr). They're easily on my shortlist of favorite independent publishers - they do the Games Workshop thing but with a lot more passion, innovation, and no plastic. The RPG side of their house is infinitely cooler than one would expect from their tabletop premise - skirmishing fantasy steam-magic-mech battles. (Actually, that does sound pretty cool on its own, but the setting goes WAY deeper than that.)


A little over-scale
Wrong equipment
"Games Workshop thing" includes price

I checked Reaper, since ... well, they're Reaper. Their store's a little confusing if you're not intimately familiar with their product lines - I clicked on 'Dark Haven Legends' and it opened a menu with fourteen series numbers (2000s to 3300s) and annotation that suggests theres about 1300 combined miniatures behind those doors.
So next step was to use their search function, "tiefling' produced no results - which makes me think they'd need to pay royalties for the word "Tiefling" and that theirs has the serial numbers filed off. Or maybe I just spelled it wrong.

Searching "female demon" brought up an extremely family-unfriendly model (this one), but otherwise it looks like you'd need to go through the grind-by-numbers to find what you want.