Base Jedi class vs Jedi Knight Prestige Class

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Base Jedi class vs Jedi Knight Prestige Class

Post by EvilGenius »

Last Friday, Jon asked if you could take the Jedi class all the way to level 20 and would there be any advantage in that. Well, I started projecting my character out to 10th & 12th level and I have discovered that yes, there is a distict reason that you may want to continue taking levels in the base Jedi class: Class bonus feats.

The Jedi Knight is a great prestige class but you do not gain any class bonus feats. Instead you get Talents and Force Secrets, and those are cool, no doubt about it. But without class bonus feats you have to wait for character level feats, at a rate of 1 per 3 levels.

So let's examine a single class Jedi who takes the Jedi Knight prestige class at 7th level. From level 1-6, the Jedi gets 3 character level feats (1st, 3rd, 6th) and 3 Jedi Bonus Feats (2nd, 4th, 6th). (Also 3 Jedi Talents.) So level 1-6, 6 feats total. At 7th level you stop getting bonus feats. If Knight leads to Master all the way up to 20th level, you will only get 4 more feats, total (9th, 12th, 15th, 18th). Again, levels 1-6, 6 feats. Levels 7-20, 4 additional feats.

Now Force Techniques and Secrets are great, don't get me wrong. But there are some really important Feats out there, like Force Training, for example. And regular combat feats like Weapon Focus, Specialization, Dual Weapon Mastery, Finesse, etc. And for some of the cool Lightsaber Form Talents and Powers you need quite a few pre-req feats. So there ends up being a very good reason to take a few additional levels of the Jedi base class.
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