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Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:36 am
by erilar
Are you guys available for some Borderlands Sunday evening? If so, let's recruit Rocky too?

Re: Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:54 pm
by erilar
OK, no replies, so we're renting movies tonight - maybe later in week.

Re: Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm
by Hardcorhobbs
Sorry Lance. Was out shopping yesterday and missed this thread. I'll be around, just let me know when.

Re: Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:26 am
by erilar
Tue is Heather's birthday, so that night is out for me. Tonight I'd probably have to quit by 10pm.

How's Wednesday looking for everyone?

Re: Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:53 am
by Hardcorhobbs
I have to present at a public meeting... but I should be home by 9.

Re: Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:08 pm
by Tallencour
OK. Is this Borderlands game really that good? I have a choice of two games for Christmas. One I have already chosen; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. The other is between Borderlands and Dragon Age: Origins. Please help me choose the later.

Re: Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:22 pm
by erilar
Dragon Age is a sprawling 60+ hour RPG epic. Think Knights of the Old Republic or Mass Effect, but with dragons and wizards. Engaging plotlines and many hours of artfully voice-acted dialogue. Quite bloody at times, and a pretty gritty setting. Lots of agonizingly ambiguous moral decisions. Playing time bang for the buck = extremely high. Single player only.

Borderlands is futuristic shooter, but peppered with RPG elements. The major hook is Bazillions of Guns. Think shooter, but you loot your opponents in a very Diablo-esque manner. The game procedurally generates the firearm loot, and you end up finding all kinds of crazy stuff. One time, a revolver with a big scope that shoots incendiary rounds. The next time, a shotgun that fires swarms of mini rockets with electrical payloads. Setting is a distant planet, and significantly resembles themes from the Mad Max / Road Warrior films. Miles of wasteland, ramshackle towns, mutant critters, and lots and lots of sociopathic raiders and bandits to grease. Missions are handed out like quests in an RPG. Light talent-tree character customization. The game is fun in single player, but absolutely shines in co-op multiplayer. Both the number/skill/power of enemies and sheer amount of loot increase drastically as you add (up to 4 total) players. Oh, also light vehicular combat.

Both games are highly recommended. If you don't get to do much multiplayer, I'd recommend DA:O. If you're looking for a vehicle for blowing crap up with the Blackrazors, Borderlands is the ticket.

Re: Borderlands - Sunday Night?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:13 am
by NukeHavoc
Erilar hit it on the head; it's all what you're in the mood for really. Though with winter setting in, Borderlands would be fun for our snowed-out game nights. :)