The Lurker in the Threshhold

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The Lurker in the Threshhold

Post by NukeHavoc »

I picked up the The Lurker in the Threshhold expansion for Arkham Horror. It looks pretty cool -- basically you can choose to enter into a dark pact with the Lurker, and in turn, gain tokens that can be used to gain bonuses to spellcasting, soak sanity and health losses, or act as clues. But, of course, the pact has downsides and eventually those manifest as well (like, perhaps the Lurker devours you...).

There's also "relationship" cards that create connections between players; these provide bonuses to particular tasks (e.g. the competitive relationship might grant you a bonus to skill checks when you have more clue tokens than the other person; others benefit each person equally). Interesting stuff, and it seems to address the problem of expansions like The Black Goat, where you have to find a cultist before you can take advantage of the Goat's power.
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