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Geek Podcasts

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:38 pm
by NukeHavoc
Folks have asked about where to find geek/scifi/gaming/whatever podcasts. There's a new web site that's trying to pull a bunch of them together, and features most of the big scifi podcasts ("big" being a relative term of course).

It's the "Science Fiction Podcast Network" and you can check it out at:

It's being organized by Michael Stackpole. My "Nuketown Radio Active" podcast received an invite while I was in Idaho, but I only got around to joining today. Nuketown should be up on the site by the end of the week, or thereabouts.

As far as how to listen to them ... you've got a few options. The most direct thing is to just go to the member web site and download the MP3 manually. That's work though, so what you really want to do is subscribe using a podcast aggregator.

You've got a few options there. iTunes 4.9 ( runs under Mac and Windows, is free, and seems to do a pretty good job (though I've only just started experimenting with it.

The other option on the Windows side is iPodder Lemon (, which is free and open source. On the Mac side, you've got iPodderX ( which has a share ware and commerical version.

And as always, you don't need an iPod to listen to any of this -- once you've gotten the files, you can listen to them however you like, since they're almost all mp3 files.


Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:45 pm
by Lars Porsenna
Yeah! Mike Stackpole! Very cool. I always wondered what he sounds like...ok not really. But I DID subscribe to his podcast.

Are there any other interesting podcasts out there? Specifically gaming related ones...?


Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:09 pm
by NukeHavoc
All Games Considered ( is a good RPG-centric podcast.

GeekSpeak ( is a board-game centric podcast.

That's all I've got off the top of my head.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:23 pm
by NukeHavoc
Since Bill asked over the Yahoo Group, here's an explaination of podcasting:

--- In, Bill Coughenour <bill_coke@c...> wrote:
> ok, i'm not as geeky as I should be... what is a podcast?

The short answer? A kind of internet radio show.

The long answer? Well ... in the beginning there was RSS (Really Simple Syndication) which was a way for sites to share their headlines with readers without mucking around with an newsletter. Anyone who subscribed to their RSS feed using an RSS aggregator would automatically download all the headlines from that site, along with either story summaries or the full story text.

Podcasting took that one step further. RSS 2.0 supported enclosures, which allows you to associate a file -- usually an MP3 file -- with the feed. When subscribed to using a podcatching client (like iTunes 4.9), the file would be automatically downloaded from the internet and onto your computer. From there, you could listen to it on your computer (which quite a few folks do) or even better (if you had a commute like mine) you could then offload it to your MP3 device of choice.

With iTunes and an iPod (which is how it got its name, though you don't need the program or an iPod) the entire thing was essentially seemless. Subscribe to a feed, and within a few days you've got a steady stream of podcasts being downloaded.

But you don't have to do any of that if you don't want to -- almost all podcasts make their mp3 files available as manual downloads fro their web site.

Internet radio itself has existed for years, of course, but IMHO, podcasting has really caused the whole genre to explode becuase you're no longer tied to a stream (as was the case with many shows) or forced to manually download the mp3 file (as was the case with the rest).

There have been a proliferation of gaming related podcasts and even more geek centric ones.

It's a good time to be a geek.