Tarrek and Peric - status?

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Tarrek and Peric - status?

Post by erilar »

What level are you guys now? What are you working on?
"This enemy you cannot kill. You can only drive it back damaged into the depths, and teach your children to watch the waves for its return." - Quellcrist Falconer

Post by EvilGenius »

Peric is 52 and I'm sort of goofing around. Sometimes I work on killing udead in Plaguelands, sometimes I run down to Un'Goro to mine Thorium, sometimes I head over to the Burning Steps. Depends on my mood.

Problem is, a lot of the quests I have are just a little high for me and I can't really solo them. And I've been reluctant to grab pick up groups to work on things.

What I'd like to do are some Mauradon runs and some Sunken Temple runs. I really need to upgrade some of my equipment and instances seem to have the best stuff.
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Post by Jonkga »

Tarrek is 56. only about 5 bars til 57. I've got about ten BRD quests, and still havent put a group together since we tried that one, lance. The other quests I have are mostly for plaguelands (mostly the fordring stuff). I have also been working on increasing my Timbermaw reputation, as there are some smithing patterns to be had there, and now some items as well.

I'd love to do some instances. I could easily run Maraudon, as I've become quite familiar with it. Only did ST once, but would be willing to go again.

I'd love to do some BRD, but have trouble getting a group together.

In a few levels, I'd love to try some of the other instances, like strath, scholo, and DM.

Post by EvilGenius »

So I hit 53 with Perric. I also saved up a bunch and upgraded my weapon to Twig of the World Tree, a sweet Pally/Druid/Shaman 2h mace.

I really haven't upgraded my equipment in a while. I've got some good pieces, but I really need to make a concerted effort over the next few levels to increase my armor.

Jon, besides the Ornate Mithril stuff, are you coming across any Armorsmith specific armors?
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Post by Jonkga »

Tarrek hit 58 this morning, and I've completed all the quests in the Onyxia key sequence except for the raid to get blood from General Drakk. w00t! Way cool stuff, that. I did a bunch of plaguelands stuff too, all the Chromie stuff, but I still need to work on the fordring stuff. Most of my quests now involve instances like BRD and strat/scholo or raids in UBRS, etc. I'd really like to get some of the lower BRD quests done, get my shadowforge key, etc.

Post by EvilGenius »

I hit 54, but i feel so left behind. *sniff* :)

I'm working on plaguelands stuff now so I can increase my Argent Dawn rep to get some of the cool armor recepies. :)

I'm getting or seeing BR, Strat and Sholo quests now. I haven't picked up too many. Still have 3 or 4 Mauradon quests to work on. :)
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Post by Jonkga »

just as an update: Tarrek hit 59 yesterday! w00t!


Post by EvilGenius »

Peric is 55, closing in on 56. :)
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Post by erilar »

Congrats, guys! Can't wait to hit all those high-level dungeons with you two!!!
"This enemy you cannot kill. You can only drive it back damaged into the depths, and teach your children to watch the waves for its return." - Quellcrist Falconer
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