Star Wars: Forcequake

Our KOTOR campaign.
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Star Wars: Forcequake

Post by NukeHavoc »

Characters for this year's Star Wars game at Nuke(m)Con should be 10th level. You can play your existing characters or create new ones; new characters should be associated with the Republic or Jedi Order in some way.

Here's the synopsis:

War grips the galaxy! The Mandalorians have overrun the Taris sector, surging past it to overrun the Mid-Rim worlds of Olderon, Ambria and Zeltros, As the third year of the war opens, the Mandalorian battle fleets have conquered the Republic core worlds Duros and Corellia. Coruscant itself trembles before the might of the Mandalorian Empire.

Yet Mandalore and his army of conquest are not unopposed. On Taris, swoop bike gangs have come together with ordinary citizens to wage a guerilla war against the invaders. In the Core, the Jedi Masters Revan and Malek have revealed the Mandalorian genocide against the Cathar. Outraged and horrified by the massacre of billions, the Jedi have agreed to the Revanchists crusade against the Mandalorians. Their counterattack looms large.

There are even darker tidings for the bucketheads in the Vargis Tau system. Mandalorian scientist Zelzan spent the last three years investigating ruins of the Unified Force Academy hoping to find one of the hidden caches of alien technology rumored to be there. Now it seems that he may have done exactly that … with terrible consequences. The Force mystics of Kel Dor have felt the planet screaming in pain, and intercepted Mandalorian military communiqués indicate that all comm traffic with the outpost as ceased.

Fearing the discovery of an ancient superweapon, Revan has dispatched Jedi General Quest Fios and his flagship, the Defender, to investigate the site of the former Jedi enclave and learn exactly what the Mandalorians have unleashed…
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'll try and be a tad more quiet as I desperately struggle to break free -- and save all creation!" -- Doctor Strange
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