Additional Player Backgrounds

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Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

I've been working on campaign specific character backgrounds. They're not set in stone, so if you see something that doesn't make sense, let me know, we can adjust.

Here is the first background: Family Legacy

Family Legacy
You come from a proud family tradition and have been instructed in that tradition your whole life. In many places, people will recognize your family name, sometimes even outside of your homeland. You are never just ‘you’; your family’s deeds, both good and bad, are with you wherever you go.

Skill Proficiencies: History, Choose 1 additional

Tool Proficiencies: Artisan (Scribe/Caligraphy)

Languages: Choose 1 associated with family background

Equipment: One set of either Artisan or Fine clothing, bearing your family sigil. A book detailing your family’s lineage and deeds. A device bearing your family sigil that can be used for communication (example: signet ring). The rest in starting gold according to class.

Feature: Succor
The character has family resources that can be tapped in times of need. This is usually a family member or close family friend who can be called upon to provide a small favor, at the DM’s discretion. The nature of the favor is along the lines of a safe place to stay (and possibly recuperate), an introduction to a key NPC, or a small cache of mundane equipment. (Since none of the players are from the region where the adventures will take place, a family ally will be present in town).
Your family name may grant access to certain social circles (high or low) that would otherwise be blocked to you. You may or may not be able to request favors from these social contacts, at the DM’s discretion.

Suggested Characteristics:
1. Your family name is your most cherished possession and you would never do anything to impugn your family’s reputation.
2. You are the black sheep of your family, the one that ‘everyone knows about’ and you enjoy embarrassing your family with a never-ending stream of scandals.
3. Your family legacy is one that you are ashamed of and you have dedicated your life to proving that you are not like them.
4. You’ve never really bought into your family’s tradition and ‘legacy’. They’re just old stories and you don’t really feel bound by them.

1. Glory: You are driven to increase your family’s fame by your noble deeds. (Good)
2. Protection: You desire above all to help those that your family has harmed. (Good)
3. Arrogance: You are simply better bred than lesser people and expect obedience from them. (Evil)
4. Power: You crave power above all else. Your family is a convenient, and expendable, means toward achieving your goals. (Evil)
5. Loyalty: You are loyal to your family and the word of your family patriarch or matriarch is as binding as that of any lord. (Lawful)
6. Individuality: The demands placed on you by your family have always chafed; you really just want to be your own person. (Chaotic)
7. Redemption: You seek to change your family’s legacy by your own actions. (Neutral)
8. Glory: You will prove your family’s superiority by besting your family’s enemies. (Neutral)

1. You aggressively search for a precious lost family heirloom because the one to retrieve it will become the new head of the family.
2. Your family has enemies and you seek to stymie/defeat them at every opportunity.
3. You send as much treasure back to your family as you can (either because they demand it or because they have fallen on hard times and need it).
4. You have a secret friendship/love affair with someone from your family’s bitter enemies and seek to reconcile differences between the two groups.
5. You will never rest easy until you have destroyed your family.
6. Your family legacy has held you back from a dearly desired goal (high office, marriage, etc) and you desperately try to prove yourself worthy of your goal.

1. You take unreasonable offense to the slightest complaint about your family.
2. You simply cannot believe anything bad about your family, no matter the evidence.
3. You secretly think you and your family are better than everyone else, even noble rulers.
4. You condescendingly treat everyone as a tool for your family’s benefit.
5. You will kill to keep your family secrets.
6. You will kill to reveal your family’s dark deeds to the world.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

You have spent time with the infamous raiders of the Bandit Kingdoms and have come to understand their outlook on life. You are used to travelling light and striking quickly and unexpectedly. You also know how to make use of your raiders fearsome reputation to get what you want.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidate, plus choose 1 from: Animal Handling, Perception or Survival

Tool Proficiencies: Choose 1 from: Smith’s tools, Leatherworker’s tools, Gaming Set or Herbalism Kit

Languages: Choose 1

Bedroll, Blanket, 3 large Sacks (for loot), whetstones, the rest in your class's starting gold.

Feature: Infamy
You have a past association with an infamous warlord from the Bandit Kingdoms, which people can recognize (special tattoo, prominent sigil on equipment, or recognized by a witness). You add double your proficiency bonus to any Intimidate checks toward anyone who is aware of your past (and who would be intimidated by reasonably powerful bandits).

Suggested Characteristics:
1. You like the thrill of daring raids against worthy foes as a chance to prove your worth.
2. You believe that wealth belongs to those strong enough to hold it; if it can be taken away from you then you didn’t deserve it.
3. You hated the bloodshed involved with raiding but you were there to support your brothers-in-arms.
4. You turned from the bandit lifestyle after you were responsible for the innocents being killed.
5. You were driven out of your raiding band for a real or imagined slight and you carry the shame of it with you always.
6. You left your raiding band after a particularly successful raid because everyone was settling down and you wanted more adventure.

1. Honor: You refuse to conduct any sort of raids against good people, and it’s caused bad blood with less scrupulous companions. (Good)
2. Cruelty: You love seeing the fear in people’s eyes when they see your band. (Evil)
3. Loyalty: Loyalty to your brothers-in-arms and bandit lord is the highest personal achievement. (Lawful)
4. Unpredictability: You love the freedom of going wherever you choose and striking when unexpected. (Chaotic)
5. Rebelliousness: You think that the social order in towns and cities needs to be shaken up, and what better way than to relieve the over-class of their wealth and privileges? (Chaotic)
6. Dependability: You will do anything to support your brothers-in-arms. (Neutral)

1. You were left for dead on a raid and the people you had raided nursed you to health. Now you owe them a great debt.
2. You have vowed to make recompense to those harmed by your raids.
3. Even though you are no longer with your raiding group you are bound to them by blood. You will still do whatever you can for them if they ever need you, and they would do the same for you.
4. You have vowed vengeance against a mysterious enemy who destroyed your raiding band.
5. Your raiding group was disbanded to search for a mysterious relic. If you find it, you can reunite your band.
6. You have sworn vengeance on your former raiding band for driving you out.

1. You secretly crave the bloodshed of a good raid.
2. You are greedy and always demand the best treasure for yourself.
3. You would gladly sacrifice anyone in your group to ensure your own safety. Or to claim the best loot.
4. You will stick by your companions no matter what evil they do.
5. You are suspicious of anyone outside of my group of companions.
6. You are wasteful, always spending everything that you make, relying on the next raid to make ends meet.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

I'm also working on backgrounds for the Hold of Stonefist, the Dutchy of Tenh, and the Theocracy of the Pale.
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by setanta14 »

I'm planning on using one that I think was in the playtest, but didn't make the final cut: Commoner (Forester, specifically)

Survival and I think 1 or 2 other skills

Salt of the earth -- ordinary people protect you so long as you are decent.

Proficient with some artisan tools, gaming set / playing cards. You can probably ride a horse.

This ok?
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

Yes, that's fine.
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by Lars Porsenna »

I was thinking of using the Family Legacy background and make the character a descendant of Baldwin The Mighty K'Sograh! :D

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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

Heh. That'd be fine, Damon. :)
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by NukeHavoc »

Nice. Have you done any work on the dwarven kingdom backgrounds? I'm still planning on playing a dwarven battle mage.
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

I've been kicking around some dwarven ideas. I'll probably get them up later this week.
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

I'm having some difficulty coming up with different Backgrounds for dwarves (and elves, too), and I'd like to think through a few things with all of you.

The Backgrounds in the PHB have a few broad themes that I'm trying to keep in mind when coming up with new material. The first thing I noticed is that most of the backgrounds in the PHB are 'jobs' (acolyte, criminal, folk hero, sage, etc). The second thing I noticed is that none of the Features convey a game mechanic benefit (ie, no +2 to this or that).

For development, I think there is an opportunity for other backgrounds besides 'former job', and I've posted one, Family Legacy. I have a few more in mind that are under development, but I think it's important that Backgrounds stay mostly in the, well, background. It's like high school; it affected our skills, personality and social connections, but it's OVER now. So I'm trying to not make backgrounds too much like character subplots. Or maybe that's what they're intended as? Dunno.

Features are giving me a little trouble and I've really tried to stay away from mechanical benefits, but the mechanical benefit for Bandit seemed like too good of a fit, and I wasn't really sure what other type of Feature to give that might be useful. Hopefully the mechanical benefit is thematic enough and not overpowered. :)

But back to dwarves and elves; I'm coming up a little blank on 'former jobs' that aren't covered already. Where I was having more creative luck, however, is in the Personality, Ideals, Bonds and Flaws section. So here's a proposal.

What do you think about a selection of racially specific Personalities, Ideals, Bonds and Flaws that can be swapped into the existing backgrounds? I'm not sure the Feature, Skills and Equipment of a Noble or an Outsider would be that different if you're playing a dwarf rather than a human, but I think it would make a big difference in Personality and Ideals, for example.

What you do guys think?
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by Lars Porsenna »

One thing that occurs to me is that perhaps we can use 2e kits as a springboard for backgrounds, since originally the concepts were the same. Now I'm not advocating anything that resembles an Elven Bladesinger, but use some of the kit ideas as a springboard for adaption. I recall Moraim (or one of my other dwarven characters) took a kit and all it resulted was a few NWPs and some background. I'll take a look at the COmplete Book of Dwarfs tonight and see if I can come up with something...

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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »

Lars Porsenna wrote:One thing that occurs to me is that perhaps we can use 2e kits as a springboard for backgrounds, since originally the concepts were the same. Now I'm not advocating anything that resembles an Elven Bladesinger, but use some of the kit ideas as a springboard for adaption. I recall Moraim (or one of my other dwarven characters) took a kit and all it resulted was a few NWPs and some background. I'll take a look at the COmplete Book of Dwarfs tonight and see if I can come up with something...

I was thinking something similar but I don't have any of my complete books available. :)
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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by Lars Porsenna »

Here's a straightforward one...

Clansdwarf (Complete Book of Dwarfs pg. 52)

The Clansdwarf is what most people think of whenever dwarves are mentioned. They are the majority in a dwarf society, its craftsmen and militia. They are skilled in a craft and receive military training from adolescence.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Insight
Tool Proficiencies: one type of artisan tool
Equipment: one set of any medium armor, belt pouch of 5gp, any one set of artisan tools.

Feature: Clan Bonds

Clansdwarfs are very tightly knit groups, often with extended relatives scattered across holds, mines and other dwarven communities. Whenever this character encounters a community of dwarfs, he can invoke his familial bonds and find shelter for himself and his companions at a modest standard. In addition, the clan leader or head of family will provide one boon of knowledge to the character if he seeks it, and is something the dwarf community would reasonably know.

Personality Traits
1. I am dedicated to what I do. I will always see something through to the end.
2. I am a perfectionist. Adequate is no substitute for perfection.
3. I am a pragmatist. Perfection is the enemy of good enough.
4. If it's not dwarven, then it's crap!
5. I like to talk to excruciating detail about my craft.
6. No one really understands my genius!

1. Aspiration. I wish to be the best at my craft compared to any other dwarf
2. Community. I will do anything to defend my clan and my profession
3. Competition. I believe competition brings out the best in people.



(I'll finish this later)

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Re: Additional Player Backgrounds

Post by EvilGenius »


You have wandered far and wide across the world, seeing lands and people that are mere legends to everyone else. You may even come from another plane of existence! In any case, your travels have given you a wealth of experiences that most people could not dream of, though you do not often know the comfort of home and family.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose 2

Tool Proficiencies: Choose 1

Languages: Choose 2

Equipment: Travelers pack (bedroll, waterskin, rations, journal, quill & ink, knife & whetstone, tinderbox), map case with maps of far-away places (that you’ve been to or to which you would like to go), book on weather patterns, belt with 25gp hidden in it.

Feature: Connoisseur of Far-Flung Lands
During your travels you have become familiar with many different aspects of ‘foreign’ cultures. Your exposure to different styles of architecture, artistry, fashion, cuisine and language allows you to identify from where a particular item or idea originated, though you have no specific ability to detect fakes, and particularly obscure items may still be beyond your experience.

You also have an air of mystery and sophistication about you that helps you in social situations and people can never quite tell if your eclectic mix of clothing and accoutrements are affectations of a foreign land or the simple mark of poor taste. As a result, you always appear to be living at least the Modest lifestyle, regardless of your actual expenses, and you may be invited into privileged social circles due to your ability to tell tales of exotic locales and peoples.

Suggested Characteristics:
1. You are a wanderer by nature, never content to settle in one location for too long, always eager to see what lies over the horizon.
2. You actually dislike traveling and long for the comforts of a stable job, home and family, but a job’s a job.
3. You love the thrill of arriving someplace new and thoroughly exploring all aspects of this new place, and carry each of these treasured destinations with you in your heart forever.
4. You are continually disappointed by the base nature of people wherever you go, but maybe the next place will be better!
5. You are fascinated with the variation in religions in different lands, expressed through worship of different Gods or by emphasis on different aspects of the same Gods.
6. You are running from something in your past and are always fearful that it will catch up with you.

1. Virtuosity: You provide an example of a virtuous life, wherever you go. (Good)
2. Protection: You always seem to find local despots or bullies to challenge, and people who need you to help them. (Good)
3. Greed: You’ll go wherever the coin flows, and you don’t care where that is. (Evil)
4. Diplomatic: You know many local customs on etiquette and protocol. (Lawful)
5. Independence: You are a free spirit and no one can pin you down for too long. (Chaotic)
6. Discovery: You are eager to know all that’s out there. (Neutral)

1. In my travels I am constantly searching for a lost, legendary artifact. When I find it I will gain great Power!
2. In my travels I am constantly searching for information about a mysterious figure who wronged me. When I find him I will have Justice!
3. The people of the lands require a protector, and it is my calling to fill that need.
4. Travelling is the perfect cover for my clandestine activities. I’m usually well on my way before anyone discovers anything missing.
5. Travelling is a wonderful opportunity to spread the word of my religion to far flung places!
6. Wealth and power are the most important things in life, either so that I can stop travelling or so that I can dominate all I come into contact with!

1. You travel so much because you’re just always 1 or 2 steps ahead of bill collectors and defrauded nobles.
2. You are condescending and boorish toward people who haven’t travelled as much as you have.
3. You are sycophantic toward local nobility, wherever you are, telling tall tales of your travels to ingratiate yourself with those who can pay for your next meal.
4. You quickly become bored with wherever you are or whatever you’re doing, and are always looking for the next journey to start.
5. You don’t like to get close to people or even learn their names because you’ll just be moving on anyway.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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