Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

The 5th Editon playtest campaign.
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Jonkga »

Bannock would respond to Onarra:

"Would that we could just confront the dragon directly.

However, I don't trust this 'lord' or the other one.

My faith has shown me not to always trust the arcane as the fix for everything, and these wishes seem like a trap to me.

You are right, the other's promises may also prove too good to be true, but I feel we might get at least something we can use.

I say we dispatch both this efreeti and his giant, after dispelling this watching dragon, and then deal with the salamanders for the item we need.

But, I await the group's say so."
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote:Me the player knows that a Wish spell can't do the things we need, but Onarra is holding her attack because it sounds like we can achieve our goals AND MORE. Depending on mid-combat time delay, her thoughts are these:

Rather than do the dirty work for more and more dangerous contacts, adding to the blood on our hands, and with no certainty of results or fair dealings, can we not wish for:
1. Direct access to the Book of Infinite Souls
2. The immediate death of Valos, or (less rules ignorant) the information/tool to defeat him (rather than hope Lord Eezamm's death yields anything of use to us)
3. Transport back to Farweald (or some tactical location on the PMP).

For time's sake, I can understand passing on what may equate to a dumb show, but I didn't want to hand waive on an honest PC response to a wildly unfamiliar development - and possible outrageous narrative development (aka FUN!). That said, I can also appreciate that for Jon, Bannock may choose to trump Onarra's hesitation with a swift coup de grace.

As Onarra muses aloud, Lord Eezamm's demeanor changes somewhat. "The Book of Infinite Souls! I know of this Book! I can provide MUCH knowledge of the Book! Alas, mere wishes will not help you find or claim the Book, for it was protected against such magic by the petty gods who feared the Book's power! I even have a relic associated with the Book! A helm which most assume was destroyed long ago! I received it from my consort, Lord Shazadar Mamoun Yaser Aziz, as a gift.

Even though wishes will not suffice, I have in my possession a collection of lore regarding the Book of Infinite Souls, stretching back centuries. I offer it, and the Helm in addition to the wishes, in return for my life.

If you refuse, know that my consort, Lord Shazadar Mamoun Yaser Aziz, will pursue you to the ends of the multiverse for vengeance!!"
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Jonkga »

Bannock will turn and directly face the efreeti, pointing his sword directly at him, its tip against his skin. Bannock will pull out Lord Shazadar's medallion and say:

"Well, well. We are very interested in both that helm and all that information. We absolutely want all of that.

However, I assume you recognize this seal, yes? Your beloved Lord Shazadar is the one who sent us to kill you. How does that strike you?

I'm not sure any sort of bargain sounds good to me.

If we kill you, Lord Shazadar should still help us. If we let you live, both you and he have grudges against us. It doesn't seem like letting you live is in our best interest.

Unless you can convince us otherwise.

Anyone else see it differently?"
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by erilar »

Jareth replies:
At the moment, we have made lasting enemies of two powerful efreeti lords. Our roster of mortal foes has swollen to the breaking point. Freeing this one certainly won't change that fact.

That said, I am not pleased with our current lot as assassins for hire - even if our mark is an evil, scheming, duplicitous, power-hungry flaming alien. Still, freeing the crackling cretin seems like poor strategy, given his far-reaching level of power.

[Quietly, as an aside to the party] Perhaps a reunion of these two fiery fiends might produce more truth than we can wring out of only one? We could drag his molten carcass back to his "friend" and see what ensues? Perhaps not easily arranged.

I don't expect we're getting out of this situation unburnt without taking down one of the djinn lords. But surely one is as bad as the other, both promise the knowledge we seek, and neither are likely to allow us to leave without a double-cross.

Do we have any way of determining which of the two possess the most useful knowledge?
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Fen's Ego »

To the party, (not our foe) Onarra says:

"If we cannot count on these 'wishes' to bring us closer to stopping Valos, then the choice becomes clear. Both efreeti offer mostly the same thing, but for two points: Lord Shazzedah has had dealings with Valos, and insights which may prove crucial to our cause. And abandoning this fight now leaves an entire stronghold of salamander...salamanders? A lot of flame creatures without payment, AND set up for retaliation for abandoning their master. And if they survive that, guess who the salamander underground is going to seek out as betraying deal-breakers?"
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by EvilGenius »

Jonkga wrote:Bannock will turn and directly face the efreeti, pointing his sword directly at him, its tip against his skin. Bannock will pull out Lord Shazadar's medallion and say:

"Well, well. We are very interested in both that helm and all that information. We absolutely want all of that.

However, I assume you recognize this seal, yes? Your beloved Lord Shazadar is the one who sent us to kill you. How does that strike you?

I'm not sure any sort of bargain sounds good to me.

If we kill you, Lord Shazadah should still help us. If we let you live, both you and he have grudges against us. It doesn't seem like letting you live is in our best interest.

Unless you can convince us otherwise.

Anyone else see it differently?"
Lord Eezamm looks stunned at the revelation of Lord Shahzadeh's amulet. "Shahzadeh .... sent you to kill me? But ... we just agreed days ago to ..." You watch as a revelation dawns on Lord Eezamm, which turns to horror then fury. "NO! It is not Shahzadeh! This is the work of his WITCHES! THEY do not approve of our plot! Did Shahzadeh give you the amulet himself?!? Did he say the words to you directly to kill me?!?!? No! He could not have! This is the work of his progeny, may they never know the comfort of flame again!!

You have been played for fools, mighty heroes! If you slay me, Lord Shahzadeh and our other allies in our plot will exact terrible revenge upon you and all that you love! Let me live and the knowledge you seek is yours, as is the Helm and the wishes that I offered you. Lord Shahzadeh will also bestow a kingly reward upon you, I know it! Our endeavor is too important to fail to the machinations of some mortal witch! The Sultan must fa...."

Lord Eezamm breaks off his panicky rant, realizing that he has, perhaps, said too much....
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Jonkga »

Bannock will say to Lord Eezam:

"The two of you were plotting against the Sultan?

Well, perhaps it is as you say and it is the witches. But, could Lord Shazedeh have been discovered, or the plot has, and he is putting you up as a Patsy to fall to curry favor and reduce blame for himself?

Who can know what to do now? I don't know if this changes things or not?"

Bannock will say to the team:

"Yes, we came here for info. But, I'd rather not be marked by this city's denizens for eternal torture and death.

Any ideas on the best way to extricate ourselves?"
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by NukeHavoc »

Did Shahzadeh give you the amulet himself?!? Did he say the words to you directly to kill me?!?!? No! He could not have! This is the work of his progeny, may they never know the comfort of flame again!!
Brigga ponders this. *Did* we hear this directly from the firelord?
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by EvilGenius »

NukeHavoc wrote:
Did Shahzadeh give you the amulet himself?!? Did he say the words to you directly to kill me?!?!? No! He could not have! This is the work of his progeny, may they never know the comfort of flame again!!/quote]

Brigga ponders this. *Did* we hear this directly from the firelord?
No. The PCs received their mission from your former companion, Gwendolyn Haupt.
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Fen's Ego »

perhaps its time for a little role-playing 101. All we need is the most charismatic member of our party to make an insight check to see if this guys is lying...oh wait. We're not that party, are we?
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Upweekis »

Quarion, who really wants to just kill this guy, rolls an insight check. 16 on the die plus 9 = 25. Do I think he's lying?

Should we do a send message spell to the Lord dude to make sure it was his will?
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by EvilGenius »

Quarion’s insight check tells him that Lord Eezamm seems to be telling the truth.

Quarion’s suggestion to check with someone may be a good one. Now, another decision: do you contact Lord Shazadeh? Or do you contact your former companion, Gwendolyn Haupt, who gave you the mission, supposedly on Lord Shazadeh’s behalf?
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by NukeHavoc »

Brigga has sending memorized.
You send a short message of twenty-five words or less to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. The spell enables creatures with Intelligence scores of at least 1 to understand the meaning of your message.
We're familiar with the firelord, so I think we'd be able to ping him.

Sensing betrayal and being the straightforward, lawful-person she is, Brigga will say to her friends: "There is an easy answer to this. I magically message the Lord Shazadeh. If he's in on it, then we know Gwendolyn is in the clear. And if he is not ... then we have another enemy. Contacting her directly would only confuse matters and tip her off to our own knowledge of her treachery ... if she is has betrayed her master."
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Fen's Ego »

Onarra, still to the party:

"Brigga's suggestion will at least cut through one layer of deception. I am in favor of sending this message."

"If the rest of us agree, we need to then plan what to do for either response. If Shazzedah back's Gwendolyn's task, I say we finish it as planned. But if the efreeti confirms duplicity, who's to say his rage won't spill over on us? He works with her out of mutual interest in power, not out of affection. She may have sent us here to die as likely as to succeed. She may be telling Shazzedah now that we overpowered her for the amulet and cooked this up ourselves. Hells, they could both be scrying our deaths now over a mug of flaming ale for all we know!" She pauses to reign in her composure and mutters under her breath, "we really need to leave this city."
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Re: Episode 20.5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Post by Jonkga »

Bannock is all for messaging the Fire Lord.
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