Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

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Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

To recap, the PCs were sent to the City of Brass at the suggestion of The Oracle, who thought that The Master's former trading partner, The Firelord, may have more information on The Master's plans. Also, The Oracle had sent Mordai to stay with the Fire Lord in order to shield the tiefling from the influence of The Master.

The PCs met their former adventuring companion and daughter of your patron in Farweald, Gwendolyn Haupt. Gwendolyn and her secret half-sister, Leigha, the girl who disappeared from Farweald the night you arrived, are both wards of The Fire Lord, their ancestor.

The PCs met with the Fire Lord and presented their request. The Fire Lord advised them that he would consider what payment was required in return for the information that they wished. Shortly after, Gwendolyn, came to you and told you that The Fire Lord wished you to slay a political rival of his in the city.

The PCs made preparations and assaulted this other efreeti's tower. The battles went well but before the PCs could strike the final blow against the target, the efreeti offered the PCs wishes in return for sparing his life. Conversation ensued and the PCs discovered that their mission was a sham; The Fire Lord did not want the PCs to kill Lord Eezamm, his consort, but rather an important lieutenant of the Sultan of the City of Brass, ruler of all efreeti. It also seemed that The Fire Lord and Eezamm were engaged in some sort of plot against the Sultan.

Gwendolyn had lied to the PCs. But why?

Now you are with Lord Eezamm, awaiting Lord Shahzedah's summons. Lord Eezamm has offered 3 interference-free wishes. In addition, the PCs have recovered a helm of telepathy tied to the Book of Infinite Souls and a tome of lore about the Book.

I'll put information gleaned from the book of lore in this thread.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

The tome of collected lore about the Book of Infinite Souls is an old book, written in several languages over the course of centuries. There are many sheets of notes or relevant information from other sources that are loosely tucked in between various pages. It appears that some effort was made more recently to summarize and codify the many scraps of information, written in a neat hand in the Infernal language.

A reading of the summary reveals the following information:
The Book of Infinite Souls was created on Oerth thousands of years ago during the Sueloise Imperium. The Book granted tremendous magical power to those who owned it, so long as they kept powering it with souls or other magical items. In time, though, the Sueloise god of Death and Magic, Wee Jas, took note of the Book's destruction of the souls of her flock. Angered by the affront to her spheres of influence, Wee Jas worked with a Power little known to the Suel, Celestian, The Far Wanderer, to hide away the Book.

Together the gods created The Donjon, a trapped demi-plane, in which they could hide the Book. The gods placed many protections on the Donjon, both mighty and subtle, then they tricked the owner of the Book into accessing the demi-plane, and when he fell prey to the magical protections, his own soul was devoured by the Book, leaving the Book trapped and unclaimed.

But the gods were not done yet. They sent their followers to track down the three items tied to the Book: a Helm, a Sword and a Spear. Each of them had the ability to drain souls and feed them to the Book. One by one the items were collected and destroyed, leaving the Book completely cut off from ownership and power sources.

Over the many centuries since, others have learned of the Book and sought to claim its power. None have yet succeeded and the Book lies inert in it's celestial donjon.
At this point, there are some new notes in a different hand, revealing the following information.
The dragon Valos has been seeking the Book for some time. It is thought that he has created at least one item that can directly feed the Book, as the Sword, Helm and Spear did, long ago. Another item has been recovered by Lord Eezamm, a helm of telepathy, which is also tied to the Book. It is not known if the dragon has found a way to breach The Donjon or bypass the defenses.
Another note is scrawled in the margin next to this. The dragon is in the Donjon! We do not know how but he was able to enter safely. However, he appears to be trapped there. This is a mixed success, for the dragon has claimed the Book and is able to use its power to influence the world outside of The Donjon, but he cannot leave. It is unknown how long the dragon can exist in The Donjon but potentially forever?
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

Brigga takes some time studying the tome and the various notes and learns the following.

The Book of Infinite Souls

DC 15 Investigation Check:
A book of Infinite Spells that devours souls or magical items in order to power itself.
1. Devouring souls could fill it with spells? Or maybe just powers pre-existing spells?
....a. All spells have a certain number of uses and then fade from the book
2. The book requires two attunement slots
....a. If you die while attuned to the book, your soul is devoured by the book, creating new spells
....b. An attuned wielder has to make a saving throw to un-attune from book

DC 20 Investigation Check:
1. The Book is only semi-intelligent.
2. A soul is the books preferred power source, but magical items will also work to power the book, albeit less efficiently (it seems that Uncommon or better magical items would be required, and such items would not charge the Book as much as a living soul).
3. The spell abilities have been known to change. It is not known if the spell selection changes at the will of the wielder, or according to what is used to power the Book, or if it is random.
4. The Book has had up to 3 items tied to it that funnel souls to the book. By using the items to power the Book, the wielder can use the Book safely (unless he dies).
5. The three items used to be a Sword, a Staff and a Helm, however, they were all though destroyed long ago.
....a. New items could be crafted, in theory.
....b. The Book is fickle, like a hungry beast. It tends to go to whomever feeds it the most, at least for a time. In that way, it may be possible to temporarily wrest control away from the attuned wielder.

The Donjon

DC 15 Investigation Check:
1. The location of the demi-plane actually changes everytime someone tries to access it, causing most methods of inter-planar travel to fail.
2. Even if someone does successfully access the demi-plane, the act of breaching the planar barrier surrounding The Donjon causes the instant death of the planar traveler and their soul is fed to The Book.

DC 20 Investigation Check:
1. It is said that only way to breach the barrier was to have the ability to travel the infinite planes at will, so that you could bend the travelling ability to find the demi-plane and to adjust to the active defenses that move the demi-plane about.
2. But breaching the planar barrier requires the sacrifice of a soul of sufficient power.
3. The Planar Barrier around the demi-plane acts as a special feeding device for the Book, as the Sword, Helm and Spear did.
3. This was supposed to make The Donjon impenetrable since the 3 items associated with the Book had been destroyed, so the only way to breach was to sacrifice one’s own soul to the Book by breaching the planar barrier.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by Fen's Ego »

Was it Jack Flag during the '08 Guardians of the Galaxy run who said, "I hate cosmic shit"? That's what Onarra is thinking as she pinches the corners of her eyes between her fingers. Anyway...

Onarra has some thoughts:

A) "Do we need to use the Wish spells now, or are they 'for a rainy day' or something in between?"

B) "I'd almost say we leave Valos to his demi-plane prison, but for two items. 1-He's able to affect changes on our plane and 2 - he may not be trapped forever. Forcing a confrontation in Donjon sounds like the worst possible place to have a showdown, but if the alternative is to free him, then does that afford us any "higher ground"? Assuming no, getting to Donjon requires some form of planar navigation and a soul "of sufficient power" to get in, (possibly a way not to have the rest of our souls consumed by the Planar Barrier). A Wish spell could allow us to make a clone, but a clone is useless if the soul is being claimed by the Book. Can a Wish spell help us find Donjon?"

C) "I'm displeased with the existence of this helm, which was supposed to have been destroyed, unless this is a new soul-siphoning creation. Does this mean that the sword and spear are still floating about? Hells, are one of us wielding a weapon that's feeding this damn Book?! I REALLY need a good night's sleep. Where was I...the helm, which Eezam is now giving to our care. Gwendolyn wants the helm...."

D) "And what of her? I have few memories of our companionship and don't know whether to ignore her duplicity, remove her from the board, or try to win her back."
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote: A) "Do we need to use the Wish spells now, or are they 'for a rainy day' or something in between?"

C) "I'm displeased with the existence of this helm, which was supposed to have been destroyed, unless this is a new soul-siphoning creation. Does this mean that the sword and spear are still floating about? Hells, are one of us wielding a weapon that's feeding this damn Book?! I REALLY need a good night's sleep. Where was I...the helm, which Eezam is now giving to our care.
A) Yes, you have to use them now.
C) You aren't sure if the Helm you have is the same Helm from ancient lore or if it was created sometime since. But when you ask if any of YOU are wielding a weapon that feeds the book, you all flash back to two relevant, recovered memories of Erk wielding an ugly, almost crude looking blade, which is the blade that he used in the Ritual to steal part of everyone's' souls. Safe bet that Erk's Sword (and a little piece of of everyone's' souls) was\is feeding the Book.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote: B) "I'd almost say we leave Valos to his demi-plane prison, but for two items. 1-He's able to affect changes on our plane and 2 - he may not be trapped forever. Forcing a confrontation in Donjon sounds like the worst possible place to have a showdown, but if the alternative is to free him, then does that afford us any "higher ground"? Assuming no, getting to Donjon requires some form of planar navigation and a soul "of sufficient power" to get in, (possibly a way not to have the rest of our souls consumed by the Planar Barrier). A Wish spell could allow us to make a clone, but a clone is useless if the soul is being claimed by the Book. Can a Wish spell help us find Donjon?"
B) Leaving Valos in The Donjon may not be a possibility. Most of you have already closed your Soul Portals, which you, and Valos' followers, suspected was key to Valos getting free of "whatever extraplanar place he was trapped in".

Mordai, Quarion and Bannock theoretically still have open Portals. Somewhere .....
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by Jonkga »

So, some wishes might go towards locating those portals.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

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In thinking about open Portals and locations, you remember from The Oracle's Journals that he mentioned that he knew of one additional open portal in a place he called "WolfDen".

And you encountered an elven woman locked up by Shining Justice who knew Quarion and was from 'the abandoned elven village'. Soon after, you scryed her as a werewolf (fighting with Dapple). Also, Quarion recovered a beautiful elven crystal bowl in Haupt's Wonders that he recognized as his in your previous life. The bowl supposedly came from 'an abandoned elven village' in the Fellreev.

Putting 2 and 2 and 2 together, you surmise that Quarion's open Soul Portal is in the elven village that he used to live in, which is now 'abandoned' and in which at least some inhabitants have been afflicted with lycanthropy, and that The Oracle knows of the village's location.

(So you don't need to 'waste' a wish on that info, which you already know).
Last edited by EvilGenius on Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

Oh, and you know Mordai's Soul Portal is in the underground chambers beneath Lucky Break, the tiefling's old home, where you fought and defeated Shining Justice.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

So another thing that I think is well within the purview of a wish is gaining knowledge. There are still a lot of mysteries that the PCs haven’t figured out. Maybe this would be a good way to fill in some gaps in your knowledge.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by Fen's Ego »

"If closing our portals is the path forward, the location of Bannock's portal is our only unknown. Perhaps a wish for this knowledge is our first?"

As for a way home, Bob mentioned that Mordai could help there, so no need to use a wish on a ticket home.

"I have lots of knowledge, but I still feel like everything is 'gaps'. What gaps do we need to fill most? Locate the relics connected to the Book? Determine Gwendolyn's goals? Her sister's location? Bern Haupt's true identity? Dapple's next ambush? Why statues of certain gods remain in Farweald?"

And by the way, if that red dragon is still peeping our business, Onarra would like to end that particular effect before giving another powerful dragon reasons to hunt us down. That would have transpired before tipping our hand.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote:"If closing our portals is the path forward, the location of Bannock's portal is our only unknown. Perhaps a wish for this knowledge is our first?"
Yes, you haven't really stumbled upon any information about Bannock's former life beyond his recovered memories (ie, you haven't found his former home).
"I have lots of knowledge, but I still feel like everything is 'gaps'. What gaps do we need to fill most? Locate the relics connected to the Book? Determine Gwendolyn's goals? Her sister's location? Bern Haupt's true identity? Dapple's next ambush? Why statues of certain gods remain in Farweald?"
LOL! I understand why everything still feels like a 'gap', but honestly, you guys have put together aaaalmost all of the puzzle pieces. Some of the remaining pieces are big, but there aren't too many left, and when discovered, those pieces will pull together big chunks of story. I promise. :)

Re: Gwendolyn, you really don't have any info on her plans or motivations. You know her sister Leigha, the 'missing girl' from Farweald (the Laura Palmer analogue), is also at The Fire Lord's palace (Lord Shahzadeh's palace).

Bern Haupt's true identity????
And by the way, if that red dragon is still peeping our business, Onarra would like to end that particular effect before giving another powerful dragon reasons to hunt us down. That would have transpired before tipping our hand.
Heh. The Red Dragon bids you farewell and thanks you for letting him watch an entertaining battle, and comments that he hasn't been to the City of Brass in ages, perhaps he'll plan a vacation soon. Oh, and don't come looking for him, or he'll roast you. :)
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by Jonkga »

Hmm, thinking over Onarra's suggestions, it seems to me that we should focus these wishes on some or all of the following:

Recovering memories - maybe one person's, maybe try for everyone's

Farweald - what's going on that we have yet to uncover

Portals - we may not need a wish for this, if we can at least get the location of wolfden from the Oracle

Donjon/closing portals - what would happen, releasing the dragon, etc.
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by erilar »

EvilGenius wrote: DC 15 Investigation Check:
A book of Infinite Spells that devours souls or magical items in order to power itself.

DC 20 Investigation Check:
2. A soul is the books preferred power source, but magical items will also work to power the book, albeit less efficiently (it seems that Uncommon or better magical items would be required, and such items would not charge the Book as much as a living soul).
....b. The Book is fickle, like a hungry beast. It tends to go to whomever feeds it the most, at least for a time. In that way, it may be possible to temporarily wrest control away from the attuned wielder.
Hmm, and who do we know that has been gathering piles of Uncommon+ magical items? And has junkie-like hunger for arcane power?


Good guess, Church Lady - but it's actually The Oracle! Sounds like everybody wants to get their hands on the Book of Infinite Nasty, including Mr. Oracle, the Fire Lord, and maybe even Gwen. Could the Oracle be trying to summon the Book out of the Donjon?
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Re: Episode 20.75: Strangers in a Strange Land: Aftermath

Post by EvilGenius »

Lol! Church Lady .....

Regarding The Oracle, uhhhh..... NO COMMENT!!! :P ;D
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