Retconning the Dwarf's Death

The Geoff/Sterich campaign.
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Retconning the Dwarf's Death

Post by NukeHavoc »

After thinking about it over the last week, I'm not really pleased with Torthen's reincarnation -- I just don't think it'll keep with the character, so I'd rather he be dead than human.

So I'd like to say he died at the end of the combat, and stayed dead, and bring in a new character. The character I'm thinking of will be a dwarven mountain man, one of the sole survivors of the "good" dwarven clan from these hills, and an eventual follower of Luc and D'klar. He usually lives off on his own, contemplating the nature of stone and rock in a secluded monastic dwelling of his own creation, but comes down form the hills after the massacre, guided by a vision from the dwarven gods. He'll find the ghost, and join the quest to put its spirit to rest.

I'm thinking of making him Cleric 3 / Monk 6 (assuming he comes in at 9th level), with the Earth and Strength domains (not sure which dwarven god he'd follow though -- any suggestions?) and a Lawful Neutral alignment.
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Post by Jonkga »

Weak, dude, weak. We were so looking forward to your dwarf in human form. Could have been a whole adventure in itself -- the quest to return Torthen to his dwarven form (maybe a dip in the dwarven hot springs in the Drachensgrabs).

Oh well. Your mountain man actually sounds cool, and I like the cleric/monk combo -- interesting options there. However, no dwarven gods have the strength domain -- many (moradin, dumathoin, etc.) have the earth (or at least rock, mining, etc. that we could stretch). Not sure how we want to handle that...
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Jonkga wrote:Weak, dude, weak. We were so looking forward to your dwarf in human form. Could have been a whole adventure in itself -- the quest to return Torthen to his dwarven form (maybe a dip in the dwarven hot springs in the Drachensgrabs).
Hmmm. Hadn't thought of that. Could make for some interesting role-playing opportunities as he quests. Maybe I'll stick with him for now, and go monk/cleric if he dies again.
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Post by setanta14 »

While not specifically of the dwarven pantheon, possibly consider:

Bleredd, (m)
Lesser Deity of Metal, Mines, and Smiths
Worshippers: Commonly accepted across all the Flanaess (especially dwarves)
Holy Symbol: An Iron Mule
Alignment: N
Domains: Earth, Fire, Strength
Prestige Domains: Creation, Summoning
Weapons: Warhammer
Weapon of the Deity Spell: +1 Throwing Warhammer
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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

At least your a Human. Poor Balkup is a kobold :(

Both do sound like interesting options though.

Re: Retconning the Dwarf's Death

Post by EvilGenius »


I do understand what you're saying though. Questing to turn back into a dwarf is pretty cool though. :)
NukeHavoc wrote:After thinking about it over the last week, I'm not really pleased with Torthen's reincarnation -- I just don't think it'll keep with the character, so I'd rather he be dead than human.

So I'd like to say he died at the end of the combat, and stayed dead, and bring in a new character. The character I'm thinking of will be a dwarven mountain man, one of the sole survivors of the "good" dwarven clan from these hills, and an eventual follower of Luc and D'klar. He usually lives off on his own, contemplating the nature of stone and rock in a secluded monastic dwelling of his own creation, but comes down form the hills after the massacre, guided by a vision from the dwarven gods. He'll find the ghost, and join the quest to put its spirit to rest.

I'm thinking of making him Cleric 3 / Monk 6 (assuming he comes in at 9th level), with the Earth and Strength domains (not sure which dwarven god he'd follow though -- any suggestions?) and a Lawful Neutral alignment.
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Post by Jonkga »

Yeah, Blerred sounds good, especially in a land like Geoff where dwarves and humans do regularly interact.

Re: Retconning the Dwarf's Death

Post by EvilGenius »

Although, if you do stay dead, I think I'll create a similar character for myself to play (since I really wanted to play Torthen) for when I rejoin the campaign in august. :)
NukeHavoc wrote:So I'd like to say he died at the end of the combat, and stayed dead, and bring in a new character.
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Post by Lars Porsenna »

Bob, why not just play Torthen, Ken can make his own character...then everyone is happy!

Damon. :D

Post by EvilGenius »

Yeah, whichever. :)
Lars Porsenna wrote:Bob, why not just play Torthen, Ken can make his own character...then everyone is happy!

Damon. :D
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