WoW Status?

The former Blackrazor addiction.
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WoW Status?

Post by erilar »

Hi guys. I've been contemplating returning to WoW. Guild Wars hasn't been as fulfilling as I'd hoped, and even though Oblivion has been fun, I'm finding myself missing Azeroth.

Plus, Blizzard just instituted a new system by which battleground participants are pulled from many servers, not just your own. The result is that there are (supposedly) no longer very long queue times to get into a battleground. If this is true, BG's are something that I could do that wouldn't require advance scheduling (vs raiding), and that would feel "fresh" and keep my interest.

I wanted to check with you guys and see what your status is on the game. Damon, are you still playing?

I know Jon had been, and that he'd levelled Quen up to 40 in preparation for when he finishes 2nd shift. Jon, are you playing solo any?

Ken, are you still playing, or interested in returning to our weekly (or so) games?

Bob, are you going to be playing again soon? Not sure what your computer status is now.
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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

I've been thinking about playing again lately. So much that the game has been loaded on my pc for about a week. I just didnt want to jump the gun on some server that won't matter much. So where you guys at in terms of levels and classes? (oh and what server am I looking at?) I was thinking either a hunter, druid or paladin. You guys are alliance right? Then i'll prolly go with an elven hunter. I like the elves in armor :D Save the druid for my tauren with another friend, and the pally when I can be a Horde pally
:twisted: (Blackguard bwhahahaha)
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Lars Porsenna
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Post by Lars Porsenna »

Yes I'm still playing (though not lately). I think Durric is at level 37.

We're all on Thunderhorn for alliance guys.

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Post by erilar »

Yeah, as Damon said our characters are predominately Alliance, Cory, and we're on Thunderhorn. We have a very wide range of levels, but the two main groups of characters are at 60 and the mid-to-late 30's. We also each have a small collection of solo characters between lvl 10 and 30.
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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

dang. Thats a lot Higher than I thought. Well, I may create a character on your server. But I'm not sure that I'll ever catch up to you guys. I'm going to play quite casually.
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Post by erilar »

We also have some lowbie Horde toons on Windrunner, and none of them have even reached lvl 20.

If I do start playing, one of the things I'll definitely be doing is ressurecting those two Horde toons (an undead rogue and tauren shaman). I have yet to play through the two lvl 1-20 undead starting zones, and new content is good content!

My UD rogue is only like level 8, and is in the Tirisfall Glades lvl 1-10 zone. Most of our other Horde toons are currently in the lvl 10-20 Horde zone called the Barrens.

I have yet to run several of the lower-level Horde instances, including Wailing Caverns, and I'd really like to do so. As I said, any new (to me) content will be what keeps me interested until Burning Crusade launches. At that point, I'm sure to ba playing my lvl 60 Alliance hunter a lot, and I'll also definitely start a Blood Elf and Draeni to experience those starting areas.
"This enemy you cannot kill. You can only drive it back damaged into the depths, and teach your children to watch the waves for its return." - Quellcrist Falconer

Post by EvilGenius »

I'm offline at home, currently. The net access at my apt is dialup only (though I think my cable company does highspeed download, like Jon's. But I don't have a landline phone for the uplink).

However, in the next few months, I'll be moving, so may have better access then. I'll have to see.

So for now, no WoW for me.
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Post by erilar »

Started my account back up again last night, almost exactly a month from cancelling. :)

Darkken the undead rogue (on Windrunner) is now level 10 and still stationed in Brill (inside Tirisfall Glades).
"This enemy you cannot kill. You can only drive it back damaged into the depths, and teach your children to watch the waves for its return." - Quellcrist Falconer

Post by EvilGenius »

I haven't actually cancelled yet, but I think it's imminent. I'm just not going to have any real time to play with my current work/school schedule.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

I'm offline. I don't expect I'll reactivate my account until later in the year -- while I've been missing it, I just don't have the time. Maybe around Christmas though.
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Post by erilar »

Damon, Jon's back on daylight. He's got Quendaran up to lvl 40, so I'm a bit shy - at 35 I think.

I'm going to work on soloing Urabus up to 40 so we can all start grouping again, if you're game. Would like to group some too on the way, if our schedules match.

This won't be my main focus, as I'm trying to gear up for the lvl 60+ Burning Crusade content, but I'll definitely be playing Urabus when I'm not raiding and/or helping Jon get Tarrek's fire resist gear collected.
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Lars Porsenna
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Post by Lars Porsenna »

Durric is still in level 37 land, so grouping on a few quests would be appreciated...

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