Episode 17.75 Ooze on Down .... to Hell!

The 5th Editon playtest campaign.
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Re: Episode XVII.75 Ooze on Down .... to Hell!

Post by Jonkga »

EvilGenius wrote:
Jonkga wrote:Bannock will also say to the twins:

"While your intentions were noble, there are fell powers at work in town, and perhaps you ought not show yourselves as opposed to them yet. Thank you for sharing your purpose and information with us. Rest assured, we will look into just who might be supplying your father, as our interests might intersect. Allow us to take this on, and so not endanger yourselves any further."
Helar'ik rolls his eyes at that and grumbles something under his breath about wasting your breath, but Gimdriss tosses her hair angrily. "We'll not hide under a rock while our home rots. There is evil there, and we WILL face it!" She fixes her brother with a stern glare as he rolls his eyes some more and shakes his head.
Bannock will turn on her and angrily reply:
"Bitch, I said you will stand down in town and not reveal yourself. I am trying to save your life here - you think you can face this, but you cannot. If you are determined to face this great evil before I say, I will cut you down right now."
Bannock draws his sword, Cur right at his side.
"Your answer now, before we proceed any further - I will also not have you undercut our efforts in what is now MY town!"

***** Above response ret-conned at GM's request*****

Bannock thinks the above response in his head, but does not outwardly respond to the provocations of the dwarves, instead turning away from them and continuing to lead the party back towards Farweald. He will let others deal with the dwarves.
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Re: Episode XVII.75 Ooze on Down .... to Hell!

Post by EvilGenius »

Helar'ik lets his hotheaded sister make her proclamation, then with a wry glance in her direction, he elaborates. "Master Bannock, we appreciate your advice. Indeed, I think the evil in Farweald has deep roots and many heads. Against an evil like that, we need sound strategy BEFORE a stout heart". Gimdriss pointedly looks elsewhere. It seems this is an argument they've had many times before. After a moment, Gimdriss angrily stalks over to Brigga and starts muttering quietly in dwarven. Brigga nods along in agreement and the two warriors occasionally shoot identical stern glances toward the rest of the party.

Helar'ik does his best to ignore them and says quietly to Bannock, "please forgive my sister's impetuousness. She means well, she's just frustrated that so many in town won't listen to her warnings. And more than that, they won't DO anything, even if they agree with her. And if there's one thing that my sister really can't abide, it's doing nothing when there's a problem clearly at hand."
Another daring escape for the intrepid Spaceman Spiff!
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Re: Episode XVII.75 Ooze on Down .... to Hell!

Post by Fen's Ego »

Jonkga wrote:

Bannock will also say to the twins:

"While your intentions were noble, there are fell powers at work in town, and perhaps you ought not show yourselves as opposed to them yet. Thank you for sharing your purpose and information with us. Rest assured, we will look into just who might be supplying your father, as our interests might intersect. Allow us to take this on, and so not endanger yourselves any further."
Onarra will watch this exchange and offer to both of the twins after:

"You can obviously handle yourselves in battle. We aren't trying to hold your hands or keep your noses from being bloodied. Bannock's warning isn't merely a benevolent gesture to sideline you or keep you safe. Far from it. What you don't know yet is just how many moving pieces are at work in and around Farweald (depending on how long they've been missing...i forget). And from what I've learned in dwarven company (ONARRA LOOKS FLATLY AT BRIGGA), you take no shit and have little patience for idleness. Which is great in a straight fight. On that day, I want the Hammerheart twins beside me. But for the next day or so, we need to find a target that's going to do the most damage to the forces rotting your home. And if you two stalk into town and kick the hornet's nest, you could ruin any advantage we have."

"Work with us. Let us get a message to your father so he knows you're well and we can make progress on some business we have with him. I'll stay with you just outside of Farweald and we can coordinate how best to strike next, if that is what you wish. When the others contact us, we move. Is that acceptable?"
"Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun."
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Re: Episode XVII.75 Ooze on Down .... to Hell!

Post by Jonkga »

When the party stops for the evening, as they are all having a meal together, Bannock will address the party:

"So, folks. What do we do now?

We've got a great deal of things to consider, that all impact our futures and the future of Farweald and its residents. We are trying to uncover the details of what exactly happened to us in the past. We are trying to find and defeat this Master - who it seems is an evil dragon - no small feat indeed. Which may involve closing (or opening) various protals. And, we are trying to ensure that evil forces are routed out of Farweald.

After discussing what the Oracle had in his journals, (and, mind you, I'm not convinced the Oracle is an outright enemy of ours, at least not completely, yet) we know some things, and have questions about many other things.

It seems there was a secret location under Ye Old Gaming House in Farweald. I wonder if it is still there, and if it connects to any other underground areas in or out of Farweald?
The potter seems to be an alchemist - I wonder if good or evil? Has anyone interacted with the potter?
The half-elven bowyers worship a god I'm not familiar with. But, most don't proclaim gods in Farweald. Perhaps allies? Has anyone interacted with them?
I know we've shopped at But's Mundanities - and the Oracle indicates he may be cursed. Anyone able to remove curses? Perhaps he would know something important if we could remove his curse?
We seem to be missing important info about Gwendolyn, and now we learn she has a secret sister - perhaps there is much more investigation to be done here? Who is the mother? Is is the same? An infernal creature? How does our former companion Thulik connect to Gwendolyn? Her sister? Haupt?
Rebel's Redoubt certainly seems a trap, but also a source for someone (courtesy of the info provided by the twins). Have we cleared it? Will that portal return?
The Oracle referes to GateClones and SoulPortals - very troubling.
FakeLights seems obviously to be Shining Justice, who we got a note from at Lucky Break - perhaps we should end that loose thread once and for all?
We have discovered many locations around Farweald, and we seem connected to many of them. Where is Splish-Splash? WolfDen? Have we found these, or are they yet to be found?

Overall, once back at Farweald, we should probably figure out who our allies are, and move towards routing out the evil hidden there. THe sooner things are out in the open the better, I think.
We had been considering exploring the Singing Pools. We had also discussed finding the lost elven village where a bowl belonging to Quarion. We have Portals to find and open/close.
Last we heard, there is a strange sickness pervading Farweald - we should probably stop that if we have the ability to do so.
Also, I forget the culmination of the fires/murders in town, and resolving that is something we should at least see is done, even if not by us.

This is a great deal. It all weighs heavy on me, and I am not sure how to proceed. What do you all think we should do?"
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Drink and be whole again beyond confusion."
-- "Directive" by Robert Frost
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Re: Episode XVII.75 Ooze on Down .... to Hell!

Post by EvilGenius »

(Moving to a new thread)
Another daring escape for the intrepid Spaceman Spiff!
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