Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

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Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs decided that their next goal was to find the portal at Lucky Break, with the assumption that Mordai, The Oracle & Blueberry, and Shining Justice would all be there. The PCs spent an inordinate amount of time planning (for them), and decided that they were going to head back to Farweald to try and procure an expensive spell component and to recover Lil' Buddy.

(more later)
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs reluctantly headed back to Farweald. They were let in the town gate by an unfamiliar and suspicious guard. However, once inside, the people of Farweald looked cautiously at the PCs but more than a few townsfolk actually nodded in guarded greeting. When the PCs entered the town market, a few people called out to Quarion, asking him if he had found his medicines on his trip. It seemed that there were a few dozen people in town who had been sick before Quarion left but who seemed much worse now.

The PCs accompanied a man back to his home where is wife and daughter were sick. They had developed a series of purple splotches and had become too sick to walk. Quarion looked at them and determined that they had been poisoned, though he knew not how. In questioning the man and his wife, they learned that the wife and daughter had previously been under the care of Elaidha, of Shining Justice, who had given them an herb to take in a tea. Suspecting foul play, Bannock and Quarion magically healed the woman and her daughter of the poison. The PCs then determined they should go and check in with the Constable, who had taken Elaidha's journal to be translated.

At the constable's office, they met Dunaric, who seemed resigned to see them again, but at least wasn't overtly hostile, or even unfriendly. The Constable was out of town at the logging site, but Dunaric did show the PCs Elaidha's partially translated journal. In it, they found a description of many poisons, including a slow acting poison administered in tea. As the poison built up in the subject, they got sicker and sicker, and when they had ingested enough, they subjects broke out in a series of purple blotches. At that point, the dosage was fatal and the subjects deteriorated quickly until death.

Finding that out, the PCs told Dunaric all about the poison and told him to spread word throughout town and have any affected townsfolk come to the Grandwood, where the PCs would heal them. Dunaric spread the word with other guardsmen, who all hurried throughout town to round up those sickened by Elaidha's poisoning scheme. For the rest of the day, and all through the next, the PCs magically cured several dozen townsfolk of the near fatal dose of poison they had been unwittingly serving themselves.

With that crisis averted, the PCs also checked in with the Hammerhearts. Noridur was very thankful that the PCs had 'rescued' his 'idiot kids', and happily reported that he had been able to use his most potent acids (which everyone now knew came from the slimes and oozes below Rebels' Redoubt) to finally destroy the cursed dagger of venom, Touch of Incabulous, that the PCs had given him.

Turning in after a long day, the PCs prepared themselves for their main priority, Lucky Break.
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

The following morning, the PCs left Farweald for Lucky Break. As always, Bannock expertly and effortlessly guided them through the woods directly to Lucky Break. On the second morning, only a few hours away from Lucky Break, the PCs all partook of Quarion's Hero's Feast spell, ensuring that everyone would enjoy certain protections vs their opponents, Shining Justice. The PCs also used several spells to scry Mordai and the various members of Shining Justice, gleaning what information they could. After resting the PCs set out to confront the duplicitous adventurers.

When close, the PCs briefly debated their tactics but Bannock's straightforward approach won out. Emerging from the forest, the PCs strode right up to the front door of the keep, setting off a magical alarm as they did so. Moving quickly, Onarra deftly unlocked the heavy, ironbound front doors and everyone moved into the main courtyard. While the PCs were examining the inner door, leading to the inner courtyard and interior tower access, a small pea of fire shot down from the top of a tower, exploding into an intense fireball, engulfing the whole party!

Brigga magically moved to the top of the tower just as Pembrooke activated his Figurine of Demonic Power. Moving quickly, Brigga smashed the evil mage with her Hammer, then activated her magical wards to avoid and absorb the returning blows from the enraged Barluga. Pembrooke quickly ducked down into the tower as Brigga and the demon continued to trade blows.

Below, Onarra successfully unlocked the inner bailey door, and Bannock and Cur rushed through to discover an unpleasant surprise. Owan, Last of the Elkheart, was waiting within! Owan rushed Bannock, attacking with undisciplined fury, while Bannock and Cur pushed him back. With space to enter, Onarra and Lil' Buddy joined the fray.

Pembrooke emerged from his tower to see the bloody melee and quickly summoned his magic to escape the battle above and the battle in front of him. Alone against multiple opponents, Owan was quickly overwhelmed and slain. Seemingly unconcerned, Pembrooke revealed himself on the top of an adjacent tower, firing off spell attacks against Brigga.

Meanwhile, Quarion entered the outer courtyard, slinging spell attacks at the demon on top of the tower to help Brigga. However, as Quarion moved in, Dapple revealed himself with a devastating sneak attack against the cleric. The two had a brief and bloody exchange, though when Bannock joined the fray, Dapple quickly disengaged and fled down into the prison/basement.

Onarra entered and climbed the tower to confront Pembrooke. As he emerged onto the top of the tower, Brigga's powerful magic pushed the bloodied demon off of the top of their tower, only for the demon to disappear from the courtyard below. Sensing the battle turning against them, Pembrooke also used Thunderwave to blast Onarra off of the tower roof, then fled the battle yet again. Fortunately, Lil' Buddy was close by and magically absorbed much of the damage done to Onarra.

Momentarily out of combat, the PCs quickly took stock of their situation.
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

Quickly regrouping, the PCs healed up a bit and did a quick investigation of the upper levels. Not finding much of interest, the PCs prepared to descend to the subterranean levels after Dapple, and in search of the other members of Shining Justice. And Mordai. And the Oracle and Blueberry.

Onarra unlocked the door and the PCs moved into the small hallway toward the stairs. However, when Onarra stepped on the first step, she inadvertently triggered a trap which dumped a fine, slightly sparkly dust on the entire party. Despite everyone's fears, the dust appeared to have no effect other than getting into everything. The PCs descended the stairway into an old storage area in which three rooms had been converted into cells. Inside, the PCs found an elven woman and elven man. Both were severely malnourished, filthy, and showed signs of having been poisoned.

The PCs quickly freed the elves and did what they could to help them. When the elves awakened, they both exclaimed in surprise that 'Master' Quarion was here to rescue them! For his part, Quarion had only a vague sense of familiarity but both of the elves, Myrdin and Faylen, definitely knew Quarion and questioned his long absence. After spending the minimum possible magical resources to help them, the elven women, Feylen, was eager to escape her captivity. Myrdin, however, seemed terrified of freedom and begged for more healing and maybe a weapon to defend himself with. Showing slight exasperation at the delay while dangerous enemies were near, the PCs gave Myrdin a plain dagger and sent him on his way after Feylen.

After scouting the rest of the storage areas, the PCs found a storeroom with an abundance of herbs which Quarion quickly assembled into a Healers Kit. Finding nothing else of interest, the PCs followed a sloping corridor deeper into the subterranean complex in search of their foes.
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs moved into the next part of the complex, beyond the makeshift cells, only to quickly be confronted by magical darkness. The PCs skirted around the edges, then decided to spend the magical resources to dispel the darkness. What lay beyond almost made them wish they had left the darkness in place.

A large chamber lay beyond, with the stable portal they had seen in their scrying. In addition, two terrifying figures lurked near the portal. The tall humaniod forms had two massive arms that ended in huge pincers, with two more human-sized arms attached to the front of their torsos. Brigga and Quarion immediately recognized the fiends as glabrezu, vicious tempters of mortal kind.

The PCs launched into battle against the fiends, trading spell attacks, then melee attacks as Onarra, then Bannock and Cur, closed the distance to the fiends. A fierce exchange followed which saw one of the fiends nearly destroyed, but just before Bannock and Cur could finish it off, magical darkness descended on the group again. Then, surprisingly, a potent fireball exploded in the area of darkness, as Pembrooke stepped out of a side room!

To the party's dismay, Elaidha emerged from a room on the other side of the chamber at almost the same time, causing a billowing cloud of poison to envelop the melee combatants, and Erbard appeared and charged Quarion!
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

The PCs, fortunately, were all immune to poison, frustrating Elaidha's plans. However, Pembrooke's fireball was too much for Cur, Bannock's companion. Cur was quickly avenged, however, as the PCs brought their full might to bear on the remaining demon and the members of Shining Justice. Elaidha and Pembrooke were killed outright, and while Erbard did make things difficult for Quarion, in the end, Erbard tried to flee, then surrendered to the PCs.

During the last half of the battle, however, Onarra noticed the Oracle and Blueberry off to the side, observing the combat. Onarra challenged the Oracle to state his intentions, to which he replied that Shining Justice had made a bad deal with him but he thought maybe the PCs could make a better deal, so he was simply waiting for the fighting to be over.

In short order, the fighting was indeed over. The PCs are now in the chamber containing the portal. Shining Justice is largely defeated. Erbard is captured. Elaidha, Pembrooke and Owan are dead. Dapple is unaccounted for. The Oracle and Blueberry wish to parley. You have not found Mordai.

The Oracle addresses the PCs as you all gather. "Welcome, Clones. We have been waiting for you. Shining Justice expected you sooner but they overestimated their importance to you, as they overestimated their own skills. Why have you come, hmm?? Looking for Demonchild? Or this portal here? Learned somethings, have you?" The creature seems slightly condesending, but his smile seems a cross between a gleeful child and a ravenous animal just before he devours you. Blueberry, as before, stands ready for combat, wielding his oversized glaive.
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by NukeHavoc »

Brigga growls. "Yes, Oracle we are looking for Demonchild, or as he's known to us, Mordai. It seems he's gone back to the master; we would have words with our 'friend'. But we also have work here in closing the portal. We're familiar with the technique when it comes to our own portals, but closing someone else's, well, that's something we're interested in knowing how to do."
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

NukeHavoc wrote:Brigga growls. "Yes, Oracle we are looking for Demonchild, or as he's known to us, Mordai. It seems he's gone back to the master; we would have words with our 'friend'. But we also have work here in closing the portal. We're familiar with the technique when it comes to our own portals, but closing someone else's, well, that's something we're interested in knowing how to do."

"Heh. Learned some things, you have, but not everything it seems. Demonchild is not with the Master. True, the dragon was targeting Demonchild, but intervened, I did. I'm not ready for the Master to achieve his goals yet, I think. Heh! Offered Demonchild a choice, gave him knowledge.

Now, he is re-attuned to this portal here. Matched with his soul, it is, just as your portal was matched to your soul, ThunderClanger. And the portal at Splish Splash was matched to Gargantu-Bear. And WolfDen is matched with ... heh! Almost said too much, I did!! Hahahahaa!!!! More of that later, maybe.

But Demonchild. Heh. Not gone to the other clones and the dragon. No. Better. Through there, I sent him. Through the Portal. To the Firelord. To the Secret Sisters. Old friends, old enemies. But opposed to the Dragon, they are. Need them, I may.

Close this portal, heh? No, not yet, I think. Need to control when the Master is released, we do. Close when WE are ready, not HIM. Heh. Surprised, he will be, I think."
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by Jonkga »

EvilGenius wrote:"But Demonchild. Heh. Not gone to the other clones and the dragon. No. Better. Through there, I sent him. Through the Portal. To the Firelord. To the Secret Sisters. Old friends, old enemies. But opposed to the Dragon, they are. Need them, I may.

Close this portal, heh? No, not yet, I think. Need to control when the Master is released, we do. Close when WE are ready, not HIM. Heh. Surprised, he will be, I think."
Bannock will address the Oracle:
"So, well met again, it seems. And, while our interests in general are undoubtedly disparate, it seems we are aligned in our opposition to the Mas- the dragon.
Perhaps we can work together to ensure he is not victorious. Our previous encounters, while not smooth per se, have indeed been beneficial, and perhaps that too can continue.

You will have noticed that we now have the automaton, and therefore know we were in your home. But please do not take that as too big an affront - as we did leave gifts to compensate for our intrusion and the knowledge and things we gleaned from there, as we had done so previously.

You sent Mordai to the Firelord - is Mordai safe there?"
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

Jonkga wrote:
EvilGenius wrote:"But Demonchild. Heh. Not gone to the other clones and the dragon. No. Better. Through there, I sent him. Through the Portal. To the Firelord. To the Secret Sisters. Old friends, old enemies. But opposed to the Dragon, they are. Need them, I may.

Close this portal, heh? No, not yet, I think. Need to control when the Master is released, we do. Close when WE are ready, not HIM. Heh. Surprised, he will be, I think."
Bannock will address the Oracle:
"So, well met again, it seems. And, while our interests in general are undoubtedly disparate, it seems we are aligned in our opposition to the Mas- the dragon.
Perhaps we can work together to ensure he is not victorious. Our previous encounters, while not smooth per se, have indeed been beneficial, and perhaps that too can continue.

You will have noticed that we now have the automaton, and therefore know we were in your home. But please do not take that as too big an affront - as we did leave gifts to compensate for our intrusion and the knowledge and things we gleaned from there, as we had done so previously.

You sent Mordai to the Firelord - is Mordai safe there?"

"Heh heh. Safe. Heh. Who among us is ever truly safe, NightLight? Heh heh. Demonchild is needed, though. Needed alive, so he is safe enough for the moment. And he is reunited with old friends, as are all of you. But with your history, who is to say THAT is safe, eh? Hehehehehehehee.

Gifts, hmm? Well well, Blueberry and I will have to return home and see. As for Quirinseyru's Gift, my Lil' Buddy, eh. Sometimes not as useful as you hope he might be. Mind of his own, he has. His own priorities. He and I were ultimately ... incompatible.

So tell me, if you can. If you leave this portal open, for now, then where do you go next? Hmm? Heh. Heh! Have some ideas, I do. Heh."
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by Fen's Ego »

EvilGenius wrote: "Heh. Learned some things, you have, but not everything it seems. Demonchild is not with the Master. True, the dragon was targeting Demonchild, but intervened, I did. I'm not ready for the Master to achieve his goals yet, I think. Heh! Offered Demonchild a choice, gave him knowledge.
Onarra keeps her face blank and continues regarding the Oracle. How did you intervene? What do you think you know of the dragon's goals? What are your goals? She begins ticking off fingers.
EvilGenius wrote: "Now, he is re-attuned to this portal here. Matched with his soul, it is, just as your portal was matched to your soul, ThunderClanger. And the portal at Splish Splash was matched to Gargantu-Bear. And WolfDen is matched with ... heh! Almost said too much, I did!! Hahahahaa!!!! More of that later, maybe.
Where can we find WofDen? Do you plan to prevent us from closing that portal as well?
EvilGenius wrote: "But Demonchild. Heh. Not gone to the other clones and the dragon. No. Better. Through there, I sent him. Through the Portal. To the Firelord. To the Secret Sisters. Old friends, old enemies. But opposed to the Dragon, they are. Need them, I may.
If any of our goals are in tandem, we should meet these potential allies. What of the Secret Sisters?
EvilGenius wrote: "Close this portal, heh? No, not yet, I think. Need to control when the Master is released, we do. Close when WE are ready, not HIM. Heh. Surprised, he will be, I think."
What do you intend upon his release? I'm running out of fingers and patience, not to mention trust. Why should we respect your boundaries and goals? I'm not thrilled with our odds against a dragon, especially not if you are waiting in the wings to take up his mantle. Where do you stand, Oracle. If you hold a knife at our backs, I'd as soon end our business now and not be blindsided by your machinations later.
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote:Onarra keeps her face blank and continues regarding the Oracle. How did you intervene? What do you think you know of the dragon's goals? What are your goals? She begins ticking off fingers.

Where can we find WofDen? Do you plan to prevent us from closing that portal as well?

If any of our goals are in tandem, we should meet these potential allies. What of the Secret Sisters?

What do you intend upon his release? I'm running out of fingers and patience, not to mention trust. Why should we respect your boundaries and goals? I'm not thrilled with our odds against a dragon, especially not if you are waiting in the wings to take up his mantle. Where do you stand, Oracle. If you hold a knife at our backs, I'd as soon end our business now and not be blindsided by your machinations later.
"Heh. Patience, Twinkley Mudbutt. Alliance is possible, yes. But we must first speak about price. Heh. I know where WolfDen is. You do too, you just cannot find your memory of it. Yet. Help you I could. Close that portal you should. Bad influences through that portal, I think. Heh. Met some of them you have already, in the first chamber, in the cages.

I intervened with Demonchild by offering him information and a separate goal to prevent Dragon Servants from enticing him. He needed direction. I gave him some. Plus, he could reunite with old friends. It was a fair bargain.

The Dragon's goals? I am not sure. Wants to close the portals, certainly. Trapped he is, in an extraplanar prison dimension, he is. Moves, it does, I think. Freedom, certainly, he desires. Then probably to do what all dragons do. Establish territory. Terrify lesser creatures. Eat well, amass treasure, sleep peacefully, I imagine.

My goals? Heh. Simple. Learn things. Secret things. Maybe barter for shiny magics? Things people wouldn't miss? Precious little magical nothings?" At that, the Oracle spreads his jeweled hands wide and does his best impression of innocence. It is not very convincing. It's probably the eye. And all the sharp teeth.

"How about this: you give me him, NotAPaladin. I won't even let Blueberry eat him. Need him for later, I think I will. You keep his stuffs. Even his shiny magics. And we can be allies against Valos. Heh. Yes, allies. Tell you things, I can."
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

"Oh, and SecretSisters. Heh. HEHEHEHEH!!! Know one, you all do. Searched for the other, you did. HEH!

Wish you to go to the Land of Fire, eh? Want to see the City of Brass? Trade in wares from many planes? Find old companions? Rectify your prior loss, will you? Heh. Ha! Surprised I think you will be. Less failure than you assume. More danger, though. Many of you have closed your Portals already. Less immediately useful, you are to the one dwelling there. Heheh. Less useful, less safe."
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by NukeHavoc »

"NotAPaladin?" Brigga rubs her temples, trying to resist the urge to hit the Oracle with her axe. "Who in the Hells is NotAPaladin?"
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Re: Episode 19: Home Field Advantage

Post by EvilGenius »

The Oracle was motioning to the now-captive Erbard, of Shining Justice. :)
Last edited by EvilGenius on Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Another daring escape for the intrepid Spaceman Spiff!
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