Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

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Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by EvilGenius »

Boccob's Encyclopedia
(Wondrous Item, Very Rare)
This is a weighty spell book. It has a deep purple colored and in the middle of the front cover is a glowing silver rune that mysteriously changes shape while you watch it.
You open the book to find fine, thick vellum, and on the first page you see a spell description and formula. Strangely, as you examine it, the formula on the page seems to change itself until it seems that the spell inscribed is in your own personal notation! You could prepare this spell as though it were written by you in your own spellbook!
Boccob’s Encyclopedia is a great boon to Wizards. When a Wizard finds a spell (either an arcane spell scroll or a wizard’s spellbook), the Encyclopedia reveals a version of that spell in a format usable by its owner, without requiring any expenditure of gold or of time, and with no chance of failure.

Additionally, a wizard may choose to provide the standard time and cost of transcribing a spell into a spellbook (2 hours and 50gp per level of the spell, typically) to add an unknown spell to the book. While adding the unknown spell, the wizard enteres a trancelike state, which feels almost like being controlled by a celestial being. The wizard retains normal awareness of his/her surroundngs, and can choose to end the transcription early, if necessary. If the transcribing process is interrupted, all material costs are fully consumed and unrecoverable, but the process fails and the partial transcription fades from the pages of the Encyclopedia.

Secret: The Encyclopedia can be used to discover three new spells every two weeks.

If the transcription process is completed, a new spell appears in the Encyclopedia. This new spell will be a spell that the transcribing character doesn’t know, and may be a unique spell, an arcane version of another spellcasting class’s spell, or merely an unknown standard spell. Whatever spell is entered into the Encyclopedia in this way may be cast as a ritual, even if it is not normally a ritual spell.

The Encyclopedia does not seem to have a limit on the number of spells that may be contained within it. However, when first discovered, the Encyclpedia will invariabley only have a few spells in it, if any at all.

If the Encyclopedia is passed to another spellcaster, most of the spells within fade within one round.

When found, the Encylcopedia will have 0-3 spells of 1-4th level in it.
Currently, the Encyclopedia contains Glyph of Warding (3rd) and Stoneskin (4th).

Update: Brigga has claimed the Encyclopedia.

Quickling (Sorcerer's Stone)
(Rare, requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This pearl is a deep blue color and it vibrates strongly when you pick it up. You start to remark on it to your companions but your words all come out in a rush!
You can use an action to speak this pearl's command word and regain one expended spell slot of up to 3rd level. Once you have used the pearl, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Secret: When you use the recovered spell slot to cast a spell, the Quicken meta-magic feat is applied to the spell.

The Duelist’s Blade
Rapier (Rare, Guardian, Symbol of Power, Muttering, requires attunement)
This is a beautiful, excellently balanced rapier with an elaborate, mithril swept hilt. Near the base of the blade is the symbol of the House of Rax, royal house of the Great Kingdom, over crossed blades. This weapon was obviously carried by someone important in the royal house (investigation can reveal that it was carried by the royal weapon master).

What is also immediately obvious is that something, or someone, inhabits the blade. When wielded, or even just held, anyone within 5 feet can hear a low voice, constantly, urgently, and seemingly randomly, muttering fencing terms (2 block! Riposte! 5 block! Thrust! Lunge!).
If there is an attuned wielder, these mutterings actually warn of impending danger, granting a +2 bonus to initiative. Occasionally, the Blade will also mutter about various fiends and the best way to fight them, including their resistances and vulnerabilities.

Additionally, the spirit that inhabits the blade can assist it’s wielder in combat. The spirit has two d6 combat superiority dice, and knows the Combat Maneuvers Feint and Riposte. An attuned wielder can use the combat superiority dice to activate the known maneuvers, according to the rules in the Battlemaster archtype.

If the wielder has their own combat superiority dice, either from a class feature or a feat, they are separate from the Blade’s combat superiority dice, and do not interact with the Blade (ie, the wielder cannot use their own dice to power the Blade’s maneuvers, they cannot use the Blade’s dice to power other maneuvers they know, and the Blade’s dice are always d6).

The Blade’s combat superiority dice refresh after a short or long rest.

Update: Onarra has claimed the Duelist's Blade

Ring of Protective Arcanum
(Very Rare, requires attunement by a wizard)

This finely wrought ring is made of platinum, with golden filigree, and sports a large, softly glowing sapphire. Putting on the Ring immediately makes you feel safe.

This ring is a great boon to wizards. An attuned wizard always has the Shield spell prepared, and this spell does not count against your prepared spell total. Additionally, a wizard can prepare two more spells than normal.

The attuned wizard gains a +1 bonus to their Armor Class, and can re-roll one saving throw. You can decide to re-roll after rolling the die but before learning the results of the roll. You regain the re-roll ability after a long rest.

Update: Brigga has claimed the Ring of Protective Arcanum

Bracers of Wound Closure
(Uncommon, Require Attunement)
These strong steel bracers are covered with arcane runes, etched into the metal. Some of the etchings are dusted with crushed gemstones. It looks like the runes for protection and healing are the runes with the gemstones.
While you wear these bracers, you stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn. In addition, whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points it restores.

Update: Bannock has claimed the Bracers of Wound Closure

Sorcerer’s Heart
(Unique/Very Rare, Requires Attunement by a spellcaster)
This amulet is a large amber stone, in a delicate looking steel setting adorned with swirls that call to mind smoke or wind. As you pick it up, it feels decidedly warm to the touch. You almost drop the amulet in alarm after a moment when it seems to pulse, thump THUmp, like a beating heart!
You peer at the crystal closely but you can’t see anything strange. After another moment however, the strange double pulse happens again and you see tiny glittering strands shooting this way and that in the stone, only to immediately fade from view until the strange pulse happens again.
The Sorcerer’s Heart allows any spell caster to bend the rules of magic in the way that a sorcerer does. The Heart has 3 sorcery points. An attuned wearer can use the following Metamagic options just as a sorcerer; Distant Spell and Extended Spell.

If the attuned wearer is a sorcerer they can also use the sorcery points to create spell slots, though the sorcerer cannot convert their own spell slots into sorcery points to refill the Heart. Non-sorcerers cannot use the sorcery points in this manner.

The Sorcerer’s Heart regains any spent sorcery points after finishing a long rest.

Update: Thulik has claimed the Sorcerer's Heart

Ring of Spell Storing
(Rare, requires attunement)

This ring stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. When found, it contains 1d6 - 1st levels of stored spells chosen by the DM. The ring can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time.

The Ring currently holds Legend Lore (cleric, 5th).

Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into the ring by touching the ring as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the ring. If the ring can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

While wearing this ring, you can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from the ring is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.

Update: Quarion has claimed the Ring of Spell Storing

The remaining tomes from Quirinseyru's collection. Apparently Servants of the Master went and retrieved them after the PCs were at Quirinseyru's stronghold.
Bannock: Manual of Gainful Exercise
Onarra: Manual of Quickness of Action
Quarion: Tome of Understanding
Thulik: Tome of Leadership and Influence

You also had this from before:

Shortsword (Longsword). (Ornate, requires attunement)
You see a beautiful longsword, with a golden sunburst inset in the crossguard, with golden rays extending down the hilt, out the quillions, and down the length of the blade. The pommel is a large, gleaming, golden orb.
When you pick it up, the sword seems significantly lighter than you anticipated, and the weight distribution feels wrong. As you examine the blade more closely, you find that the blade is only about half as long as it appears! This is actually a short sword, but there is a permanent illusion that makes the weapon appear to be a longsword. It appears that the ornate decorations are also an illusion, and the actual weapons is a deceptively plain, but finely made, shortsword!
Ornate – This item is beautifully made and richly decorated. Inset gemstones, gold or platinum
inlays, and gold or silver filigree adorn its surface.
Deceptive – This weapon can project an illusory appearance to appear as a different type of weapon altogether. In combat, you can use this deceptive appearance to great effect, gaining advantage on one melee attack. Once used, this quality cannot be used again against the same opponent in the same combat.

Update: Thulik has claimed Gotcha

Breastplate +1, Glamoured (Rare)
You see a plain colored shirt, but when you pick it up, the illusion of a shirt fades away to reveal a strong breastplate! As you hold it, the armor's appearance again shifts to match the clothing you wear.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. You can also use a bonus action to speak the armor's command word and cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor. You decide what it looks like, including color, style, and accessories, but the armor retains its normal bulk and weight. The illusory appearance last until you use this property again or remove the armor.

Update: Thulik has claimed the Breastplate

Rao's Redoubt
Shield +1 (rare, Religious: Rao, requires attunement)
You see a well-made heater shield, painted a simple white. When you pick it up, you see on the inside of the shield, just below the top edge, there is a fist sized enamel mask with a calm expression. You recognize the mask as a holy symbol of Rao, and you feel calmer while looking at the mask.
This is a +1 shield that was created by the church of Rao. A cleric of Rao can use the shield as a focus for spellcasting.
Additionally, the wielder gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom saving throws while attuned to the shield.

Secret - The shield will sometimes cast Calm Emotions on its bearer when it senses the bearer is entering a heightened emotional state. An attuned wielder always fails this save. Rao's Redoubt can cast Calm Emotions like this once, then not again until after a long rest.

Mace of Wounding
(Mace +1, Very Rare, Requires Attunement)

This grim looking weapon appears to be crudely made from unrefined iron. The flanges have sharp, jagged, down-sweeping teeth, designed to rip flesh. The whole thing just looks dangerous and terrible.

Hit points lost to this weapon's damage can be regained only through a short or long rest, rather than by regeneration, magic, or any other means. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this magic weapon, you can wound the target. At the start of each of the wounded creature's turns, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each time you've wounded it, and it can then make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on itself on a success. Alternatively, the wounded creature, or a creature within 5 feet of it, can use an action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check, ending the effect of such wounds on it on a success.

Figurine of Fiendish Power- Barlurga
(Rare, Wicked, Brutal, Requires Attunement)
This figurine is a burly, leering, fiendish gorilla. The figurine is about 6” tall and carved from different colored crystals which have been bonded together somehow.

....A figurine of fiendish power is a statuette of a fiend small enough to fit in a pocket. If you use an action to speak the command word and throw the figurine to a point on the ground within 60 feet of you, the figurine becomes a fiend. If the space where the fiend would appear is occupied by other creatures or objects, or if there isn’t enough space for the fiend, the figurine doesn’t become a fiend.
....The fiend is friendly to you and your companions. It understands your languages and obeys your spoken commands. If you issue no commands, the fiend defends itself but takes no other actions. See the Monster Manual for the fiend’s statistics.
....The fiend exists for a duration specific to each figurine. At the end of the duration, the fiend reverts to its figurine form. It reverts to a figurine early if it drops to 0 hit points or if you use an action to speak the command word again while touching it. When the fiend becomes a figurine again, its property can’t be used again until a certain amount of time has passed, as specified in the figurine’s description.
....The Figurines are a form of servitude for fiends, but also an opportunity to wreak havoc on the Material Plane. The creatures truly are fiends, but they cannot be permanently banished back to the lower planes unless they are destroyed in figurine form. Such destruction requires specific methods detailed in the individual descriptions.
This figurine is a burly, leering, fiendish gorilla. The figurine is about 6” tall and carved from different colored crystals which have been bonded together somehow. While in possession of the Figurine, the bearer is often tempted to brutal or savage actions. In combat, the possessor will feel a near irresistible urge to take gruesome trophies from dead foes (ears, noses, tongues, eyes, hands, teeth, scalps, etc), even while combat continues around him or her.
....When summoned, the Barlgura has 104 hit points. The figurine stays in Barluga form for 2 hours or until it is reduced to 0 hit points, at which point it reverts to figurine form. Once it has been used it cannot be used again for 4 days.
....It is very difficult to destroy the Barlgura Figurine. First, it must be kept in Figurine form in a Hallowed area for a year and a day (no specific addition effect is required), without ever summoning the Barlgura. Every day during that time, Calm Emotions must be cast on the Figurine. At the end of the year and a day of such treatment, the Figurine will melt into a bubbling dark liquid which immediately evaporates, which Banishes the fiend back into the Lower Planes.
....At the destruction of the Barlurga Figurine, those who were meaningfully involved in its destruction gain a Blessing (DM’s discretion as to who meaningfully participated in destroying the item), per 227 – 228 of the DMG (Health, Protection or Wound Closure would be appropriate).

Brutal Quirk – the bearer is compelled to acts of brutality, especially in combat, even at risk to himself.

Update: Onarra is 'holding onto' the Figurine .....

3 Potions
You see a vibrant red liquid that bubbles slightly.
"Ooohhhh, heh! Heh heh! Appear to be healing potions, these do. Different I think. Dangerous Poison, they are! But not just poison. Heh! FireyPoison! Hahaha!!! TrickseyHarlot! Always trying to burn and poison things." The Oracle shakes his head in bemusement.

Burning Poison -This concoction looks, smells, and tastes like a potion of healing or other beneficial potion. However, it is actually poison masked by illusion magic. An identify spell reveals its true nature.
If you drink it, you take 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 poison damage, and you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed in your Constitution save, you take no further damage. If you fail your save you gain the poisoned condition. At the start of each of your turns while you are poisoned in this way, you take 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 poison damage. At the end of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the fire and poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The fire and poison end when the damage decreases to 0.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:37 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by EvilGenius »

And also (bad guy items):

Amulet of Infinity
(Very Rare)

All of the amulets are bronze and crimson enamel, roughly diamond shaped, with a large yellow stone in the center. There are magical glyphs and runes circling the central stone. The amulets taken from Balisar and Naziah have a large black spot in their yellow stone, and the stones look like they are damaged. The amulet taken from Miette has an intact stone, and there appears to be a small yellow light pulsing deep within the stone.
You have not fully examined this item, but based on observation, it is a one use item that drains the wearer's soul into the Book of Infinite Souls.
You have one unused amulet and two burned out amulets.

Master's Chest (empty)
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by EvilGenius »

In re-reading the Farweald Fallout thread, I missed that Bannock was interested in the Manual of Gainful Exercise and the Bracers of Wound Closure.

Anyone else interested in anything?
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Fen's Ego »

Onarra will gladly use either the Manual of Quickness of Action or the Tome of Understanding, but defers to other party members first. She eyes the first book and can be heard muttering, "What am I doing wrong with all these traps?"

Attunement slots are filled, but other items she will gladly use or save for a rainy day are the Deulist's Blade and the Figurine of Fiendish Power. You know...for when she goes Dark Onarra, and the blade can ream her out for summoning a fiend. Hilarity!
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote:Onarra will gladly use either the Manual of Quickness of Action or the Tome of Understanding, but defers to other party members first. She eyes the first book and can be heard muttering, "What am I doing wrong with all these traps?"

Attunement slots are filled, but other items she will gladly use or save for a rainy day are the Deulist's Blade and the Figurine of Fiendish Power. You know...for when she goes Dark Onarra, and the blade can ream her out for summoning a fiend. Hilarity!
What are Onarra's attunements? Probably the Ring of Mind Shielding, Mayaheine's Shelter and Aedrie's Kiss? The Fey Deck and Lil' Buddy don't require attunement.

Well, it's up to you, of course. Onarra may get more use out of either The Duelist's Blade or Gotcha, both of which have a way to give you advantage (and thus Sneak Attack), than say, the Ring of Mind Shielding.

And the Figurine? Really? I guess it compliments the Savage Attacker feat and the Savage personality trait, but uhh .... there may be some Consequences and Repercussions from that ....
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Jonkga »

Yeah, Bannock's going to be looking at ways to destroy that Figurine...
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Fen's Ego »

Jonkga wrote:Yeah, Bannock's going to be looking at ways to destroy that Figurine...
Yeah...destroy it. Onarra wants that too. But you know...while we're looking into that, she can keep it hot for emergencies. Just emergencies. :wink:

Yeah Bob, the feral slide is what I was considering when Onarra looks at the figurine. She's certainly not compelled to attune to it, and she agrees it should be obliterated, but she acknowledges her curiosity without the fetters of civility/morality when viewing the magnitude of their task. It's a more pragmatic, calculated consideration. A possible risk that may need to be taken.

Current attunements are Mayaheine's Shelter, Aedrie's Kiss and Luckstone, I believe.
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Hardcorhobbs »

I’ll look at this stuff tonight as we set up. I can’t see Thulik without my laptop open. I really need to remember to print his sheet...
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by NukeHavoc »

If no one else has taken it, Brigga is interested in the Ring of Protective Arcanum.

For some reason, I thought someone else had the Boccob's Encyclopedia. I may be thinking of another tome. Brigga would also be interested in this.
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by EvilGenius »

NukeHavoc wrote:If no one else has taken it, Brigga is interested in the Ring of Protective Arcanum.

For some reason, I thought someone else had the Boccob's Encyclopedia. I may be thinking of another tome. Brigga would also be interested in this.
I think Jareth has Boccob's Index, which makes spell scrolls. This is a different item that makes a spellbook. :)
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Hardcorhobbs »

So if things are up for grabs, Thulik wouldn't mind the Breastplate +1, Glamoured (Rare). While the halfplate he has is great for combat... I think this would be much better walking around armor for a bard. I can look Fannnnncy without looking like a knight. I'll loose 2 armor points... but could always don the half plate in preparation for larger battles.

I was also looking at one of the three spell items: Quickling, Sorcerer's Heart, or the Ring of Spell Storing. Need to figure out which works best for him.

Finally, I might be interested in one of the blades. Just waiting on Bob's response to an email.
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by EvilGenius »

Hardcorhobbs wrote:So if things are up for grabs, Thulik wouldn't mind the Breastplate +1, Glamoured (Rare). While the halfplate he has is great for combat... I think this would be much better walking around armor for a bard. I can look Fannnnncy without looking like a knight. I'll loose 2 armor points... but could always don the half plate in preparation for larger battles.

I was also looking at one of the three spell items: Quickling, Sorcerer's Heart, or the Ring of Spell Storing. Need to figure out which works best for him.

Finally, I might be interested in one of the blades. Just waiting on Bob's response to an email.
From last night, I think Jim (Quarion) took the Ring of Spell Storing, and Tom (Onarra) took the Duelist's Blade. I'm sure you can negotiate if you were super-interested in the items, though.

Also, email? I don't have anything from you. :/
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Hardcorhobbs »

It didn't send. You do now. Just about attunement.

And that helps that items are gone! Less to choose from. :)
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Hardcorhobbs »

Thulik will ask the party if they don't mind, since this stuff is sitting around anyway, would they mind if he utilizes the Breastplate +1, Glamoured (Rare); Gotcha; and the Sorcerers heart.
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Re: Unclaimed Magical Items as of Episode 22

Post by Fen's Ego »

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