Session 1 Wrap-Up

For discussion of the Expedition to Ravenloft
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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

ooc: I was just trying to play up Naru's personality. He's LN with a tendency twards good. While in his heart he would like to stay and help these people, his code tells him he must press on with the missions he's already been tasked with. So he would propose going to see the Burgomaster and find out what their true mission is. If it happens to be "fight these zombies" then okie dokie.
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Post by NukeHavoc »

Hardcorhobbs wrote:ooc: I was just trying to play up Naru's personality. He's LN with a tendency twards good. While in his heart he would like to stay and help these people, his code tells him he must press on with the missions he's already been tasked with. So he would propose going to see the Burgomaster and find out what their true mission is. If it happens to be "fight these zombies" then okie dokie.
OOC: The question becomes ... where the hell is the man we're supposed to meet? Seems like a good question to ask our new-found paladin friend. My guess is that if he's not here ... he's zombie food (unless there's a castle near by for him to hang out in).
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Post by erilar »

No problem. Not admonishing your response, but rather making sure that I've painted the correct picture. This town has been completely overrun, and the zombie threat has not been vanquished. You happened to arrive as the latest of many waves of plodding attackers was beaten back, but that victory has only made a small dent in a very serious problem.

Even though your lawful nature makes you inclined to tackle the quests set before you, you are also probably extremely uncomfortable with the current state of affairs here. Any semblance of order and civilization in this area has been utterly broken. Only uncertainty, pain, and terror remain.

Lysander, Rathostaz, and Obregon:
The three of you haven't been busy with anything in particular. You notice that Ashlyn the paladin is flitting about, gathering some of her possessions into a pack, and has made a trip or two in and out of the tavern. She appears to be preparing to leave - perhaps because some relief has arrived?
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Post by erilar »


I'm going to handle your first action before dealing with "where is the Burgomaster?", if for no reason than I've already written up the response. :D

By the time you finish with Nellis and change your bloody, torn clothes, you find that the two Vistani that were reluctantly helping to repair the barricades have returned to the tavern.

You duck in, allowing your eyes to adjust to the gloom. Woah – and to the smell…

The Blood of the Vine is kind of a dump – the upkeep seems to have been neglected for some time. Moreover, about ten families have now set up camp in the common room. From the thumps, soft crying, footsteps, and murmurs coming from upstairs, you’re guessing that perhaps 20 more families have also invaded any possible nook, cranny, stair, and closet on the second floor.

Besides the rabble of survivors, there is a middle-aged man behind the bar, mindlessly cleaning glasses. You also notice a young man sitting apart from the others in a shadowed corner. He’s dressed in finer clothing (although still dirty and stained) than the other survivors. He appears to be brooding over a goblet of wine, as is searching for answers in the depths of the deep red local vintage.

The two Vistani volunteer “repairmen” you seek have joined a third compatriot at a small table. They are slurping beer and playing cards, mostly in silence.
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Post by erilar »

So, are we continuing this RP stuff on Fri or here on the Crier?

If you guys can read and post here a few times per day, then I'd prefer to get some more RP stuff done here.
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Post by EvilGenius »

If I see Ashlyn preparing to leave, I'll take a quick break from the fortifications and approach her.

"Lady Ashlyn, what's going on in Barovia? I assume the zombies are the remains of the townsfolk, but what foul presence animated them? Is there a greater evil that we should be facing?"

"And um, why do you look as though you're preparing to leave? Are you going to test your strength against whatever force is behind the zombies? If so, my friends and I will definitly want to accompany you and deliver Barovia from this awful fate."
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Post by erilar »

Ashlyn replies to Doneghal:
I would certainly welcome your aid!

My companions and fellow Lightbringers, Thendrick and Methilda, wanted to check out the church to the northeast. The townsfolk believe that's where the zombies arise.

Everyone told them to talk to Madam Eva first - she's some sort of wise woman who lives west of town. But they wouldn't listen, the arrogant clods. They want to the church, confident that they could handle whatever they found without needing advice.

That was three days ago. I haven't heard from them since, and haven't been able to venture beyond this square.

Incidentally, this wise woman is also the same one who apparently knows about a legendary blade that I seek - the Sunsword. A mighty weapon against evil, especially undead, it is most potent against vampires. It fell out of history long ago, but I've determined that it was last seen and used in these lands. The townspeople claim that Madam Eva would know about the sword's whereabouts if anyone does.

I would truly be in your debt if you and your troupe could help me find my companions, escape town, and and talk to Madam Eva?"
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Post by EvilGenius »

"I believe I can speak for my companions in this matter. We certainly will help you find your companions. However, it seems to me that we should also do whatever we can to ensure the longterm safety of the Barovians left alive."

"Also, we came to this land at the behest of the Burgomaster. He has asked us to find someone for him. We also seem to have business with the gypsy folk hereabouts. We were asked to help recover a familiy heirloom of which they may have come into possession."

"Obviously the most important priority at the moment is to ensure the safety of the townsfolk and end the zombie threat. If the church seems to be where the zombies originate, that would seem the best place to start."

"Do you think we should leave some of my companions here to help defend the townsfolk?"
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Post by NukeHavoc »

erilar wrote:So, are we continuing this RP stuff on Fri or here on the Crier? If you guys can read and post here a few times per day, then I'd prefer to get some more RP stuff done here.
I can post once, maybe twice a day (depending on how non-existant my lunch is).
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Post by erilar »

(Actually, the Burgormaster asked you to help his daughter, who's been cursed by witches - he didn't say anything about her being missing.)

Ashlyn says "Our recent battle was actually the first time that the zombies have been able to breach our defenses. Given the marked improvements you've made to our barriers, I believe that the surviving townspeople should be safe for the short term."

"We can post able-bodied folk at the barricades with spears and torches - that should keep the horrors at bay until we return. The zombies aren't intelligent, merely persistent."

"The wise woman that the villagers are going on about lives among these gypsies, so I think our path is shared toward that end as well. Stranger and stranger the world has gotten since I've arrived in Barovia..."

"Regarding the Burgormaster - we've only recently arrived in this country ourselves, but I believe that fellow is actually recently dead. His son - name of Ismark, I think - is amongst the survivors holed up in the Tavern."
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Post by Hardcorhobbs »

OOC: Would that make Ismark the new Burgormaster? Not sure if thats an inherited title or not. Either way:

"If you are set on going to the church I agree with Doneghal that we will aid you Ashlyn. I suggest that we first go talk to this Ismark however. Perhaps we can find out what happened to the Burgormaster, what started this whole mess, and what exactly we were called for in the first place. I also suggest we ask around and find someone who knows the area very well. A rough map of the church and the surrounding area will allow us to plan an assult much more efficently."
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Post by NukeHavoc »

erilar wrote:Besides the rabble of survivors, there is a middle-aged man behind the bar, mindlessly cleaning glasses. You also notice a young man sitting apart from the others in a shadowed corner. He’s dressed in finer clothing (although still dirty and stained) than the other survivors. He appears to be brooding over a goblet of wine, as is searching for answers in the depths of the deep red local vintage.
Pierce does his best to ignore the smell, straightens his clothes then heads over to the man in the corner. "Well that was certainly a lot of work. That cleric is meticulous about his defenses. A few nobles I know could certainly make use of his services."

He pulls up a chair at the table. "Mind if I join you for a drink friend? The name is Pierce Haligarth. I'm with those adventurers out side, the ones who drove off that last attack by the undead. Admittedly, I did my small part as well, but most of the credit must go to my brave companions. And you sir, was is your story? You look to be a man with much on his mind ... and have, if I may be so bold, the furrowed brow of a troubled leader..."
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Post by erilar »

All players:
At first, the young man seems inclined to give you a disinterested look and ignore you. Your glib tongue though, and especially your offer to freshen his drink, seem to pique his interest.

At Naru's suggestion, the rest of your merry band also ambles into the Tavern at this point, intent to talk to the burgomaster's son. Pierce makes introductions, and orders another round to alleviate the young man's irritated expression.

"And I am Ismark the Lesser. My father is - was - Kolyan Indirovich, the burgomaster of Barovia. But the Burgomaster is dead. His body lies these ten days and more in the mansion. My sister remains with him, barricaded there against the zombies."

Regarding your questions about the church and a description of the area, he answers:

"Yes! The plague began in the church, methinks. Danovich the priest used to ward the church and the village, but his vigil lapsed when his son Doru was slain by brigands on Old Svalich Road. No one knows what became of Danovich, but soon afterward, the zombies began to walk. If they aren't stopped, we'll all be dead in days!" [takes a big swig of wine]

"The church lies on the edge of town. Follow the street leading north out of the square, though the gods know how you'd ever get past all those awful creatures. The church itself only has the one entrance I know of - the front door. There are a few windows on the ground level though - I suppose you could also get in that way if need be."
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Post by EvilGenius »

Doneghal will pull Lady Ashlyn aside a few steps and comment quietly, "Lady, my companions and I had several encounters on our way into town. I fear the bulk of our magical resources is spent for the day.

I know you are eager to depart, but might it make more sense to rest for 8 hrs and then make our push to the church?"
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Post by erilar »

Ashlyn says "Of course, and a sound plan." She grins sheepishly at her own haste. "It won't be much of a rescue mission if we're killed on the way, will it?"
"This enemy you cannot kill. You can only drive it back damaged into the depths, and teach your children to watch the waves for its return." - Quellcrist Falconer
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